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Day 44 of BB11 Feeds


August 22

Lots of game talk before getting cute


Jeff & Jordan spend about 20 minutes discussing game scenarios ad nauseum 🫠 how they think this week will or should play out and how they hope the following weeks should play out, they say all of this doesn't matter if Russell wins the POV so they'll talk about it after. 

Jeff goes on a mini rant on Michele, he says they have to tell psycho that she has to try tomorrow and don't say that they'll tell her later, they have to tell her to win that POV so they can control things and if she gets it, they have to say "listen crazy, you gotta use it"...and she better not tell them she doesn't remember...Jordan giggles and says to write it down on a document and sign it...

Jordan snuggles closer to Jeff...Jeff says that Michele will say that she doesn't remember them telling her to use the POV, he tsks and says "don't lay in the bed anymore smelly"...Jeff laughs and says he likes when he gets negative and throws stones...Jordan cuddles into Jeff's arm and says not when he does it to her...Jeff smells Jordan's hair and eww's saying "eww Jordan" ...Jordan says "shut hair smells good"...Jeff smells again and says "is that SP?...that shit's the bomb"...Jeff admits her hair smells good 😊

They talk about how Lydia & Natalie used to call Michele "Captain Smelly", they said she smelled and didn't shower for three days but she actually did but today she admitted to Russell outside that she didn't shower for two days and then she took a nap in their bed...Jordan says uhhh, she knows, she said her husband said she smells.

Jordan hugs Jeff and then says they should go to bed...Jeff says that's what they're doing, laying there in the dark...they decide to take off their mics (LOL like this ever worked for them) ...Jeff says so they can put them back on in 3 minutes?...Jordan asks if they're done? Jeff says they're done...

Jeff says they can't do anything until tomorrow anyway...Jordan says the others are probably discussing the POV tomorrow...Jeff says you know they're talking game the whole time...Jordan says yeah, for sure, it's Russell, come on, they're definitely splitting them up...they cuddle.. .Jordan says she's kind of getting a headache...Jeff reaches out and puts his hand on her and they lay quiet...Jeff doesn't think it's that late...Jeff thinks midnight?...Jordan thinks maybe between 12 and 1, they've been up there awhile...Jeff says they even played Go Fish. 🐠

They talk about Russell and how he switches on and off with his moods...Jeff says he wears his colors on his sleeve, he'll be in a good mood but he'll see two people talking together even if it's about eggs and he'll start up getting paranoid...Jordan says he's a freak...Jeff sings "superfreaky"...Jeff says he catches him or feels him staring at him...Jordan says she thinks he's scary looking...Jeff thinks he's a fu**ing creep...Jordan whispers about Russell staring at him earlier...Jeff asks if the water thing is fixed yet?...Jordan isn't sure...Jeff says he drinks so much water it's disgusting, all he does is pound waters & pee, at work he drinks a gallon & a half a day easy...all he does is pee all day...

Cute Convos Part 1


Jeff turns to Jordan to cuddle making the patented Jeff noise/moan but it's too close for comfort and Jordan backs her head away and brings up Russell to deflect...Jeff doesn't care, he rubs Jordan's butt and says "I wanna bite a chunk of your butt off"...Jordan giggles and says "Jeff"...they lay quiet and Jeff keeps rubbing/touching while Jordan looks around nervously...

Jeff squeezes her butt and says "I wanna take a little butt home with me" 🍑...Jordan uhh's...Jeff says "I'll give you my shirts and you give me a little butt"...Jordan says "what shirts?"...Jeff says he's just joking, no shirts, they'll worry about it later...Jordan says "no shirts?"...Jeff says he'll give her some stuff for sure...a clapping/clacking sound is heard and then Jeff giggles and the feeds cut out...

They return a minute later with Jeff & Jordan not cuddling...Jordan whines about almost falling asleep earlier...Jeff says "oh shut up" and giggles, he then cuddles up to her and covers them...Jordan says she gets hot and then she is freezing in the morning...Jeff says it's fu**ing freezing in the morning...some noise & movement...Jordan says they should go to bed...Jeff says "we are"...Jordan says they keep talking...

Jeff pinches Jordan somewhere (boob lol)...Jordan ow's and says "pinched me!"...Jeff starts humming & covers them up (hint hint, he wants to kiss, lol) and the feeds cut out briefly...Jeff is roaming and asks "that tickles too?"...Jordan says "yes!"...Jeff says "Jesus"...Jordan says "I know"

Jeff says "will you let me touch you right here?"...Jordan says to tickle her arm...Jeff does but needs to straighten his back out...he says to relax and jokingly says for her to get him some water, now!...she says she won't LOL...Jeff asks if the water thing is fixed?...Jordan doesn't think so...they say "goodnight"...Jordan says to keep rubbing...Jeff pats her arm to signal it's over...Jordan says "no keep rubbing"...Jeff says "don't you hate that?"...Jeff keeps rubbing :) but goofs around...Jordan takes her arm away and squeezes Jeff's chin...

Jeff asks if she's looking at him?...Jordan is...Jeff can't really see too much, he says all of this will be green...they hold hands under the covers...Jordan says she's going to sleep with just the sheet...Jeff asks if she is warm now?...Jordan is but says it will be freezing in the morning...Jeff sighs...they lay quiet for awhile...they go back to game talk again for a bit and then Jeff asks about the Almond Joys...Jordan says "and then she was like St. Mary! St. Joseph!" Jeff cracks up 😂

Feeds cut out again and return with Jordan continuing her Renny impersonation...Jeff says "what if she was the host for tomorrow?"...Jordan would freaking love it, she loved Renny, thought she was freaking awesome, she can understand why Renny didn't like Jessie...Jeff says they should keep their mics close by, they're going to get in trouble, who's working tonight Smooth Jazz?...

Jordan is talking about leaving her mom a message on her phone and it not even sounding like her...Jeff says you (yourself) are the only one that thinks that, when Jordan makes fun of the way he talks, when he hears himself recorded, he's like "holy shit that's how I talk" and when he is filming something trying not to have an accent he really notices his accent and he's like "holy shit"...

Jordan asks what he does he do then?...Jeff says he tries to do it right but he hasn't gotten some things because of his accent...Jordan says "really? wow"...Jeff says nothing make or break but a couple of things here and there, they loved him but his accent is too thick...Jordan asks if he gets shy talking?...Jeff says no, not really...Jordan says Jeff acted normal when he did the nomination ceremony, she was nervous when she did it...Jeff says you could tell, normally he doesn't but his problem is he psyches himself out for something like when he had the power (wizard) he got a little nervous because he was really excited to do it or if he goes for a job he's really excited for, he doesn't do good because he psyches himself out, for jobs he doesn't care about, he nails them but otherwise he's pretty calm.

