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  • Jeff and Jordan live chat on 6/12 noon pst | JEJO Fansite

    < Back Jeff and Jordan live chat on 6/12 noon pst JeJo Chat on the live feeds! Hellataz Previous Next The “Winners Tell All” series featuring former Big Brother champions continues today with Jordan Lloyd exclusively on the Live Feeds preseason stream. Jordan will join Jeff Schroeder for this week’s second live event. For more images check our gallery under "Jeff's BB show" Or watch the chat here:

  • JeJo in NYC for Marriage Boot Camp Press  | JEJO Fansite

    < Back JeJo in NYC for Marriage Boot Camp Press Promoting Marriage Boot Camp with Mike and Lauren Hellataz Previous Next Jeff and Jordan fly to NYC to do press for Marriage Boot Camp along with Mike and Lauren

  • JeJo Head back to The Baub Show | JEJO Fansite

    < Back JeJo Head back to The Baub Show Jeff and Jordan Call into The Baub Show. Hellataz Previous Next Message from Bob Merrick: As you know, I have been very open about needing to raise $5,000 to help pay for our show’s new expenses. So in an attempt to make it worth your while, instead of just a flat donation (which is of course ALWAYS welcome), we have decided to make a little raffle. Big Brother and Amazing Race favorites Jeff Schroeder and Jordan Lloyd will be calling in to The Baub Show on Sunday November 20th for the full hour and have graciously trusted me to connect them with a few of their fans! During that time, we will be pulling 5 names out of a bowl and calling 5 lucky winners (one at a time) who will have the opportunity to say hi, express love or ask a question directly to Jeff and Jordan. updated: Jeff has decided to up the ante and is throwing in 5 autographs from the couple as well. For more info:

  • Fansite Chats with JeJo | JEJO Fansite

    < Back Fansite Chats with JeJo Our First time with JeJo...chatting. Hellataz Previous Next The Fansite procurred a fan chat with Jeff and Jordan and we enjoyed every second. You can find the clips of the chat in the JeJo chat with the fan site channel on our video page. Along with other times they blessed us with their jejoness

  • ATWFF up for Multiple Web Awards | JEJO Fansite

    < Back ATWFF up for Multiple Web Awards Two Wins and a Nom! Hellataz Previous Next Around the World For Free has won a "DIVA" (Digital Video Awards) in the category of "Best Video Series/Show". The Awards Gala was held at the Crowne Plaza in Manhattan on November 11th. ATWFF was also recognized as "Best in Show" Congrats guys! Well deserved! A Big Congratulation to Jeff, Zsolt and the team at Around the World For Free Production as well as CBS interactive for becoming an official honoree for this years Webby Awards! Congrats to Jeff, Zsolt, CBSi and ATWP For winning a 2011 Bronze Telly Award!

  • Jeff and Jordan win big! | JEJO Fansite

    < Back Jeff and Jordan win big! Tonight during the BB11 finale our favorite couple won big! Hellataz Previous Next Jordan pulled off another win, beating Kevin in Part 3 of the final HOH. This left Jordan with the decision of who to evict and who to take with her to F2. She Evicted Kevin and Took Natalie with her assuming she would be easier to beat. After a great jury Q&A, Jordan proved herself to be a great player despite most people underestimating her. Julie announced Jordan as the Winner with a 5-2 vote. Her prize... $500,000!! She also became the first woman to win Big Brother since Season Six. But Jordan wasn't the only winner that night! Jeff may not have won the show, but he didn't leave empty handed on finale night. Not only did he get the girl, but also a check for $25,000 for winning America's Favorite Houseguest, voted on by the fans. So huge congratulations to our favorite big brother couple, they not only won the game, with their new found romance, they also won in life!

  • The Fansite is hosting a Video Chat with JeJo 7/28 | JEJO Fansite

    < Back The Fansite is hosting a Video Chat with JeJo 7/28 JeJo Meet JeJo Hellataz Previous Next Jeff and Jordan will be our guests in a live video chat on Saturday July 28th at around 5:00pm pst, 7:00pm ct, 8:00pm est. The chat room link will be provided an hour or so before the chat begins. Jeff and Jordan will take questions live from the chat room, so start thinking about what you want to ask them. This Chat will be organized and civil. Trouble makers will not be tolerated. Please make sure you familiarize yourself with the chat room rules before coming in. In some cases if you break a rule you will be sent a warning in chat, but in other more obvious cases you will just be banned. The point of this chat is to have fun with Jeff and Jordan and we want to make sure everyone has a good time. Chat Room Rules: • Be civil to each other, no insults or judgmental remarks. Keep your opinion to yourself if you do not like what another chatter has asked. • Do not bait other chatters into a fight or board war, this is not the place for that. •Do no go on audio or video (do not hit the Start Broadcast button) doing this will immediately get you banned. Jeff and Jordan are the only ones allowed on Audio/Video. • Do not Bash Jeff and Jordan, this will immediately get you banned. Joking around with them is fine, the occasional harmless stone is ok, but any nastiness and you gawn! • Do not flood the chat room with questions, Jeff and Jordan will pick a question (after the mods have asked for you to enter yours in the chat) and once they pick one, do not keep posting yours. Wait until the mods ask for more Questions. Keep in mind that we want to keep the room moving slow enough for Jeff and Jordan to read. While Jeff and Jordan are answering, you can post comments and reactions to what they are saying. But if at any time we ask that you stop flooding the room, stop typing and let Jeff and Jordan catch up. • Do not spam the room with links • No Guest names, The room will be open to twitter and Facebook logins as well as the regular Guest login, but if you sign in as a guest you need to pick a name. We recommend that you log in with twitter names (if you have twitter), or Site usernames (if you sign in as a guest) so that Jeff and Jordan has more of a chance to recognize some of you. If you a logged in as a guest and do not change your name,you may be subject to be banned from the room. We want veryone to have unique and distinguishable names so Jeff and Jordan and identify you when picking out your questions. • Do not ask Jeff or Jordan Inappropriate questions about their personal life and please try not to waste time with questions that have been asked and answered several times before (When are you getting married? How did TAR compare to BB? on).Refrain from asking tedious or unoriginal questions, we have limited time with Jeff and Jordan and we'd like to all learn new info and hear new stories. Side note: Banning in tiny chat can be tricky, it's not always easy to unban, so please be aware of these rules and be respectful to everyone.

