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Fun Facts with Jeff Schroeder - TV Grapevine


As our TVGrapevine readers know, we are huge fans and supporters of Big Brother. We have spoken to several of the contestants and give 24/7 coverage during the season. When I was presented with the chance to catch up with fan favorite Jeff Schroeder (engaged to Jordan Lloyd, past winner and another fan favorite) I jumped at the opportunity. I was always a fan of him and his videos on CBS during the Big Brother season, but I was curious to see what he was doing now. By the end of the interview, I felt as if I’d made a new friend and had an all new respect for the man.

1. Now that Big Brother is on hiatus (He works with doing video interviews with contestants and bringing us highlights) he is working with a company called DreamJobbing. He had worked with the people involved in the past and decided to collaborate with them again.

What is this project? Jeff, along with a team of people help find someone to join him in a commercial for Lucky Bruddha Beer, which is actually a favorite of Jeff’s. Contestants have to find a way to use the beer creatively and submit a video of themselves doing so. More details can be found on

2. Jeff says that he loves the creativity of the videos and how this is an outlet for people to live their dreams. He also loves seeing the amazing, worthwhile things people come up with and that he can’t wait to see it come out in the commercial.

So what would he do if HE were entering the contest? He says he would somehow incorporate his love of painting into it, all while drinking the beet and seeing what others in social media were doing.

3. Once this wraps up, Jeff will be gearing up for the next season of Big Brother. While he did not confirm or deny if he was returning to the videos, he did say that he hopes to work with them again, He adds that he is also working on another project with them, but as alf right now, he can’t say much. He is, however, excited to work with them again.

4. What is his advice to those auditioning this season? It is simple. Be yourself, and remember that it is a long journey in the house. He says that a lot of times, people audition because they want to be in the spotlight, but it ends up being the opposite of what they were hoping for. He adds that people should be kind, enjoy the experience and when doing a video or attending a casting call, remember to show who you are, talk about yourself and why you are who you are.

Another thing Jeff mentioned was that people auditioning should not mention other people or have them in the video. He reminds us that it is a crazy ride and people should be careful what they wish for.

5. As for the Amazing Race, he also loved that experience and says it was an awesome, amazing ride. He says it does go by quickly and for him, it was interesting because he and Jordan were still getting to know each other. He says that he would love to do it again because he thinks that this time, they would be a better, stronger team.

As for this season, he is rooting for Matt and Ashley, but he loves different things about each team. He is sad that #TeamNewKid is gone because he knew they were having a blast.

6. As for everything else in his life, Jeff says things are going great right now both professionally and personally. He is working, planning his wedding to Jordan and ‘riding the wave.’ meaning that he knows there are highs and lows, but he is staying level heading and being happy with what he has in life.

Thank you to Jeff and his team for this opportunity and keep checking back for more news!

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