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- Jordan's to emcee a Travelocity Webcast 9/24 | JEJO Fansite
< Back Jordan's to emcee a Travelocity Webcast 9/24 You get a trip, you get trip and YOU get trip! Hellataz Previous Next On Friday, Sept. 24, at 12 p.m. CDT, Travelocity, American Express and Barclaycard will host a celebrity Webcast to award dream vacations to five sweepstakes winners among the thousands who participated in the Travelocity Rewards American Express Card Sweepstakes. The dream trips for each Grand Prize Winner will be awarded during a Webcast emceed by reality television stars Caite Upton and Jordan Lloyd. The sweepstakes ran from June 1, 2010 to Sept. 15, 2010 and was designed to celebrate the launch of the Travelocity Rewards American Express Card, issued by Barclaycard US. More than 25,000 people participated. The Grand Prize Winners, as well as Upton and Lloyd, will be available for interviews prior to the Webcast. All interviews are subject to an embargo ending on Friday, Sept. 24, at 12 p.m. CDT. Travelocity Rewards American Express Card Sweepstakes Winners; WHO: Reality TV Stars Caite Upton (Amazing Race) and Jordan Lloyd (Amazing Race and Big Brother) WHAT: Grand Prize Dream Vacations Awarded via Webcast WHERE: www.travelocity.com/take5 WHEN: Friday, Sept. 24, 2010, Noon CDT
- M&G With Jeff and Casey | JEJO Fansite
< Back M&G With Jeff and Casey Jeff and Casey will be having a meet and greet with fans at Gators Cafe on Sunday, May 16th, from 2pm-4pm. Hellataz Previous Next For photos of the event, go to our photo galley on the alum "Gators" Below are some video clips from the event: youtube.com Gators
- Welcome Lawson Keith Schroeder! | JEJO Fansite
< Back Welcome Lawson Keith Schroeder! Congrats Jeff and Jordan! He's beautiful! Hellataz Previous Next
- Jeff to appear on the Rachel Ray Show | JEJO Fansite
< Back Jeff to appear on the Rachel Ray Show ATWFF swings by to say hey to Rachel Hellataz Previous Next According to her Site, Around The World For Free Will be featured on the Rachel Ray Show segment "Human Lab" Wednesday 9/22 Update: Jeff visit Rachel Ray for a second time! Jeff will be on The Rachel Ray show again Mon 11/8 After the ATWFF Finale on the Early Show Jeff was invited back as a guest on the Rachel Ray Show. Jeff's segment will Air on Monday November 8th.
- Jeff to host "Between Takes" for CBS.com | JEJO Fansite
< Back Jeff to host "Between Takes" for CBS.com Jeff goes behind the scenes for a unique look at what the stars get up to during breaks of your favorite CBS shows. Hellataz Previous Next Jeff is the new host for the CBS online series "Between Takes". The show gives you an insiders look at what the CBS stars are up to between takes as they gear up for the new fall season!
- Jeff M&G At Wolfies Pub | JEJO Fansite
< Back Jeff M&G At Wolfies Pub Here's your chance to meet Big Jeff! Hellataz Previous Next MEET Jeff Schroeder from Big Brother and Amazing Race. Come in and Get a picture and autograph!!! This THURSDAY!!!!!!!! Pictured here with a fan at the event Look for more photos from the event in our photo gallery under "MG at Wolfies"
- Jeff is hosting BBLiveChat for Season 17 | JEJO Fansite
< Back Jeff is hosting BBLiveChat for Season 17 Jeff's back to grilling those evicted HG's! Hellataz Previous Next Hey BB17 Fans! Join former Houseguest & Host Jeff Schroeder for the next Big Brother Live Chat on Thursday, September 17th at 3pm ET / 12pm PT! Jeff will sit down with the evicted Houseguest and get all the exclusive insight into what is really going on in the house! Don't forget to use #BBLiveChat when submitting your questions on Twitter!
- JeJo appear on The Bonnie Hunt Show | JEJO Fansite
< Back JeJo appear on The Bonnie Hunt Show Our favorite couple appeared on the September 18th episode of The Bonnie Hunt Show. Bonnie had previous expressed being a fan of Jeff. Other guests also include Dennis Quaid and Miranda Cosgrove. Jeff and Jordan were interviewed by Bonnie and were asked about their couple status. Hellataz Previous Next Our favorite couple appeared on the September 18th episode of The Bonnie Hunt Show. Bonnie had previous expressed being a fan of Jeff. Other guests also include Dennis Quaid and Miranda Cosgrove.
- Jeff and Jordan announced they are moving to LA! | JEJO Fansite
< Back Jeff and Jordan announced they are moving to LA! Hollywood here JeJo comes! Hellataz Previous Next Jeff just announced on The Baub Show that he and Jordan are finally moving in together and will be relocating to Los Angeles. This is most likely to facilitate more opportunities for them to do more shows, although Jordan is more interested in finding a normal 9-5 job and Jeff is content with that according to him. So congrats, long time coming and we wish them both the best! Jeff and Jordan are expected to move March 2012.
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- Jordan to sit in on the Ace and TJ Radio Show 9/21 | JEJO Fansite
< Back Jordan to sit in on the Ace and TJ Radio Show 9/21 On Sept 21st at 5am pst / 8am est Jordan will be a guest on the ACE and TJ show, a popular local Charlotte Radio show. Hellataz Previous Next Listen to the interview here: youtube.com ACE & TJ show
- Jeff and Jordan Win Hottest M/F Reality Stars of 2011 | JEJO Fansite
< Back Jeff and Jordan Win Hottest M/F Reality Stars of 2011 Confirmed ...JeJo are the hottest! Hellataz Previous Next Jeff and Jordan have won the titles of hottest Male and Hottest Female Reality Stars of 2011 according to polls voted on by fans published by Superpass's Reality Nation site. Other notable poll results include "Hottest Reality Cast" - Big Brother 13, and "Most Shocking Big Brother 13 Moment" - Shelly Turning on Jeff and Jordan.