  • Jeff Wins Veto! BB13 | JEJO Fansite

    < Back Jeff Wins Veto! BB13 JeJo are Guaranteed Jury! Hellataz Previous Next Jeff won Veto and was able to take himself off the block. Kalia wont put Jordan put as a replacment nom, so this means Jeff and Jordan have official made it to their next goal... Jury.

  • Jeff leaves during the Double Eviction Episode | JEJO Fansite

    < Back Jeff leaves during the Double Eviction Episode From the Penthouse to the Ghetto in a matter of hours. Hellataz Previous Next During tonight's double eviction, Shelly was outed as having turned on Jeff and Jordan which led to a crazy fast paced night of events leadng to Jeff's ultimate eviction. Dani was evicted by a 3-2 vote, HOH won by Kalia who nominated Rachel and Jeff. Porche won the Veto and didn't use it. Jordan and Adm voted for Jeff, Shelly and Porche Voted for Rachel leaving Kalia to break the tie and evicted Jeff. Jeff left as Jordan remained stunned and crying needing to prepare for the next HOH comp. Jeff is the 3rd member of the Jury that will vote for the winner of Big Brother 13. Jeff exited the house in an understandably salty mood. Odd Bragging Rights to Jeff: Jeff is technically the first houseguest, to win HoH and be evicted within the same week. In Big Brother 13, Jeff won HoH in the first round of the double eviction, and became evicted during the second round.

  • Big SuperPass JeJo Announcement finally here! | JEJO Fansite

    < Back Big SuperPass JeJo Announcement finally here! Holiday JeJo Chat! Hellataz Previous Next So Yes, as many of you guessed, Jeff and Jordan will be be doing a Live chat with Superpass, they will be flown up to Seattle on December 14th (a Tuesday) to have a 2 hour in studio chat with Chelsia before jetting off to their well deserved winter vacation in Vancouver. The chat will give everyone a chance to catch up with Jeff and Jordan and hear all about their holiday plans, plus fans will be given the opportunity to either call in or submit questions. After the chat is over there will be fun holiday treats to looks forward to in the coming weeks showcasing Jeff and Jordan's time in Seattle. So make sure you sign up for Superpass because that's the only place you'll be able to see this chat or any of the holiday goodies to follow. Update: Jeff and Jordan have wrapped up their chat in seattle for Real Player/Superpass. Activities included bowling, gingerbread house contest and live chat with fans. To find more photos check our gallery under "Superpass Visit #2"

  • JEJO schedule 2nd M&G At Jerome's Furn in San Diego | JEJO Fansite

    < Back JEJO schedule 2nd M&G At Jerome's Furn in San Diego Second chance to meet JeJo at Jeromes! Hellataz Previous Next For those who can't make it to the Rancho Cucamonga Meet and Greet on July 21st, Good news! Jeff and Jordan have scheduled another Meet and Greet at Jerome's Furniture's Store in San Diego on August 4th from 1-4pm. The Store is located at 1190 W. Morena Blvd. San Diego Ca 92110JEJO schedule 2nd M&G At Jerome's Furn in San Diego For More photos from both Jerome's meet and greet and go to the Jerome's Album in our gallery

  • Jeff to Co-Host 2 Episodes for Mission in Action Tv | JEJO Fansite

    < Back Jeff to Co-Host 2 Episodes for Mission in Action Tv Jeff travels to Ethiopia and Zambia to host Mission in Action Webisodes. Hellataz Previous Next Jeff just announced that Alex Boylan has asked him to Co-host with him for Mission in Action TV, Webisodes that highlight the Mission on Action charity work. Jeff will be traveling to Ethiopia and Zambia to film. He will be co-hosting one possible two webisodes. He will be gone 11 days and is leaving Dec 6th. Jeff is going Solo, but Jordan will be meeting up with him back in Chicago when he returns. To learn more about the charity and how to get involved visit their website here: and you can also follow them on Twitter here:!/missionstv Or like them on Facebook here: For more photos from his trip, check out our photo gallery in the album (Mission in Action)

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