213 items found for ""
- Jeff to interview the BB15 Evictees for CBS.com | JEJO Fansite
< Back Jeff to interview the BB15 Evictees for CBS.com We can't get enough of Big Jeff! Hellataz Previous Next At least the evicted HG's have the bright side of seeing Jeff CBS.com ’s BIG BROTHER Live Chat: The weekly “BIG BROTHER Live Chat” web series returns with host and former BIG BROTHER Houseguest Jeff Schroeder. Every Friday, Schroeder will take questions directly from fans via BIG BROTHER Connect and interview House Guests and series experts in a live online webcast.
- JeJo Do America Makes USAToday's Top Pick List | JEJO Fansite
< Back JeJo Do America Makes USAToday's Top Pick List Everyone wants to road trip with JeJo JeJo Do America Makes USAToday's Top Pick List Previous Next Huge Congrats to Jeff, Jordan and ATW Productions for "Jeff and Jordan Do America" making it on USA Today's Top Tv on the Web Pick for the week of July 23rd. We knew this show would be a huge success and we hope to see more to come from these two rising stars!
- JeJo attend the Marriage Boot Camp "Family Edition" red carpet in LA | JEJO Fansite
< Back JeJo attend the Marriage Boot Camp "Family Edition" red carpet in LA Wish they were on this season as well! Hellataz Previous Next For photos fromthe event, check out of Marrige Boot camp photo album
- JEJO are filming TAR! | JEJO Fansite
< Back JEJO are filming TAR! Not a secret any longer! Hellataz Previous Next After weeks of speculation due to holes in their holiday plans, suspicious sightings and updates and an unusual lack of tweets from Jeff, we have finally confirmed that Jeff and Jordan are contestants on the next season of The Amazing Race!!! (Seen here at the TAR starting point at LAX airport)
- Jeff Wins The Power of Veto in Week 7 | JEJO Fansite
< Back Jeff Wins The Power of Veto in Week 7 Big Jeff wins Big this week! Hellataz Previous Next After a few clever Ziiiiinnnngggggss From the Zingbot 3000, Jeff goes on to smoke the competions and wint his weeks Power of Veto giving him all the power for the week. After successfully building Zingbot his new bride, Jeff strolls to the button for the win.
- JeJo planning a trip to Cambodia for Charity | JEJO Fansite
< Back JeJo planning a trip to Cambodia for Charity Jeff and Jordan will be joining People for Care for a trip to Cambodia. Details to come... Hellataz Previous Next This was the same organization that Jeff helped during his trip on Around the World For Free. http://www.peopleforcare.org/ For More Photos check our gallery on the album "Build A City'
- ATWFF Kick Off Chat with the fansite! | JEJO Fansite
< Back ATWFF Kick Off Chat with the fansite! Jeff and Zsolt give us the inside skinny to Jeff's new show! Hellataz Previous Next Updated to add the chat videos: youtube.com ATWFF Chat Chat rules: Jeff and Zsolt will be our guests in a live video chat on Tuesday July 20th at 6pm pst, 8pm ct, 9pm est. The chat room link will be provided an hour or so before the chat begins. Jeff and Zsolt will take questions live from the chat room, so start thinking about what you want to ask them. This Chat will be organized and civil. Trouble makers will not be tolerated. Please make sure you familiarize yourself with the chat room rules before coming in. In some cases if you break a rule you will be sent a warning in chat, but in other more obvious cases you will just be banned. The point of this chat is to have fun with Jeff and Zsolt and learn more about their upcoming adventure and we want to make sure everyone has a good time. Chat room Rules: • Be civil to each other, no insults or judgmental remarks. Keep your opinion to yourself if you do not like what another chatter has asked. • Do not bait other chatters into a fight or board war, this is not the place for that. •Do no go on audio or video (do not hit the broadcast button) doing this will immediately get you banned . Jeff and Zsolt are the only ones allowed on Audio/Video. • Do not Bash Jeff, Jordan or Zsolt, this will