Jordan says she gets nervous in front of people...Jeff says she always gets nervous...Jeff asks how she did through the interviews and the feeds cut out for a couple of minutes...they laugh about Braden maybe not coming to the finale...Jeff says he was here for a week and they talk about him so much, like he's an idol...Jordan says he was the coolest one here...Jeff says it's because he left so fast...Jordan says yeah, he would have gotten on her nerves...Jeff says yeah, if he made one more shake he was going to bust that thing over his head...they laugh...Jeff says for sure he would be final 3 with them because he was so laid back but wait until Jordan sees the fight outside...Jordan laughs...Jeff relives the fight and gets busy distractedly touching the jewels 😜

Jordan says she got rid of Lydia because she was coming after Jeff, they high five...Jeff says it had nothing to do with her calling Jordan a fat ho?...Jordan says that too...Jeff laughs and says he owes her one...Jordan says that helped it definitely but she had to get her out...Jeff says it was the right move at the time...Jeff says his mouth is dry and they talk about the water problem again and how when Jeff lived out there, he never drank tap water, it seemed to give him headaches or maybe it was in his head...Jordan says she can't tell the difference.

Jordan says she wants to win HOH so she can get a different letter...Jeff says to not get greedy, get through this game and she'll see her ma soon enough...Jordan says she's sorry, she's not greedy but she does like the bed and would like to sleep in it...Jeff agrees but says they can't get spoiled.

Cute convos Part 2 


Feeds come back with Jeff saying that just for the fact Jordan loved Renny, he would die if she came there  :) ...Jordan sticks out her arm for Jeff to scratch and he does like it without even missing a beat...Jordan says that she would cheer...Jeff thinks there will be some special guest...Jordan says that would be freaking awesome, she was excited to see Dan...Jeff says he was too and she can tell Dan if she ever sees him again, that Jeff talks about him all the time because he does think about it all the time.

Jordan and Jeff start talking about the day Dan came to do the HN competition, how Chima put both Jeff & Jordan down saying they were dumb, they drew that picture of them and Dan's eyes got big and he said "whoa" at what was going on...Jeff says that Dan said Jeff was a great sport, he talked to him the whole time because Jessie was ripping on Dan as soon as he walked in plus he wrote Dan on all his sheets pre-BB saying he liked Dan, he was most like Dan, he was the best player, he thought they would get along...

Jordan says that the other side wanted Dan to give them a pep talk not JeJo's side...Jeff says when people ask him what his worst day in the BB house was he will say that day, not only the worst day but the most a house...Jordan agrees saying it was so bad...Jeff says they looked like a bunch of spoiled children, brats...Jordan says the other people did, she wonders what Dan thought about it?..Jeff says he thinks they are a bunch of losers...Jeff says that if he were brought back next season and they acted like that, he would be like "good luck with these do you even make a TV show out of that?"

Jordan says she made eye contact with her...Jeff says he thinks Dan knew they were together at that point, the whole house was against them already...Jordan says she didn't think he was ugly...Jeff says they said that because they Jessie bashed him and they were just following suit...Jeff says he felt bad that he didn't say goodbye to him because of Jessie, he doesn't know why he cares so much about that...Jordan says Dan said "bitter party of one" referring to Jessie...Jeff says Jessie was throwing a bunch of shots at him...Jordan says now Jeff did the same thing to Jessie as Dan did LOL ...Jeff says what if he won too?...Jordan says that would be so freaking awesome...Jeff says he knows he doesn't have Jessie's vote.

Jordan says honestly if she & Jeff made it to final two she wouldn't care who won because 50,000 is better than $400 in your bank account, she needs the money no matter what...Jeff says if her & him get to the finals, it wouldn't matter...Jordan thinks Jeff would beat her if they were final 2...Jeff doesn't know about that, some people might vote for Jordan just to spite him...Jordan says if it's tied America votes...Jeff says that's a toss up too, it would be a coin toss for real...Jeff says it doesn't matter and it doesn't matter to him either because if they both came from the bottom and won it'd be a great story...Jordan says "it really would, we'd need to do interviews together" (they did anyway )...Jeff says it'd be a great whole season, remember they were on the bottom and came back, people will remember that...Jordan compliments Dan's gameplay.

Jordan says it would be awesome, she doesn't care, $50,000 is a lot of money too, it would help her so much, if she left there, she would be so mad if she left the 3rd person out with no money, at least Kevin & Russell won an extra $10,000 each...Jeff says they won't see it like that when they leave but later they'll appreciate it...Jeff asks what Jordan would have taken, the money or the Hawaii trip?...Jordan says the money probably...Jeff asks if it was stupid of him?...Jordan says no, not at all...Jeff second guesses his choice saying it will cost him while he's there, if it was all-inclusive it would be awesome...Jordan says Jeff made the right choice, it would be the money...or the trip. LOL Jeff laughs and says would she have rather taken a 20 minute massage in the backyard? No, he thinks he would have taken the 5G's...Jeff gets up to go to the bathroom...

Smelling Grandma’s scarf


Jeff gets up to go to the bathroom, Jordan asks if Jeff is going downstairs?...Jeff says no, why?...Jordan says her stomach is hurting again...Jeff says he has Advil up there, he brought one up there...Jordan gets up and asks if he does have them?...Jeff says yes, how many does she want, two?...Jordan says three...Jeff asks if she has water? does she want some Vitamin water?...Jeff gets her some from the mini-fridge, they both take some Advil & drink from the same bottle...Jordan says thanks and lays back down...Jeff says they all take Advil like crazy in there, probably because they give each other headaches LOL

Jeff comes back from the bathroom and stops by the table to put on some chapstick...Jeff says "I can't believe my ma sent my grandma's scarf"...Jordan hmm's?...Jeff repeats "I can't believe my ma sent my grandma's scarf"...Jeff puts the scarf up to his face and smells it.  :)

Jordan says "oh, it was cute"...Jeff says "she knows I love it you know...but what am I going to do with it here?"...Jeff rubs it against his face...

Jordan says "I don't know"...Jeff comes back to bed.

Cute Convos Part 3 


Jeff gets back in bed and Jordan goes back to game talk, she says she trusts Natalie without Kevin but not with...Jeff says right, they had to make some kind of bond too...Jordan says she thinks Jeff has a great chance because Kevin says he would owe him if he got Russell out.  Jeff says if he wins the POV tomorrow it will lock up his decision but first he's got to win it...Jeff says he has to get back to being positive, he felt more positive and confident before, that they would get through it, he really believed it...Jordan says Jeff would always say that...Jeff says he knew they would have their time later in the game, to not worry...Jordan says he's been saying it the whole time, isn't it funny how one thing Jeff did flipped everything?...Jeff says he knew it would flip but not that much...Jordan says it was a 180...Jeff says it was crazy.

Jeff says the worse part was he couldn't tell Jordan...Jordan says she knows he probably wanted to tell her...Jeff says so bad...Jordan says it was funny Jeff found out when they had the house meeting...Jeff says "yeah...I wanted to tell you cuz I wanted to tell you like don't worry it's going to be okay"...Jordan says she was stressing...Jeff says 20 minutes before the show Jordan was telling him that they were done, there were no more options for them...Jordan says she was in a bad mood...Jeff says "was that when you had your period? no it couldn't have been that...when do you get your period? every other week in here?" LOL Jordan laughs.

