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Jordan's Fancast Chat Transcript

Writer: HellatazHellataz


JORDAN: I'm here, y'all!!!

12:59 [Comment From Jim in NYC]

Hi Jordan - 1st, you might be the most adorable player in BB history. 2nd,how much of the goofy blonde was real and how much an act?

1:00 JORDAN: Probably 90% real (goofy)...10% fake (act)

1:00 Fancast Moderator: OK - let's get the "contratulations" out of the way...Here they come! 1:00 [Comment From Yvonne]

You were AWESOME Jordan!!!! 1:00

[Comment From Lauren]

Congrats Jordo!! What a sweetheart 1:00

[Comment From ChaisBlesssed]

way to go Jordough u are so gucci 1:00

[Comment From Ashley]

congrats jordan! 1:00

[Comment From Guest]

You did North Carolina proud, girl! 1:01

[Comment From Guest]

Jordan! We all love you and Jeff down in Florida!!! We were hoping you would win since day 1! 1:01

[Comment From RM]


[Comment From Penny]

We love you Jordan! Great job! 1:01

[Comment From julievw]

congratulations jordan! i'm so happy you won!!!!! 1:01

[Comment From Amber]

Yay, Congrats to Jordan! 1:01

[Comment From Tam]

Jordan,woohoo NC was rockin right along with you all summer! We're sooo proud!! 1:01 [Comment From Dan]

great job. played the game well. deserved to win. 1:01

[Comment From veronica]

congrats Jordan 1:01

[Comment From Tina]

We here is Louisiana Luv you , girl and were rooting for you from the beginning.


JORDAN: WOW...I'M SPEECHLESS. Thanks to all the fans and people who rooted for me. It really means a lot!!

1:01 [Comment From Maureen]

Has Jeff agreed to bring you to Hawaii yet?


JORDAN: I haven't gotten a final answer yet on Hawaii...we'll see!!

1:03 [Comment From Jim in NYC]

Jordan, what was the moment in the game where you thought - I could really win this? Or did you ever think that?


JORDAN: No, I really never thought I could win. But, I always stayed positive and kept my head up and hoped things would go my way!

1:05 [Comment From Monica242]

You said before you went in that you weren't going to trust anyone.Instead, your alliance with Jeff ended up being one of the strongest bonds in BB history. Why were you able to trust Jeff so completely?


JORDAN: Ok...Iknew I could really trust Jeff after the whole fight with him andRussell and technotronics...everyone in the house ignored him except for me. Everyone tried to make him a bad person when he wasn't, that's when I realized he was really a good person b/c he was being attacked and we would talk at night in the Splish-Splash room and I knew he was someone I could align with and trust...b/c I saw the real him and everyone else was just being fake.

1:10 [Comment From demi]

Have you spoke with Natalie and is she bitter?


JORDAN: I have spoke with Natalie...she's not bitter. She's happy she won $50,000.

1:11 [Comment From Natalie#1Fan!]

Congrats Jordan! I'm glad a girl won! Were you shocked to get a vote from Jesse?


JORDAN: I was VERY shocked. I always thought his vote would go to Natalie b/c we were never on the same alliance. But, when he said Hakuma Matata(spelling?)...he was telling me no worries...and then I had hope that I might have his vote!

1:13 [Comment From Jennifer]

What made you decide to take Natalie instead of Kevin to the final two?


JORDAN: I knew I would lose against Kevin for sure. And, with Natalie, I felt it was a 50/50 shot.

1:14 [Comment From Gary]

From your perspective, was Natalie controlling Kevin or was Kevin controlling Natalie?


JORDAN: I think they were both playing each other and both liars with one another. They were like brother and sister!

1:15 [Comment From lindakm]

What did you think about all of Natalie's lies? Did it shock you?


JORDAN: Oh....yeah...I was very blinded by her lies/innocence!!

1:16 [Comment From Susanne]

Were you surprised that so many jury members had turned against Natalie?


JORDAN: Iwas SHOCKED. I thought I would come in second place with either Natalieor Kevin b/c I thought all their friends were in the jury.

1:18 [Comment From Jimmie]

You and Jeff were the most real and genuine people to play the game. Do you think that helped you? Why was Lydia so bitter and then gave you a vote anyway?


JORDAN: Partone...yes, of course...I think that's why we got along so well. We bothplayed with heart. I think Lydia really doesn't like Natalie b/c ofJessie and that's why I got her vote.

