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Day 48 of BB13 Feeds


August 24

Pool table hug from behind

12:49 AM

Jeff and Adam are playing pool...Jordan comes out of the hot tub, dries her feet and puts on her socks...they talk about how many veto comps Jordan has played in...Jordan wanders around the pool table and they high five...Jordan then hugs Jeff from behind

Jordan won't let go so Jeff slaps her hand to release her grasp so he can play pool

Kiss/yay! Back scratch

12:52 AM

Jeff and Adam continue playing pool while Jordan sits nearby watching...Jeff goes to put his BB bag (with laundry) away...Jordan says if Jeff leaves it here, she's about to go to bed...Jeff says he's putting it on the steps...Jeff comes back out, makes two shots and then it's Adam's turn...Jeff heads over to Jordan and Jordan opens her arms wide for a hug...Jeff leans into her and she kisses him on the cheek...

...lays her head on Jeff's shoulder...

...and then starts to scratch his back and neck a little...

Jeff says "yay, back scratch" he moves to make his next shot…

Jedi drilling butt grab

12:57 AM

Jeff and Adam finish playing pool, they and Jordan head over to the couch area to talk...they are jedi drilling game facts...Jordan sits down where Jeff wanted to sit so she says sorry and gets up to move over...Jeff takes the opportunity to grab her butt quite hard ...

Jordan giggles and says uhh, gawd they continue going over game facts...

Couch leg rub

1:12 AM

Jeff, Jordan and Adam are out on the couches in the BY talking about previous competitions...just before Jordan lays her head down on Jeff's lap she rubs his leg

Jordan couch cuddle

1:13 - 1:16 AM

Jeff, Jordan and Adam are outside on the couches talking game and revisiting their BB experience so far...Jordan lays a pillow down on Jeff's lap and cuddles into him while they talk...

Ohhhh Jeffrey

1:19 AM

Jeff, Jordan and Adam continue talking on the couches in the BY...they're talking about who has been badmouthed in the DR...Jordan says she's never said anything bad about Adam...Adam says he's sure she hasn't said anything bad about anybody...Jordan says she has...Jeff says "just me"

Jordan says she's gone in there and...Adam says "thrown shit storms? shit fits rather?"

Jeff says they're good, they get you right after something happens...Adam remembers the fighting between JeJo and Brenchel and knew something was going on when they all got called to the DR, he's thought damn, he's going to have to wait until September to see this fight, he just saw pacing and tempers and didn't even open the door...

Jordan says "you should have seen Jeff, he was like, I bit my tongue! I don't even have a tongue anymore, I can't even taste it and I was like what?"...Jeff laughs...Jordan laughs and then says "ohhh Jeffrey"

JeJo HOH - game talk & foot massage

2:13 - 2:44 AM

Jeff and Jordan head to bed together after a long talk with Adam outside...Jordan is up in the HOH first, Jeff walks in, puts his glass down and sighs saying "ahh-love" (British accent)...Jordan brushes her teeth and Jeff puts on his sweats...he goes into the bathroom and asks Jordan if she feels better about Adam?...Jordan says yes...Jeff brushes his teeth while they continue talking game...they go over some of the days' events and then Jeff says he feels good, he doesn't think there is any way Adam is going to flip...they agree that Shelly won't flip either

More game talk while Jordan puts lotion on her legs...Jeff says "I wanna do that too" they giggle and Jordan says "you're such a dork"...more giggles and Jeff says it was because his legs were dry...Jordan says hers too...Jeff says he's doing his feet, f**k yeah, moisturize, it feels good...Jordan says Jeff has nice feet for a guy...Jeff says he does...Jordan says yeah, he does, they could go get pedicures...Jeff doesn't want that, he wants a massage...Jordan says they massage his calf, he'd like it...Jeff says a "massage" massage will do that too...Jordan puts lotion on her chest and Jeff says "you lubing up your boob?" LOL

Jordan says she's putting lotion on, you have to put it everywhere...Jeff picks at his foot and Jordan says not to do that...Jeff is making a little hole Jordan reaches over to touch Jeff's foot and points out they're not crusty...Jeff says it's calloused on his other one...Jordan says not really, some guys have it really bad...

Jordan says Jeff's toes look fine, they're clean...Jeff says he cut his nails and they're not dirty, he's not the smelly kid in class...Jordan knows he's not...Jeff says a foot massage would be dynamite...Jordan asks if he wants her to rub his feet?...Jeff says "no...unless you want to?"