Jordan says it's funny how Natalie annoyed them so much and now look...Jeff says you have to be careful, not to get confused, remember who those people were before they had power, they didn't give a f**k about them...Jordan says they don't now either...Jeff says that's fine, it's them against the others, the 3 pairs are him/Jordan, Kevin/Natalie, Russell/Michele so let's dance...Jordan says R/M are the stronger pair, they need to break them up...Jeff says when you look at it like that yeah...they go over what they need to do with Michele.

Jordan says she's been more distant with him, she knows she has been moody...does Jeff think she's a moody person?...Jeff says no, not a person but she has her moments but in here you can't judge that, he gets moody on the outside but in here he gets annoyed really easily, even by her...Jordan says "really?"...Jeff says no, he's just joking, he says "you know what it is with you, I'm so like close to you that I take a lot of other people's shit out on you ykwim? and I like snap on you when really I want to snap on them but I can't ykwim? and sometimes if you say something just a little bit like that means absolutely nothing and I just snap on you because it's all like built up from throughout the day so I apologize for that but that's what it is" 🥰

Jordan says she was used to talking to Jeff outside all night and then she feels like she doesn't talk to him as much...Jeff doesn't know what she means, at night?...Jordan says since they've been both HOH no but before she felt like she couldn't talk to him as much, they didn't talk...Jeff says she had that week where Michele was attached to her hip...Jordan knows...she takes off her mic saying BB is going to wake them up early...Jeff says at least they're in bed early, it's only like 1.

Jordan asks Jeff if he thinks his family is excited now that they're in the final 6?...Jeff thinks that letter was written awhile ago...Jordan asks why?...Jeff explains how it says they are proud of him either way and be strong so it was from when he was down, when everyone was throwing boogers at him LOL and then they added the Mimmo part in there...Jordan wonders if something bad happened to her family that they needed to move?...Jeff says to not start thinking bad, it's for a good reason.

They start talking about winning money...Jordan says she wants to win some extra money (on top of the stipend) to help out her situation...Jeff says he wishes Jordan had won the 10G's from the competition instead of Russell...Jordan says Kevin got $5,000 twice...Jeff says it's bullshit he got it for falling off first...Jeff wonders again if he should have taken the money or the trip to Hawaii but ultimately says money comes and goes but a trip like that is awesome, he can make 5G's.

They talk about Julie Chen and how much she knows about the show, they think she watches only to keep up with goes to the live shows...Jeff says you can tell Jordan gets nervous before the show even starts...Jordan knows...Jeff asks why?...Jordan doesn't know...Jeff says they're on camera 24/7...Jordan says that's different though, here they are being normal...Jeff says then be normal on there...Jordan says it's live and there are people out there...Jeff just feels it's normal...

Jordan says she just gets nervous, here in the house she's comfortable and forgets that there are cameras and people listening...between the feeds cutting in and out they discuss walking out of the house in front of an audience and how cool that will be...feeds cut out…

Cute convos Part 4 


Feeds return with Jordan saying she would have isolated herself kind of like her and Jeff did (I think she's referring to it Jeff would have left the 2nd week)...feeds cut out briefly...Jeff says it was hilarious...Jordan says Russell is a little pussy...Jeff makes fun of how Russell would play the sad card saying he was a loser...Jordan says she doesn't normally wish this on anyone but she doesn't want to see Russell win or come in 2nd place...Jeff agrees and says Russell has played all sides, sure he competes but he's a bigger talker than a competitor, he hasn't won more than him and in the last 3 out of 5 events Jeff has beaten him...

Jordan says Russell is evil looking...Jeff says deep down he's alright but he doesn't know who he is inside...Jordan says he changes his personality to suit whoever he is dealing with, she just can't believe his stories, what he says...Jeff doesn't either...Jeff says he kind of feels bad for him...Jordan says when he is talking he is lying...Jeff says he brings it on himself...Jordan says that when she first met him, he asked her so many questions and she thought she didn't trust him, he's one of those sneaky people...Jordan asks Jeff if she ever told him that?...Jeff says no...Jordan says she always thought that in her head.

Jeff says "did you tell him you thought I was a goober?" ...Jordan says "no"...Jordan tries to explain that a goober is not a bad thing, she always says that...Jeff says "a douchebag"...Jordan says no, she thought he was nice...Jeff says "no, you didn't"...Jordan says "yes I did, I thought you were nice"...Jeff says "whatever, you can have your own opinion, I had mine about you"...Jordan says "what'd you think?"...Jeff says "whore"...he laughs and says he's just joking...Jordan says omg!...Jordan says "what did you think?"...Jeff says he didn't really think, he wasn't concerned, he was more worried about learning people's names LOL

Jeff says Jordan didn't make an impression on him until later on...Jordan says "really?"...Jeff says he kind of breezed over her...Jordan says "thanks"...Jeff remembers thinking "Jordan, that's my cousin's name" when he met her...Jordan says "my dad's name is Jeff"...Jeff says that was all, she was kind of quiet, smiley, whatever...Jordan says she was shy at first...Jeff asks when did they first start talking?...Jordan says she thinks when they were all in the same room...Jordan says she remembers the first day asking this is the cast? wondering who she would be friends with? she thought Laura talked too much, Braden got on her nerves at first, she knew she wouldn't be friends with Natalie & Chima, she thought Lydia would be the cool girl like Nakomis...Jeff says he thought so too, he didn't know she'd be a 4 yr old child...Jordan whispers she thinks she's got other issues...Jordan didn't think she'd be friends with Michele or Ronnie and then there was Jeff who seemed normal...😊

Jeff says nah, you didn't like me at first, you thought I was full of myself, she told him that...Jordan backtracks a little and says well, you know, I kind of thought, the jock looking guy, you might think that they're like that, like Jessie I was right about him, wrong about Jeff (she admitted it! lol)...Jordan says Jeff is nothing like that ☺️...Jordan never thought she would be close to Casey, she didn't know who she would be close with so she felt really weird the first night.

Jeff says he thought he would be friends with Casey but he took awhile to crack, he was standoffish at first, then came around, he was friends with Braden right away, he thought he would be friends with Russell but there was something pushing him away from him to be honest with her, Russell tried too hard or something, he doesn't know, he reminded him of his buddies from home but not...Jeff says Laura talked about herself way too much...Jordan says she would get aggravated when Laura would say "it's a southern thing"...Jeff says remember when he used to point out how she would talk about herself.

Jeff says "dude, we started like cracking jokes right away, like we got close quick"...Jordan says "we did...our personalities clicked...yeah that was weird, that was only like the second week wasn't it?"

Jeff says "yeah Braden was gone 12 and we were already close with Braden you know?"...Jordan says "yeah me and you were already like hanging out"...Jeff says "yeah we got outcasted, we got outcasted, well that fight was 7 days in, it was one week in, so after 7 days I was outcasted"...they laugh...Jeff says "and then you came over" 🥰

Jordan says it was all because Jessie & Russell made that up, Kevin told her that Ronnie wasn't in the storage room, he was...Jeff says they will find out what really happened...Jordan says she thinks Ronnie and Russell had something going, just some things she witnessed...Jordan goes over the events that led up to the fight...Jeff says they will see everything when they get out of there...Jeff says Russell was trying to establish that he was the dominant one in the house and he expected him to back down like a pussy and he was the one who called Russell a fu**ing pussy...Jordan says he looked so stupid...