1:20 [Comment From No to Nat!]

Hey Jordan, so how many marriage proposals have you got yet?



1:21 [Comment From paul]

Are you going to the party in Las Vegas?


JORDAN: Still deciding...miss home.

1:21 [Comment From Miranda]

Are you shocked by the extreme popularity of Jeff or were you expecting it?


JORDAN: I expected it b/c he was a real person, was never fake, loyal, sweet,caring, funny, outgoing, etc., etc. So, I knew he'd be very popular!

1:23 [Comment From Darby]

Do you think getting Russell out hurt Jeff in the game and you convinced him that Nat and Kevin NEVER have lied?


JORDAN: Well, no...because I still think Russell was coming out for Jeff.

1:25 [Comment From Judy]

I'm sure you've heard how true Michele was to you. Does that change your feelings toward her now?


JORDAN: No...everyone was mean to her in the game except me and I truly like her and think she's a sweet person.

1:26 [Comment From demi]

Who did you not care for the most in the house and why?


JORDAN: Jessie,Chima and Russell (a little). I thought they all had attitudes and could talk down to people and thought they ran the house...Jessie more than the others cause he was self-absorbed, liked to look at himself, flex and loved it when he was the center of attention...he acted like he was better than everyone! BTW, I have to go in 2 minutes!

1:29 Fancast Moderator: Final Question for Jordan...

1:29 [Comment From Joey]

what advice would you give to someone who would like to participate in BB 12?



1:31 Fancast Moderator: Thanks a ton Jordan! Congratulations again. 1:31

[Comment From Dina]

Congrats Jordo! You deserve everything you get! 1:31

[Comment From roy]

i love u hillbilly 1:31

[Comment From IloveJordo!]

Jordan, you should host a Canadian Big Brother! 1:31

[Comment From Laetitia]

Big congrats Jordan you deserved to win !!! 1:31

[Comment From April]

Bye Jordan....America loves you!! 1:31

[Comment From 11480en]

glad ya won Jordan. Good Luck! 1:31

[Comment From Camille]

love ya 1:31

[Comment From CADZILLA]

Congrats Jordan! 1:31

[Comment From #1 Jeff & Jrodan Fan]

Congrats again toyou Jordan and I wish the best to you and hope that you and Jeff will live happily ever ever ! 1:31

[Comment From Lori in Maine]

Congrats. Jordan, you totally serve it!!! We love you in Maine! 1:31

[Comment From Guest]

Congrats Jordan luved YOU!!!!! 1:31

[Comment From rachael]

Go to Vegas girl! Your time to shine.. GO WITH JEFF!!!!!!!! 1:31

[Comment From #1JordoFan]

I was rooting for you from the get go. YOU DID IT!! Love you Jordan!!! 1:31

[Comment From VAGAL]



[Comment From Melissa from Dallas]

Jordan, Congratulations! You are amazing!! Great job and fantastic win! Gucci girl! 1:32 [Comment From Hailey]

Congrats Jordan, you're so gucci!!!!!!!!! 1:32

[Comment From Katie]

Congrats Jordan!!! So happy you won!!! 1:32

[Comment From Jim in NYC]

Love ya Jordo, congrats!! Come to NYC and I will show you a good time!


[Comment From steven]

yay Jordan congrats we all loved u! 1:32

[Comment From Tricia]

Congrats Jordan!! 1:32 [Comment From paul]

Congrats again, you are so GUCCi, love you. 1:32

[Comment From Shannah]

Love you! 1:32 [Comment From Jennifer]



[Comment From Monica242]

Love you, Jordo!!! 1:32

[Comment From Ashley]

congrats jordan! its really great to see a real, nice person win!! have fun in hawaii! 1:32

[Comment From nick]

i will be the first to propose to u will u marry me i fell in love with u from day1 1:32

[Comment From GMD]

Bye Jordan 1:32

[Comment From Dan]

You're so gucci, Jordan! We love you! 1:32

[Comment From Kendall]

Bye!! Woot Woot! 1:32

[Comment From Adriana]

Bye! 1:32

[Comment From Yvonne]

Gucci right back at ya' Jordo!!!!! 1:32

[Comment From NinjaGirl]

Luv you Jordan.....You're Gucci 1:32

[Comment From teetee]

love ya jordo! 1:32

[Comment From Guest]

love you way to go jordan 1:32

[Comment From IloveJordo!]

hope to see more of you on TV in the future!! 1:32

[Comment From wayne]

we love you jorden 1:32

[Comment From ssmith]

ttfn 1:32

[Comment From Jordofan]

LOve ya girl 1:32

[Comment From sammyf]

Canada loves you too Jordan 1:32

[Comment From Lynne]

Good Luck to you and Jeff 1:32

[Comment From Guest]

You and Jeff are amazing! 1:32

[Comment From Tam]

Take it all in girl!!