Jordan says she will, she used to rub her mom's feet all the time...Jeff gets in position and says "whoa HOH treatment"...Jordans says she's just too nice...Jeff says he won't rub her feet Jordan asks why? what's wrong with her feet?...Jeff says he'll scratch her back...Jeff says "you rub your Ma's feet?"...Jordan says yeah...Jeff says "you and your Ma are besties"...Jordan says "I love my mom"

Jordan explains that she used to rub her mom's feet after her long day at work and they'd talk...Jeff says he and his mom used to take turns scratching each others' arms...Jordan asks how old was he?...Jeff says "last year" LOL! Jeff says no, when he was younger, she used to always scratch his back to go to sleep, that's why he loves his back scratched...Jordan starts rubbing Jeff's feet...Jeff says "ahh, that feels good"...

Jeff says "wow, king of the castle" Jordan starts talking about how her and Rachel were jedi drilling about the Zingbot and Rachel was getting irritated with her because she has no patience with her...Jeff says that's how she is...they talk about how Adam knows his facts up and down, it doesn't hurt to go over things...Jordan explains why she went downstairs to ask Jeff about theh CD player, it was all to get him to come up and go over stuff LOL

Jordan continues rubbing, Jeff says a ball would feel good being rubbed up and down on his foot...Jordan says the HOH lockdown is going to be weird...Jeff doesn't care anymore...Jordan shares the game talk she had with Kalia...Jeff says he doesn't not like Dani, she's cool it's just she was just a little smug and thought she knew everything in this game and bottom line she came after him...Jordan says she lies about everything...Jeff says she's trying to make a move, he doesn't blame her...Jordan says she should campaign...Jeff says imagine how she feels, birthday week, she's on slop, she just got backdoored and she's going to jury house with Brendon, she's knocked out, she was a little too cocky right away...

Jordan finishes one foot...Jeff says they feel dynamite..."thanks love" ♥

Jordan does the other foot and asks "what do I get out of this?"...Jeff mmm's...Jordan says they'll see when they get out of there, right Jeffrey? ...Jordan giggles...silence Jeff says she'll get something, ahh, this is the life...Jordan says "so what do I get?"...Jeff says "what do are you saying, what do you want? I have to buy you something?"...Jordan says no...Jeff says this was nice, his dogs are tired...

Jordan asks why feet gross Jeff out?...Jeff doesn't know, he's not a big fan...Jordan asks if she has bad feet?...Jeff say no...Jordan asks if they gross him out, a little bit?...Jeff doesn't say no, lol...Jeff says he doesn't like feet...Jordan says "even my feet gross you out?"...Jeff asks why she doesn't like fish?...Jordan says she's been a trouper...Jeff says her feet don't gross him out but feet in general do...

Jordan says Rachel reminds her of a character in the movie Hangover...Jeff says Rachel is kooky, it's like she always needs to be occupied...Jordan says she told her she's like a big kid, she loves Disney...Jordan says oh, she's nice, she means well...Jeff says it's because they're on top right now, she can be snippy...Jordan mentions her game talk with Kalia again...they talk about double eviction being a week from now (yikes!)...they discuss various scenarios around that...they talk about he deal Jordan and Kalia have where Kalia said she would never nominate Jordan...more scenarios talk and then Jordan finishes the foot rub...Jeff thanks her again "thank you love ♥ "...Jordan says "you're welcome" and gets up to go to the bathroom...

Jeff was trying to get closer to Jordan

2:44 AM

Jeff and Jordan are up in the HOH talking game, Jordan has just finished Jeff's foot massage...Jeff says "thank you love ♥ "...Jordan says "you're welcome" and goes to the bathroom to wash her hands...Jeff is tired of spinning numbers like spin doctors...Jeff says he still has his wine, hopefully he doesn't have to drink it until final 2 Jordan says yay!...Jeff says he better not be drinking that in the BY having a pity party (he wouldn't get that chance )...Jordan says "and me crying"...Jeff says yeah...Jordan turns off the lights and gets in bed...

Jordan says "last night when we were in bed, you kinda rolled close to me and I was like uhh, he's trying to snuggle"

Jeff says "and then you put your foot on me"...Jordan says "yeah, that was my way of trying to snuggle"...she giggles...Jeff says he was getting closer because she was all the way over there ♥

F3/Jordan has a good shot/friends do and don’t care

2:46 - 2:57 AM

Jeff and Jordan continue talking in bed...they talk game about how they have F3 deals with both Shelly and Rachel and how they hope they never talk (LOL)Jordan says that she's talked with Shelly about it and she's not questioning anything and she told her that if Jeff somehow got knocked out, she would team up with her, stay with her Jeff says he told her that today too

Jeff says if they win next week, if they make it to the F4, Jordan is absolutely going to the F2 especially if they're F4 with Shelly and Rachel, all 3 of them will take Jordan to the F2 Jordan says that's in a perfect world if that happened, if Porsche or Kalia make it through they wouldn't take her...Jeff says yeah, it's too crazy to think about that...