Jeff says if they weren't in the house he would have blasted him in the fu**ing mouth and made him look even stupider...Jeff says when people do that they are not tough, he has been through that in his life...Jeff says it was so long ago he doesn't care about it...Jordan keeps talking about it...Jeff says he tried to make a fool out of him...Jordan says he spelled shotgun...Jeff says he tried to embarrass the f**k outta him...Jordan says if you had a job or were trying to get a job and they saw you attacking someone like that, it would be so bad...Jeff says his job? what about his family, they would say dude, what are you a fu**ing wild animal? where were you raised? he did enough things for his parents to think that, not on national fu**ing television...Jordan says Jeff didn't do anything though...Jeff says no, in his past...Jordan says he kept his mouth shut, he kept his cool.

Jordan says "and then I remember you were laying in the GR and you were just like laying there and everybody was walking by looking in the GR not even saying anything to you and I remember I was just like omg are you serious? and that was when I came in there"🥰

Jeff says "I remember" he looks at Jordan "I remember Jordan...that's when you should have kept walking"...Jordan uhhh's...Jeff leans his head in towards Jordan and says "no way"...Jordan says "I laid down with you"...Jeff says "I know, you little cutie" 🥰

...Jordan says "cuz you said you better go out there or something and I was like no! cuz I knew I liked you better"

Cute convos Part 5 


Jeff & Jordan continue talking...Jordan says she remembers when she cried on the hammock and Russell came out to talk to her, she doesn't know, she just never liked him or cared for him...Jeff asks if that was the time he went in and stuck up for her?...Jordan says no, that was another day, it was something else...Jeff says he said to not even fu**ing start with Jordan because he went inside and said something...

Jordan says Lydia started yelling at her...Jeff says they then started yelling at him, he had forgotten about all these fu**ing things, does she remember?...Jordan does and says there were a lot of stones being thrown...Jeff laughs and says they were flying...Jordan goes over who threw the stones, the main people...Jeff says Lydia's didn't even make sense, they were just outbursts like a kid having a temper tantrum, she would scream super loud and run away, it was her thing, she would be loud and move on, just to get attention so others would say hey? what's wrong.

Jeff says they are bashing everyone in there...Jordan says well, it's true and she says that Jeff is only the person she didn't bash (in the DR) besides Kevin and Casey...Jeff says Jordan made fun of how he talks...Jordan says no, she made it funny...Jeff says he can't wait to see her DR's about him...Jordan says why?...Jeff says "don't you want to see mine about you?"...Jordan says yeah, oh God, what did you say?...not surprisingly the feeds cut out...they return with Jeff & Jordan bugging each other...

Jordan says "oh whatever, you lost"...Jeff says "it hurts?"...Jordan says "so bad"...Jordan says she loves it when she has her head down by his armpit and Jeff says "you love it in always say that"...Jordan says they really need to go to sleep, she's never going to get up tomorrow...Jeff asks if she doesn't want to keep talking about stupid things?...Jordan says "like always?"...Jeff giggles...

Jordan says that isn't it funny that if they met up after the show somewhere and ate, they wouldn't know what else to talk about but BB...Jeff says it's because they don't know each other on the outside world...Jordan says "I know, isn't that funny?"...Jeff says they could talk about BB and what they did after up to that point just in their lives but everything would revolve around BB (what in God's name are these two talking about? they constantly talked about stuff OTHER than BB lol)...

Jordan says definitely...she has to go back to school, she keeps saying that...Jeff says "uh, if we got together and ate"🤔 ...Jordan says "what? why'd you say it like that?"...Jeff says "what are we going to do? meet for lunch? in Charlotte one day?"...Jordan says she was just giving an example.

Jordan says Jeff really has to come down, now that she has her own room, wherever it is that they are living...Jeff says "you think your Ma would dig me?"...Jordan says "oh yeah definitely, my brother would really like you too"...Jeff says "would he say thanks for looking out for Johrrdan?"...Jordan says "mmm, hmm, my mom's real easy to talk to and get along with"...Jeff says "would your grandparents hate me for making out with you?"...

Jordan says no, they live in Illinois so he wouldn't have to worry about that...but no, they wouldn't be mad at him for making out with her...Jeff says "are you still going to hook me up with that friend of yours?"...Jordan says "if you want me to"...they both giggle...Jordan says "you want to?"...Jeff says "yeah"...Jordan says "ok"...Jeff says "what's her name?"...Jordan says "who did I say?"...Jeff says "you didn't"...Jordan says "oh".......Jeff says "who would you hook me up with?"...Jordan says "I don't know, you like dark haired girls"...Jeff says "bring me to that salon, I'll hook up with her, I'll hook up myself"...Jordan says "yeah there's a lot of pretty girls that work with me"...Jeff says "I'll come in're so stupid!"...Jordan says "who?"...Jeff says "you"...Jordan says "why?”..Jeff says "we talked about this"...Jordan says "I was just playing along with you, I knew you were doing it to try to aggravate me"...

BFF Kiss - he got some tongue ;) 


Jeff changes the subject of who Jordan would hook him up with by sniffing Jordan's armpit Jordan says "why are you always smelling my armpits?"...Jeff laughs...Jordan says she put on Jeff's Axe deodorant so she smells good...Jeff says "let me see" and tries to sniff again...Jordan says no, it tickles, hang on...she starts giggling as Jeff sniffs...Jeff tells Jordan to smell his neck, she does...Jeff says it's Axe body wash...Jordan giggles...Jordan says "my armpits smell good?"...Jeff pauses and smiles just to see Jordan's reaction...Jordan says "Jeff!?"...Jeff says "what?"...Jordan says "my armpits smell good?"...Jeff pauses again LOL Jordan says "shut up"...Jeff says they smell fine...Jordan says Jeff is trying to make her out to be the smelly person...Jeff stays quiet and smiles :) ...Jordan playfully punches him and says "Jeff!"

Jeff says "what if I just passed out, would you get scared?"...Jordan says she would say "hello!" and then she'd be calling production...Jordan brings up the fishy food competition, she wants them to show what happened, she got pissed!...Jeff laughs...Jordan says she looked like a goober...

Jeff says they might show it on TV not like it really happened and they're going to be like no, no this isn't what happened...feeds cut out...when they return Jeff and Jordan are cuddling...Jeff rubs Jordan's butt...they keep talking about the fishy comp...Jordan says her stomach still hurts...Jeff says his back too, he's been popping Advil like Pez...Jordan giggles softly...Jeff asks her if she knows what Pez are right?...Jordan doesn't know...Jeff describes a Pez dispenser and Jordan gets it, she says yeah, yeah, she knows what he's talking about...Jeff says yay, she knows something he's talking about...Jordan says she never liked the candies...Jeff says "uh really? I love Pez"...😋

Jeff says "well there's another thing we don't have in common"...Jordan giggles...Jeff says "we like the opposite shit"...Jordan says "mmm, hmm"...Jeff says "it's weird"...Jordan starts to say "but we get along so well"...Jeff says "I know"...Jordan continues "well I don't know if we get along in the real world who knows, but we get along in the BB house"...Jeff says "I think that's harder than the real world"...Jordan says "true"...Jeff says "the real world has more alcohol, makes everybody get along"...Jordan whispers "it makes the world go round".