immediately get you banned. Joking around with them is fine, the occasional harmless stone is ok, but any nastiness and you gawn! • Do not flood the chat room with questions, Jeff and Zsolt will pick a question (after the mods have asked for you to enter yours in the chat) and once they pick one, do not keep posting yours. Wait until the mods ask for more Questions. Keep in mind that we want to keep the room moving slow enough for Jeff and Zsolt to read. While Jeff and Zsolt are answering, you can post comments and reactions to what they are saying. But if at any time we ask that you stop flooding the room, stop typing and let Jeff and Zsolt catch up. • Do not spam the room with links • No Guest names, The room will be open to twitter, Facebook and Myspace logins as well as the regular Guest login, but if you sign in as a guest you need to pick a name. We recommend that you log in with twitter names (if you have twitter), or Site usernames (if you sign in as a guest) so that Jeff and Zsolt has more of a chance to recognize some of you. If you a logged in as a guest and do not change your name, you may be subject to be banned from the room . We want veryone to have unique and distinguishable names so Jeff and Zsolt and identify you when picking out your questions. • Do not ask Jeff or Zsolt Innappropriate questions about their personal life and please try not to waste time with questions that have been asked and answered several times before (Hawaii? Are you and Jordan still together? How did TAR compare to BB?..so on). Alos Jordan is not there, so don't ask if she is with him.
- Jeff & Jordan are eliminated from The Amazing Race (TV show) | JEJO Fansite
< Back Jeff & Jordan are eliminated from The Amazing Race (TV show) NOOOOOO!!! Hellataz Previous Next After making it over 1/2 way through, Jeff and Jordan could no longer overcome the large starting gap between them and the other racers. Even though they had minimal blunders, and ran a pretty clean leg, they just could not catch up with the other teams and ultimately ended up meeting Phil at the mat to be proclaimed the "Last Team to arrive" Jeff and Jordan took the loss with class and humor, as we would expect from them. Jeff while obviously frustrated and disappointed at their loss came to realize that it was the once in a lifetime experience with Jordan itself that was priceless. TAR S16 will not be the same without them. And we all wish them more opportunities like this in their future, if they so deside to pursue them.
- Welcome Layton Sarti Schroeder! | JEJO Fansite
< Back Welcome Layton Sarti Schroeder! 8lbs, 7oz, 20.5 inches Hellataz Previous Next Welcome to the World Layton coming in at:8lbs, 7oz, 20.5 inches
- Jeff and Jordan to appear at the New York State Fair | JEJO Fansite
< Back Jeff and Jordan to appear at the New York State Fair (oh and brenchal are there too...) Hellataz Previous Next Jeff and Jordan (along with Brendon and Rachel) appeared at the Great New York State Fair in Syracuse, New York on August 31/2014. JeJo look as thrilled as we do to be in the presence og "Brenchal" (just kidding, JeJo have always been friendly and kind to Brendon and Rachel) doesn't mean we have...lol
- Live Superpass Chat | JEJO Fansite
< Back Live Superpass Chat Superpass Mystery Guests confirmed as JeJo! Hellataz Previous Next Superpass confirmed that the Mystery HG's on this Thursday's upcoming Live Chat from Seattle will be Jeff and Jordan. The Chat won't just be streamed live to those who held onto their superpass subscription but it's also open to the public! Jeff and Jordan will be Live in Studio on Sept 24 6pm pst to take your questions.
- JEJO Win a Trip Down Under At The Ellen Show! | JEJO Fansite
< Back JEJO Win a Trip Down Under At The Ellen Show! You get a vacation! You get a vacation! JeJo get a vacation! Hellataz Previous Next Austrailia! Rumor has It that it is a 7-night, 4-star hotel stay either in Sydney or Melbourne. They have up to 12 months to take the trip. So Huge Congrats to JeJo!