Jeff says Jordan has such a good shot...Jordan says Jeff does too, they just have to get through next week and the double eviction Jeff says one week at a time...Jordan says they can do it...Jeff says he can't but she can...Jordan says no, as a whole, all together the whole game...Jeff says they can, they're in good position...Jordan knows they'll be targeted so they can split them up...they go over scenarios and as long as they're not put up together they should be good, they'll put up Jeff and Rachel...more scenarios and game talk...

Jordan asks Jeff what he thinks Julie will ask him? (he never got that interview 😞)...Jeff says she'll asks him why he did what he did to Dani? was it the best move?...Jordan wonders if viewers will feel sorry for Dani?...Jeff says there will be people who like him, others that like Dani, they'll say he's a fu**ing asshole and others will say it was a great move, whatever, it doesn't matter, he thinks it's a good move and his friends and family will think so, so that's all that matters, at least he hopes they think it's a good move LOL

Jordan says of course they'll think that it's a good move, she was trying to backdoor him, she could see all those guys at Nonna Silvia's watching and getting loud...Jeff says the first time no one knew what it was but then they watched and were getting really into it, they said they were going to come to LA and punch Russell in the face LOL ...palm trees...when the feeds come back JeJo are still talking about their friends and BB, them not caring about it LOL

Jeff says he'd say "dude, what do you mean, it's on TV, and they're like whatever, they didn't even care and then Around the World, they didn't really care either"...Jordan giggles...

Jordan says with TAR, none of her friends knew what it was, they were all like, what is it? they didn't understand the concept of it...Jeff says he likes it...Jordan says she'd heard of it but didn't actually watch the show until they got asked because remember they were nervous when they were racing because they were like "what does roadblock mean?"

JeJo HOH late night talk - hilarious task banter

3:03 - 3:11 AM

This is in my top 5 favorite comedic relief moments on the feeds this season

Feeds return to the HOH room...Jeff and Jordan are comparing how it was last time in the house to now...they were new and hadn't played the game, they got to know each other and goofed off more, they didn't talk game...(Ok wait a sec, I take exception to this comment as I spent HOURS upon HOURS upon HOURS listening to and transcribing game talk between you then for the BB11 calendar...I almost went crazy with the "scenarios" talk every freaking night! LOL)...remember how Jessie got mad at Jeff for not wanting to talk game and wanting to have fun...Jeff says let him clarify that that was 10 minutes after they got in the house...Jordan doesn't mean it like that, she meant that they talked about everything else, they did talk game but not as much as they do now, they talk a lot because they're always stressed that one of them is going home, it's not like last time, they can't goof off, they're more vocal...

Jeff smells a fart, was it Jordan?...Jordan says no, she doesn't smell it...Jeff feels like they are working harder this time, he feels a little stressed out these last 2 days...Jordan says "don't be stressed out"...Jeff knows and then he can't play, he just doesn't want to be knocked out by a fu**ing floater like that Jordan asks if Jeff wants his head rubbed?...Jeff says no, where are those chess pieces?...Jordan doesn't know...they start discussing the saboteur and what he got paid for doing that, the details are foggy LOL

Jordan says "maybe he got $25000 total cuz he had to do other task and maybe he did like 3 task or something or 2 task"...Jeff giggles which makes Jordan giggle Jeff says "how many?"...Jordan says "two"...Jeff says "two what?"...Jordan says "two task" LOL!...Jeff laughs...

Jordan says "what?"...Jeff says "what do you mean? how many did he do?"...Jordan says "two"...Jeff says "two what?"...Jordan says "TASK!"...Jeff laughs...Jordan asks what he's laughing about?...Jeff says it just sounds funny...

Jeff says "so, he did two task? and he got paid $25000??" Jeff cracks up!!...Jordan says "TASK1"...Jeff says "did he do two task or three task? how many?"...Jordan says "two task"...😂

Jeff says "well if he did two task that's worth 20, if he did three task, that's, now we're talking" Jordan laughs...

Jeff says "taskS...two taskS...three dogS, not there's two dog over there"...Jordan cracks up!...Jordan says "stop"...Jeff giggles, Jordan giggles...Jeff says "I didn't know you had three dog, that's cool" LOL!