Jeff whispers "I love your butt" 🍑 ...Jordan says "Jeff" and giggles...Jeff says "what?"...Jordan says "oh my goodness"...Jeff says "what?"...Jordan says "nothin"...Jeff says "I can't say that?"...Jordan says "no, I get embarrassed"...Jeff says "why?"...Jordan says "cuz"...Jeff asks "why is that embarrassing?"...Jordan doesn't know, she says she's been told that a lot...Jeff reaches over and mmm's...Jordan says "it's bootylicious" and she laughs, saying sorry.

Jeff moves back a little and Jordan says "goodnight"

Jordan says "goodnight Jordan"

Jordan kisses her hand and presses it on Jeff's forehead and says "right on the forehead"

Jeff says "gimme a kiss"...he reaches over to her chin and kisses her 💋

Jeff says "mmm, mama"...they laugh...Jeff says "ooh, yeah"

Jordan says "that was the BFF kiss"💋

Jeff says "no way I got some tongue in there" 👅

Jordan says "no you didn't!"

Jeff says "I know, what's up? are we ever going to make out again?" 

Cute convos Part 6 


Jeff has just asked Jordan if they're ever going to make out again...Jordan turns away from Jeff and says "what?"...Jeff says "when are we making out again?"...Jordan says "people don't wanna see us making out ok? they wanna hear about us joking around and strategies and stuff" (Ummm, not really, we're strategy-ed out!  )

Jeff says "nah, I think they're fu**ing sick of that, they want some action" ...Jordan says "no they don't!"...Jeff says "you wanna bet?"...Jordan says "just cuz you're horny and umm, you, I don't know"...Jeff says "first of all, if they did a poll people would definitely want some BB action"...Jordan says "no, it can't happen"...Jeff says "I don't know about that" ...Jordan says "why?"...Jeff says "how about if you were to be eliminated or fool around what would you do?"...they laugh.

Jordan asks if Jeff would honestly, honestly, honestly do it if someone wanted to?...Jeff says "have sex in here?"...Jordan says yes...Jeff says "no, what am I a fu**ing porno star?"...Jordan says it would be awkward...Jeff says you can't do that, on TV...Jordan says she doesn't know, haven't some people done it...Jeff says he knows, but it's no good, they're paying the price for that...Jordan says she's not doing it...Jeff says he's not opposed to a little fooling around...Jordan says "Jeff!"...

Jeff says "fu**ing how many days have we been in here? that's a long time"...Jordan says he's got 4 more weeks and they'll be outta there...Jeff says "and then we can f**k around?" LOL ...Jordan says no!...Jeff says "whaddya mean?"...Jordan says "no, we're not, whaddya mean, what do I mean?"...Jeff says "we're getting a room when we get outta here"...Jordan says "I'll kiss you"...Jeff says "f**k yeah"...Jordan says "but we're not fooling around"...Jeff says "whaddya mean?"...Jordan says they're not doing anything...Jeff says "you gonna grab my ass?"...Jordan says she'll squeeze it, pinch it, she laughs.

Jeff says "I'm just fu**ing around, unless you're not then I'm not either" 😉😂

Jeff tries to convince Jordan again to stay in LA...he says "but you should try to stay in LA for a couple of days after this if we can, I doubt we can cuz we can't just be like, hey change my flight, I'm sure you're going to want to get home...I'm staying if I can for a couple of days"...Jordan says she doubts she can especially because she is from one end to the other...Jeff says that doesn't matter...

Jeff says that if she makes it to the finals her mom will come out there...Jordan says it's exciting, the whole family comes right?...Jeff mmm, hmm's...Jordan says it'll be freaking awesome...Jeff says what if they make it to the finals and their families come out...Jordan says they can all go out to eat & for drinks...Jeff says "crab legs on the beach"...Jordan doesn't get it...Jeff explains at a restaurant on the beach...Jordan thought it was just grabbing crab legs and eating them on the beach...Jeff says "they're not taffy apples" 

Jordan says they have to get to the final two...Jeff says for that reason only...Jordan says "that would be a good story Jeff"...Jeff says "I know it would be, I think about it sometimes" 😊

Jeff asks if they are getting sleep or fu**ing around...Jordan says "getting sleep!"...Jeff gets up and says he keeps saying that, production must be sick of it but ask "when are you guys fu**ing around?"...Jordan says they're not Lydia & Jessie...Jeff sits down and says "I know"...Jordan says she was so shocked when she told them that...Jeff lays back down and says Jessie wasn't here but did she notice Jessie would turn red whenever Lydia was mentioned? Jordan says no...Jeff says his face would drop and she'd get a look on her face...they talk about how they'll all badmouth Jeff in the jury house.

Jordan says if they vote the way they should, strategy, gamewise, they should vote for Jeff, for him not to worry about he'll do fine...Jordan says "you're a good person, good things happen to good people"...Jeff says "wow, thanks Jordan, I'm rubbing off on you?"...Jordan says "yeah cuz you're being nicer now, now I can tolerate you, you were being kind of mean earlier"...Jeff says "does that mean we can fool around now?" 😇

Jordan says "nooo, no fooling around"...Jeff says "Jordan! never say never"  They get quiet…

Cute convos Part 7 


J&J get quiet but then Jeff does something to Jordan under the covers...Jeff whispers "I know, no fooling around" 😟 Jeff does something again and they laugh...Jeff pats Jordan and says "I'm just playing around"...Jordan says "I know you won't do anything cuz you know I'll smack your hand"...Jeff moves and Jordan says "don't you dare"...Jeff says "I'm not doing anything, I got an itch"...

Jeff does something (LOL) and Jordan while giggling says "Jeff"...Jeff laughs...more rustling...Jordan says "let me lock our arms"...Jeff says "is this your move so I can't do anything?"...Jordan says no, she always sleeps like this (yeah sure!)...Jeff says he can't get any rotation like this...Jordan laughs...Jeff says "oh yes I can" and he tries...Jordan says "move your hand"...Jeff says "what?"...Jordan says "don't you dare, geez, sleeping like this" and she uncovers them...Jeff says "relax"...Jordan says "I know you're not going to do anything"...Jeff says "what are you talking about?"...Jordan says "oh, I thought that's why you said relax"...Jeff says "your mind's wandering"...

Jeff says "how weird is it going to be to get in your car and drive somewhere?"...Jordan says "yeah"...Jeff says "with your jams"...Jordan says he has to burn her a CD of his jams...Jeff says he's going to get her an iPod when they get out of there...Jordan says to not forget the earrings too...Jeff says that's if I win...Jordan says if she wins she's buying him season tickets to the Bears...Jeff says "we're going on tripsss" (hmmm, first I heard of this LOL)...Jordan says "oh yeah to Hawaii"...Jeff says "no, you win, oh yeah yeah yeah that's right"...

