August 26
Jordan’s goodbye message
1:52 PM
Jordan and Rachel are getting food from the SR...they walk out and Jordan says that she told Jeff in his goodbye message to "kill" Daniele in the jury house...Rachel laughs and says "seriously"...Jordan ugh's...Rachel says can she imagine them being in there with her…Jordan says so..
Jordan & Jeff were inseparable
3:41 PM
Just before the 3:42pm mark the feeds come back from palm trees...Jordan is in the bathroom straightening her hair while Rachel is taking a shower...Jordan says her and Jeff ended up hanging out every day...Rachel says "after the show?"...Jordan says "yeah I mean we were inseparable after"...Rachel asks how long they stayed in LA?...Jordan says she swears felt like it was a week and a half, two weeks...Rachel says "where were you staying?"...Jordan says Jeff has friends out there...Rachel asks if they stayed with them?...Jordan says yeah and they stayed in a hotel one night, the Standard...Rachel says she loves that place...Jordan says it's different though, you pay all that money and palm trees…
Jordan says her season hates her & Jeff
3:51 PM
Jordan and Rachel are in the bathroom talking...Jordan apologizes to Rachel about letting it slip on the live feeds that there was a pregnancy scare and that Rachel took a pregnancy test...Rachel says she's so mad at her...Jordan says it doesn't matter...Rachel says "yes it does! how does it not matter?"...Rachel says now everybody in America knows about this drama...
Jordan says "we got a lot"...Rachel says "of drama?...I know"...they start whispering about Adam and how the others are on him...Jordan says if they had of won the DE HOH then Jeff would've won the snake thing...Rachel says it would be totally different right now...

Jordan says they have to quit doing "what if's", the reason she's so aggravated right now about getting rid of Brendon is just because Jeff was saying maybe they drank the kool-aid because you have so many people telling you stuff, Rachel knows how it is in there, you don't know who you can trust, people told them that they (B&R) were going to get rid of them, they were told they were being thrown under the bus, etc....Rachel says that people told them the same thing from week 3, that J&J were coming after them and they'll never beat Jeff...Jordan says they were told the same about Brendon so they got out all the good players and the floaters get through...Jordan says that happens every year...
Rachel says the only reason she didn't go over Jeff was because she had been losing...Jordan says no, it's because Dani said they'd be writing Jeff a check and then says that all the people from her season are going to be saying YES! (with Jeff being evicted) because they hated them...Rachel says she knows...Jordan says "they hate me & Jeff"...Rachel says they hate her and Brendon too, cuz they're all jealous...Jordan says it just stinks because in there you don't know who you can trust, you think you're right and then you're completely wrong (Shelley)...
Jeff’s a good guy/BB offered them enough
4:03 PM
Jordan and Rachel are sitting on the bathroom lounger talking...Jordan says she hopes people at home are rooting for them...Rachel says she hopes so too, she doesn't know what to think, maybe they're rooting them but it's hard because they don't win anything LOL...
Jordan thinks maybe people are rooting for the other side this time, she doesn't know...Rachel asks what?...Jordan thinks the audience...when Jeff left he got the first standing ovation last time...Jordan says he was pissed, he said he had to go out there like a yo-yo and boom (hit the door) and she was like uhhh...
Jordan says "Jeff's a good guy"...Rachel agrees...Jordan says "I like him because he's just very straightforward and stuff"...Rachel says yeah, he is...
Jordan says she didn't think she'd make it this far, her goal was just to make it to jury and then she didn't care, Jeff wanted to come back and win and try it again and she didn't care about 1st, 2nd or whatever happened, she wanted to make sure he got further and she didn't care if she got evicted or not, if she didn't make it she wanted to see him with a veteran win or at the time a newbie for balance...Rachel says a newbie, gross LOL...
Rachel says obviously Brendon and her came back to win but they (BB) offered them enough... Jordan says yeah, yeah, yeah...enough of a chance to win or whatever that's why they came back...trivia…
All about Jeff game/cute nieces
6:08 PM
Jordan and Rachel are in the candy room playing cards to help them study BB HG facts...they are going over Evel Dick facts...Rachel goes over Jeff's facts...
Rachel says that Jeff has a gf named Jordan, he's from Chicago, he wants to move to Santa Monica, he did AWTFF and still works for that production company, they met on season 11 obviously, he likes to play pool and cards, he likes to drink beer or wine, he likes to cook a lot, he"s a really good chef and what else? he has 2 brothers, a younger and an older one and he has a really cute little niece that tried to give him Brown Spots...
Jordan says his nieces are really cute, the littlest one is so cute, she's like Jefff they continue playing...