Jordan says "two task"...Jeff says "tasks S!"...Jordan says "oh...taskS, taskS"...Jeff laughs and says "now it just sounds funny, taskS"...Jordan says that doesn't sound right...Jeff says "now nothing sounds right, two taskS!"...more giggles...Jordan says "two task"...Jeff says "it's not"...she knows it's not but she needs it to make sense to her...

Jeff says "if he had to complete one task, that's task, if he had to complete two taskS...oh my God"...Jordan laughing says "taskS"...Jeff asks why that is so hard for her?...Jordan doesn't know, she always says task...Jeff says she can say multitask...more confusion 😂 and then they go back to talking about the saboteur and America's player again...Jeff says it's ridiculous if someone got paid $10000 to take chess pieces...they talk about the stolen things…

JeJo HOH late night talk - Porsche or Porscha

3:38 AM

Feeds come back from extended palm trees right before the 3:38am mark...Jeff and Jordan are in bed debating over how to pronounce the name Porsche (Porsche or Porscha)...Jeff thinks you could say it both ways...Jordan says her parents should have put an "A" on the end...Jeff says it's spelled like the car which is said Porsche, he says he's such a fu**ing idiot (for not knowing)...Jordan says they don't help each other...Jeff says no, he doesn't know anything and he tries to ask her a question and it's like forget it. Jordan says if it's about something else besides spelling...Jeff asks how are they supposed to learn? they can't...Jordan says to ask Brendon, he'll have the total explanation...Jeff says he'll ask Porsche herself tomorrow LOL They turn on the spy screen to see who it is and it's Porsche! pronounced by Jordan Portia

Goodnight, love stupid

3:48 AM

Jeff and Jordan are finally winding down after a long late night talk...Jordan is snuggled into Jeff...

Jordan says "goodnight"...Jeff asks "you going to bed?" and they kiss...

Jeff says "love you stupid"...Jordan says "love you too"...Jeff giggles, takes off his mic and they both get in position to sleep...Jeff says they're boneheads..Jordan says yeah...Jeff prays and they settle into sleep...

JeJo HOH picture time

12:06 PM

Jeff is sitting at the kitchen counter looking at his HOH camera pics...Jeff takes a pic of RAYchel by the fridge. Adam comes over and wants to take a look at the pictures, only the ones of him LOL

Jeff says no, he doesn't want any judging of the pictures. Adam offers to take a pic of Jeff and JorDAN ...Jeff turns back to Jordan, who is brushing her hair nearby him, and says "come here love" ♥

Jordan comes over, Jeff puts his arm around her and Adam takes their pic...Rachel says "aww, two little cuties" Jeff and Jordan check out the picture before the real picture...Jordan leaves to finish doing her hair and then Jeff takes another pic of Rachel…

Jeff HOH picture time - fakeness at the kitchen table

Jeff and Jordan take part in HOH picture time in the kitchen

@ the 1:09pm mark JeJo get a little cute & cozy and right on cue the close up camera goes off of them onto Kalia

Jeff pretends to bite Jordan's face for the funny pic


4:34 PM

Jordan and Rachel have been doing laps around the BY...Jeff is tanning on a beach chair...Jordan asks Rachel if they're running now?...Rachel says she thought they were done?...Jordan says "oh! ok we can be done, I'm good with that"...Jeff says that done sounds good...

Jordan says "hey" to Jeff, he asks what's up?...Jordan says nothing, she's burning up...Jordan walks to the end of the BY to get water and then heads back to where Jeff is...she says "lover!?" ♥ ...Jeff says "what?"...Jordan sits near Jeff and says that BB might lock them out and give them some skill thing...Jeff thinks so too, that sucks...Jordan says she's ok at skills, she thinks...Jeff knows but says that means the next week it will be questions...BB tells Jeff to put on his mic...Jordan says she'll just leave him alone, she leaves...

Steak, broccoli & cheese or me?

9:03 PM

Jordan and Kalia are out in the BY practicing for the snake skill comp...Jordan gets a drink and then sits by Jeff who is sitting on the couch...they whisper a little to each other and then...

Jeff says "do you want steak?"...Jordan says no, she's not hungry

Jeff asks "do you want broccoli and cheese?"...Jordan says she already ate a soup and sandwich

Jeff asks "do youuuu" Jordan says "what?"...Jeff doesn't respond...

Encouragement hug

11:56 PM

Jeff and Adam are playing pool (nightly routine lol)...Jordan walks over to Jeff and gives him a big hug...Jeff tells Jordan she's doing good (on the skill game)...

Jeff asks "you gonna win love? ♥ "...Jordan mmm, hmm's....Jeff says he thinks so too...Jordan says she needs him to help her and then they discuss a little strategy about that...



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