Jordan says she was kidding about Hawaii, take whoever he wants to Hawaii...Jeff says they'll go on another trip?...Jordan says yeah...they agree to split the cost...Jeff says "and we're going to f**k around a little bit?"...Jordan still says no...Jeff says "what? on a vacation" ...Jordan says "why do we have to?"...Jeff says they don't have to but a little bit? if they go somewhere on the beach they have to fool around a little bit?...Jordan says they can kiss, that's as far as she'll go Jeff says "what? kiss? I'm 31" <----I think this is one of the funniest things Jeff said all summer! 🤣😂🤣

Jordan says "well go find yourself someone that will"...Jeff says "oh be quiet, you know you're gonna fool around, don't try to be a good girl for TV" ...Jordan gets all defensive and says she's not, he can ask anybody, all her friends can vouch, she's only been with one person, she swears to God...Jeff says he knows, he believes her...Jordan says she's weird, her mind starts thinking crazy things...Jeff asks "can you scratch my back crazy since you can't scratch my front?"  Jeff says he's just playing plus it will relax him and he'll shut up...he turns on his belly...Jordan starts scratching.

Cute convos - JeJo finally fall asleep 


Jordan starts scratching Jeff's back saying that she finds it so funny that Jeff is always asking her to make out, also during the HOH comp when he tried to kiss her...Jeff says the DR asked him about that...Jordan says she told them Jeff was just kidding...Jeff says me too...Jeff says the DR said that Jordan made him look like a fool and Jeff was "that fu**ing bitch"...Jordan uhhh's and slaps Jeff...Jeff says "I was joking Jordan, I'm sure I said that, tsk!".

Jeff says "did you ever go to a museum?"...Jordan says "yeah"...Jeff says "did you like them?"...Jordan says not really, they're alright, in 5th grade they had a sleepover at the museum...Jeff says that's awesome, was it cool?...Jordan says there were different things, space stuff, dinosaurs, just everything...Jeff says that's cool...Jordan says in 5th grade it was...Jeff says he loves museums (another opposite for Jeff & Jordan lol)...Jordan says that her mom went as a chaperone, they had a DJ late at night, it was weird, they slept in sleeping bags, the next day they watched a 3D movie, she hasn't been since then.

Jeff asks about the zoo, does she like the zoo? Jordan says she hasn't been since she was 10...Jeff asks if they have an aquarium like the Shedd Aquarium in Chicago? Jordan isn't sure but thinks there's one downtown...Jordan says seriously Jeff has to come down one weekend, she can take him downtown and then to local bars where she lives...Jeff says he for sure will come down to visit...Jordan says he can stay at her mom's...Jeff says he'll stay at a hotel...Jordan insists he stay at her place, her friends always do when she invites them...Jeff says he will visit her for sure...Jordan says she can sleep with her mom and Jeff can stay in her room now...Jeff says "no way, I'm sleeping with you and your mom"...Jordan says "omg"  

Jeff says he would see her, probably Casey & Braden just when he's in LA...Jordan says he'd be the one who wouldn't show up...Jeff says he'll be at space camp...Jordan says she wishes they could have a night where they could all go out with everyone...Jeff says that is what the Vegas thing is for, no one knows what it is and that is what it's supposed to be for, who knows? and if he has to pay there's a good chance he's not going, unless he's the winner and then he's paying for their suite and they're getting busy. 

Jeff says "We definitely have to fool around in Vegas "...Jeff continues "what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas so it's like it never happened"...Jordan says "I think you're just horny"...Jeff says "what are you talking about?"...Jordan says "cuz it's probably been awhile"...Jeff says "probably?"...Jordan says "it has been awhile"...they laugh.

Jeff says "have you been here too or what?" LOL Jeff says "whatever, we're fooling around when we get out of here"...Jordan says "Jeff!"...Jeff says "what, you always hide in there" as Jordan puts her head near Jeff's armpit.

Jordan says "you're talking about it like that now, if you're drunk you'll be attacking me"...Jeff says "oh yeah"...Jordan says "I'll have to hide"...Jeff says "I'll be all over you in public"...Jordan says "nooo, people don't like to see that, don't you hate when people make out in public?"...Jeff mmm hmm's and says "PDA?"...Jordan says "I used to feel stupid even holding someone's hand in public but now I mean..."

Jeff says "we'll throw down with your friends and drink and have fun"...Jordan says they would have so much fun...Jeff says he'd get annoyed because her friends all talk like they do...Jordan says they all talk like that...Jeff says they would drive him fu**ing bananas...Jordan says they all talk and act the same, crazy, he would love them though...

Jordan says she has a variety of friends, her work friends, her friends from school, etc...feeds cut out...they return with Jordan patting Jeff saying she's done scratching his back...they get cozy, Jordan thinks it's close in to 3am, Jeff says no more like 2am...Jeff reaches over and kisses Jordan's neck/shoulder 3 times and gets comfy in his spot...Jeff tries to kick the covers off his feet and then says he feels so bad when she is so sound asleep and he has to roll over, he feels like he's going to wake her up and she'll get cranky...Jordan says no, she doesn't get cranky, only sometimes...Jordan says they are going to be so tired tomorrow...Jeff says it's not as late as she thinks, plus they can nap...Jordan says true, now she knows why Natalie and them stayed up here a lot, it's comfy...they finally quiet down and drift off to sleep

Jeff mmms


Jeff and Jordan have been woken up by BB, lights are on but they are still lazy...Jordan is laying in bed facing the far wall...Jeff has gotten up but gets back in bed and situates himself under the covers to his liking, he says he can't believe how cold it gets in the mornings, what's that all about?...

Jeff whispers "Johrdann"...Jordan hmm's?...Jeff asks if she's going to sleep?...Jordan mmm, hmm's saying she's going to try to...Jeff says "and then they're going to wake us up again"...Jordan says "at 12"...Jeff says "no"...Jordan says "what time? normally they wake us up at 12, pick players and then it (POV) normally starts like at 2"...Jeff says they don't have to pick players...Jordan says that's right, then they won't get woken up til later...

They are quiet for a few seconds and then Jeff reaches over to rub Jordan's butt...

Jeff MMMM's :) and they get quiet again…

I couldn’t find the light 


Jeff and Jordan are in bed. Jordan snuggles up to Jeff's armpit, she says it better not smell, he says to get in there, she does and hugs him tight...they giggle...Jeff asks Jordan what she is laughing at and she says she was thinking of something funny from the DR...Jeff says it's going to be funny watching what she said...Jordan says he won't be mad at anything she said...they get quiet...Jordan then says she can't breathe in there...

Jeff says it's warmer there and his nose is cold like an Eskimo. Jordan snuggles up to his chest. Jordan starts talking game, Jeff wants to fool around. Jordan says No! Jeff kisses her and says oh, yeah! Jordan says No!