[Comment From Guest]

Congrats Jordan! 1:32

[Comment From #1 Jeff & Jordan Fan]

Bye Jordan ! 1:32

[Comment From Cindy]

Way to go Jordan - we love you in Naples Florida! 1:32

[Comment From Camille]

wish you the best with jeff 1:33

[Comment From Jennifer]

You rock Jordan....glad a nice and genuine person won! 1:33

[Comment From tami]

best of everything and god bless 1:33

[Comment From IloveJordo!]

the camera loves you! 1:33

[Comment From Guest]

congrats jordan 1:33

[Comment From vfleblanc]

Love you Jordan. You are a great gal. 1:33

[Comment From MicheleFan]

Best winner ever. LOVE you Jordo! 1:33

[Comment From Melissa]

congrats from Jersey!!!! 1:33

[Comment From jordanfan]

Congrats Jordan! America loves you!! 1:33

[Comment From Izzy]

I'll never look at my Gucci's the same way again... Love You, jordan! 1:33

[Comment From Beth]

enjoy ur money 1:33

[Comment From Jill]

UTAH LOVES YOU JORDO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1:33

[Comment From VAGAL]

Hope to see you in Vegas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1:33

[Comment From JP]

Way to go Jordan! 1:33

[Comment From Guest]

go jordan 1:33

[Comment From LeeAnne]

love ya jordan! 1:33

[Comment From CADZILLA]

Have a Jeff baby! 1:33 [Comment From rebecca]

Make the most of this time - you have lots of time to be at home! 1:33

[Comment From Steve]

good luck! 1:33

[Comment From Monica]

Go to Vegas and have a great time!! 1:33

[Comment From Guest]

Congrats Jordan. 1:33 [Comment From amber]

YOu go Girl 1:33

[Comment From stacey]

bye jordan 1:33

[Comment From Melissa from Dallas]

Go to Vegas with Jeff and have fun!! pre-hawaii trip!


[Comment From Jan]

congrats Jordon 1:33 [Comment From Roxy]

love you Jordo! go to Vegas! 1:33

[Comment From Jimmie]

You're the best Jordan! 1:33

[Comment From gloria]

lovelovelove you Jordan!! 1:33

[Comment From Dawnn]

Glad an honest person won! 1:33

[Comment From Jennifer]

Go to Vegas with your man please 1:33

[Comment From Chris]

Congrats, Jordan 1:33

[Comment From Camille]

wish you the best with jeff 1:33

[Comment From Eileen]

Don't ever change 1:33

[Comment From Lulzies]

bye Jordo 1:34

[Comment From sassycam]

glag it was u not Nat who won 1:34

[Comment From i love jordan]

love you 1:34

[Comment From Jennifer]

Way to go!! 1:34

[Comment From Guest]

congrats Jordan 1:34

[Comment From mE]

You MUST go to Vegas, it's a once in a lifetime experience!! Have a little fun and take the fam with you!! 1:34

[Comment From CandieLand08]

Congrats Jordan! 1:34

[Comment From Fred]

Great Job!!!! 1:34

[Comment From anirtak]

Congrats Jordan! Would love to see you and Jeff on a show, Make it Happen! 1:34

[Comment From BarbK]

Thanks for a great season!!!1 1:34

[Comment From Kendall]

So glad you won, Jordo!! My whole family watched you and rooted for you!!! 1:34

[Comment From Carboys Desire]

JORDOWNAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1:34

[Comment From Giana]

Congrats Jordan - love you! xo 1:34

[Comment From Guest]

way to go so glad you won 1:34 [Comment From NatBFF]

bye jordeff 1:34 [Comment From Heidi]

Take care and be good! Congrats from Vermont! 1:34

[Comment From Laura]

Congrats Jordan! 1:34

[Comment From GMD]

Nice going Jordan! Now marry Jeff!!


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