Jordan starts up with her game play strategy again. Jeff says she's covering every single fu**ing dreadful angle there is to make me sick every single day. Jeff asks her why she didn't go over if Nat won, if he won, if you won, etc. He says yeah right because you just like thinking about anything you want..Jordan says here come the stones...

Jeff says she's so random like what if we had to ride horses and she rode a horse but she wasn't that good at the comp and Natalie has long hair...whaddya think about that? Jordan tells Jeff to stop...Jeff says he's serious, does she have any horseback riding abilities?...Jordan says no...Jeff says they're finished then cuz the next comp will probably be horseback riding, that's what he was thinking.

Jeff gets under the covers and kisses Jordan and rolls on top of her. Lots of rolling around and protesting from Jordan...Jeff asks if they can just sleep a little before she starts with her brainstorming?...they laugh...Jeff goes for Jordan's neck, more squealing "No, Jeeffff!"...Jeff playfully tells her to stop fu**ing around...Jordan giggles and squeals but can't get out from under the covers, she finally does and her hair is a mess.

Jeff says to quit messing around, he has church going grandparents. She says she couldn't find the light. Jeff says that was an excuse, she had busy hands under there...Jeff cracks up saying he's just playing...Jordan says "duh!"...Jeff asks if Jordan wants to scratch his back in the morning?...Jordan's not so sure...Jeff says she's not doing anything else unless she wants to go over scenarios...Jordan says no, he'll make fun...he says he's not...Jordan starts scratching...Jeff wants to know another scenario...Jordan doesn't know any...Jeff says to tell him one with 2 former HG's coming back, that should be realistic...Jordan asks if he had 2 HG's to pick who would he pick?...Jeff sarcastically says that's easy, Ronnie and Jessie...they talk a little more game and then get quiet...

Jeff’s spy screen smile 


Jordan is still scratching Jeff's back, she asks Jeff if there might be a guest host for the veto comp?...BB calls Jordan to the DR...Jordan gets up and starts fixing herself to get ready...Jeff says what did they talk about last night?...Jordan says she forgot...Jeff says remember they thought there might be a guest host and she hoped it would be Renny, doesn't she remember that?...Jordan says oh yeah!...Jeff says oh f**k!...Jordan says he's driving her bananas...

Jeff says he is? they stay up talking for 3 hours going over everything and she doesn't know anything, she comes up with a scenario involving pigeons, he doesn't know where her brain is, Jesus...Jordan says "Jesus sista"...Jeff puts on his contacts, Jordan gets a clip from the bathroom, clips up her hair, gets her blanket and leaves the bedroom to go to the DR...Jeff kicks off his slippers, sits down and while taking a sip of water looks towards the spyscreen at Jordan walking by, a cute smile comes upon his face😊

Jeff says Oh yeah


Jeff, Jordan & Michele have been napping upstairs in the HOH before the POV comp...Jeff & Jordan get up and are giggling over the fact that they can barely tell there is a person under the covers (Michele) and that she is making noises...Jordan claps her hands to try and get Michele to moan...Michele wakes up and Jordan says that she was mmm'ing and she clapped to see if she would moan.

Jeff playfully pushes Jordan onto the bed...Jeff sits down on the round chair, he tells Michele that he wanted to hear a more elaborate moan, he has only heard her say no...Jordan asks what time it is?...Jeff says 12...Jordan says she is ready to play for the POV...they get quiet...Michele fake yawns and says she's going to go back to napping...Jordan gets up and spins Jeff around, he laughs but he stops after a couple of spins because it's going to make him sick.

Jordan goes to sit on the chair/Jeff's lap and Jeff pulls her hips down towards him and says "Oh yeah"...

Jordan gets embarassed and says "Jeefff!"...Jeff says what? he was just relaxing...

Jordan then grabs Jeff's picture of him, Mimmo & Barry and she says it's weird seeing him with a watch...Jeff says "let me see my throw down", he wonders what watch it was?...he figures it's his Kenneth Cole watch, the black one...Jeff keeps looking at the picture and he smiles saying "Barry"...he wonders where the hell they were?...

Jeff realizes where they were, it was Hooters LOL...Jordan says "it was?"...Jeff says yeah...feeds switch out...they return shortly after, Michele has left to go to the DR...Jeff says "I can't even talk to her"...Jordan changes the view on the spycam and sits down, they start talking about Russell...

Ignoring Russell & not asking Michele questions leads to another tiff 


At some point while Jeff & Michele were napping, Jordan was awake and heard Russell knocking at the HOH door but ignored him...Michele has been called to the DR and Jeff & Jordan get a chance to talk…

Jeff and Jordan are talking about Russell coming up and Jordan not opening the door for him...Jeff tells Jordan that it was a stupid, dumb thing to do, next time not to do that even though there isn't going to be a next time...Jordan opens her eyes wide at Jeff...Jeff says all she has to do is say "what's up?" and then pretend you're sleeping and say you'll talk later, now he's downstairs fuming and wondering a million things about why they didn't answer the door...

Jordan asks Jeff what he and Michele were talking about when she was listening to Bob Marley? anything?...Jeff says no, she said her and Russell don't talk about stuff...Jordan says Michele is sticking up for Russell...Jeff says that Michele says that Russell is all about the final 4...Jeff says he presented Michele with a scenario where she played dumb, as if she hasn't thought of that fu**ing scenario, of course she has and she doesn't say anything? f**k her! 

Jeff says she is being sneaky and he can't stand her giggling, he hates it, he can't stand it...Jordan says they have to split them up, if Russell wins the POV maybe they should backdoor her...both Jeff & Jordan think they will win the POV...Jeff wonders how they are going to get Michele to use the veto if she wins it...Jeff says he told Michele that her and Russell are attached at the hip now and Michele said they're in the HN room...Jeff says that Michele is lying when she says that her and Russell don't talk about stuff and he brings up the fact that she should feel bad after he called them both out in the BY and got made fools of...Jordan says she is being sneaky.

Jeff, in an agitated tone, tells Jordan that is why he wanted her to fu**ing talk when she was "pretending" to listen to Bob Marley, she could have asked a question or two too...Jeff says for her not to give him this look that says that he always turns on her or that he's saying she never does anything because she just didn't, she could have said something, she could have answered the door because now they will say that Jeff didn't answer the door and then they say Jeff asked them all the questions...

Jordan just stares at Jeff...

Jeff says for Jordan to not tell him that she's not sitting back and not doing anything because that's exactly what she's doing and if she doesn't think she is, take it the way she will because why she didn't ask any questions?

Jordan says she doesn't know, she figured he would do it...Jeff says "because you thought it was so comfortable for me to ask the questions? I don't want to talk to her either"...Jordan says fine, when Michele comes back she will ask her some questions...

Jeff says he's just saying and that they have the same conversation every night, she could ask her too, she's more her friend than he is so she would get more out of her...Jordan notices on the spyscreen that Michele is coming and says "shut're always yelling at me"...

Jeff starts to talk...Michele walks in and Jordan says "I know, but why do you always have to yell at me"...Jeff says he's a loud talker...Jordan says "I know but you're always"...

Michele hugs Jordan and says it's ok Jordo...Jordan says "he's always yelling at me" (there goes Jordan again playing the victim card and making Jeff look bad, sharing personal business, not a fan of her doing this)..Jordan says to Michele "so what do you think about everything?"...Jeff asks Michele what that hug was for?...Michele says she likes to hug Jordo...Jeff gets pissed saying Michele doesn't even know what Jordan said so why is she hugging her and not him?...Michele says "sorry Jeff"...Jeff gives Jordan a look...Jordan says "what Jeff!!?"...Michele says Jeff is mean...

Jeff says how does Michele know what she said? she could have been calling Michele a fu**ing asshole right before she walked in and then she hugged her for that? why do people automatically assume Jordan is always cute and right?...Michele awkwardly giggles saying that Jeff is getting mad for nothing...Jeff says Michele walked in and just assumed something and don't tell him that she doesn't have a problem assuming things because she assumes a lot in this house...Michele goes to hug Jeff too but he doesn't want one...she's banned! (he should have banned her stupid hugs permanently!)...Jeff says people are about to get laid out in there.

Jeff looks at Jordan and makes fun of Jordan saying "what? were you gonna cry and go bake cakes for people?"...Jeff & Michele laugh but Jordan is not amused, she is pissed!...Michele says she came in at the wrong time and she should leave now...Jeff says you gave Jordan a hug when maybe she is wrong...Michele says everyone is wrong...Jeff says he is probably wrong but he's sticking to his points.

Michele says "you're cute when you're angry" GAG ME🤮

Jeff smiles and pulls at his hair in frustration...he asks if anyone wants cheese LOL...Jordan nods no and Michele says she'll have some cheese...Jeff asks what is wrong with Michele?...Michele says she can't fu**ing eat...Jeff says oh yeah, shit...Jeff asks Jordan if she wants to try it? even if she did, she wouldn't want it because she is mad at what he said, they'll try it later alright?...Jordan gives him a look...

Jordan turns the talk to game...she asks Michele what she thinks about everything?...Michele says she's sticking to the plan, she doesn't want to get shanked. Jordan - huh?...Michele says she is kidding but remember the time you guys threatened us...Jeff says who? oh, when we were outside and I couldn't get to the bottom of whatever the f**k was going on, somebody was lying...Jeff & Jordan humor Michele by going along with the idea they are getting rid of Kevin...Jeff asks a hypothetical scenario for the following week to see what Michele will say, she doesn't exactly inspire confidence in Jeff and Jordan with her answers...basically Jeff & Jordan put the boots to Michele for the next 20 minutes or so. 

Jeff smiles at Jordan and she says what?...Jeff says nothin', I know you're upset with me, it's ok...

Michele asks if they are seriously mad?...Jeff says that Jordan is for things he says...Jordan looks genuinely upset...Michele says she deserved a hug then...Jeff says she didn't know that, don't get him started...

This exchange below was a pre-cursor to the big fight between Jeff and Jordan that caused them to sleep separately 3 nights later and the ensuing conversation about keeping things between them...

Michele then points to Jordan and says "you told me that you guys got into a fight"...Jeff (again never liking when Jordan would tell their personal business) says she was just joking...Jordan says "we bicker"...Jeff says "yeah, that's better...and don't tell people, you see how that comes off already, what you say in this house, we got in a fight joking and she goes they got in a fight and she tells Russell hey, it's good they're fighting and then all of a sudden the whole house thinks we're fighting because you cracked one joke"

Michele says she knew Jordan was being "jokey"...Jordan says that they were bickering...Jeff says if you want to see fighting wait outside the door...Jordan says she thinks she is going to sleep in the SS room tonight and give Jeff his space (foreshadowing moment)...Jeff mutters ok...Jordan says she thinks Jeff is getting annoyed so she'll leave him alone...Jeff mutters ok...

Jeff says she is going to change her mind in 5 mins anyways so don't worry about it...Jordan says she won't, she will sleep there because she can tell Jeff is getting irritated with her. Jeff did NOT sound thrilled with this...he says he's not getting irritated with her...Jordan says she can tell, he's like a time bomb, she can just tell...Russell walks in...Jeff says it's because she says goofy shit...

Jeff wants to explain what happened...he asks Russell if he came up earlier? Jordan didn't get the door...Russell shows how he stood at the door and left...Jordan asks why he didn't come in?...Jeff says he had his headphones on, he fell asleep and when he woke up Jordan told him someone came to the door and she didn't feel like talking, he told her why didn't she just open the door to let him know they were sleeping?..

Jordan says the door was unlocked...Russell says "Jordan, you made me feel like a yo-yo"...Jeff says he knows that's how it feels when you're out there...Jordan repeats the door was unlocked...Jeff swears he was sleeping with his headphones on...Russell says that clip is going to be on TV...Jordan who is now even more pissed that Jeff called her out in front of Russell says it won't be, it was Jeff was sitting with his headphones, she was halfway asleep and didn't feel like getting the door and the remote was on the table, she didn't know who it was so she didn't say anything and Jeff yelled at her...Jeff says he didn't, Jordan says he did...Jeff says to come to his own conclusion...Russell says if they want to be alone, he doesn't mind...Jordan in a loud tone says "no, the door's unlocked though!"...Russell says he doesn't barge in...Jeff sees what Russell means...

Russell tries to make a joke about the whole thing and lighten the mood and it kind of works...Jordan says that Jeff was being...but she doesn't say anymore...the tension is diffused temporarily when they start joking about Casey...Jeff thought his speech was good even though others thought it wasn't...feeds cut out...

Jordan flips Jeff the bird 


The feeds were cut off and when they return Jordan is not up in the HOH...Jeff is up there talking to Russell & Michele...Jeff spies Jordan coming up to the HOH door, he jumps out of bed and locks the door to show Jordan a lesson about ignoring people at the door...Jordan groans...she knocks and waits for a bit to see if someone answers and Jeff waits inside the HOH with a sly grin on his face...Jeff opens the door when he sees on the spy screen that Jordan is walking away, he laughs and keeps telling her to come here but she is not amused...she flips him the bird all the way down the spiral staircase...

Russell & Michele ask why she is mad?...Jeff says it's because he is busting her balls, what she did earlier was rude, if he knocked and someone didn't answer he'd be so pissed, he fell asleep with his headphones on and didn't hear Russell knocking and when he asked Jordan after why she didn't answer, she said she just didn't feel like talking, it looked stupid...Russell says it's alright, is she like that because of her period?...Jeff says yeah, she's so pissed all the time, he says one thing and she's pissed, she had 5 days of whatever the f**k  that thing was and now it just started... 

Watch the quad cam to see the whole thing evolve...what is interesting is that at the same time Jeff is bitching to Russell & Michele, saying that Jordan is really pissed at him (I think Jeff felt bad at this point) Jordan is downstairs complaining to Kevin and Natalie that Jeff is mad that she ignored Russell earlier in the HOH and locked her out just now. As Jeff would say Good Times!! 🥴

The feeds would go to trivia shortly after this for the POV comp (the banana one)...Jordan wouldn't be seen again until after the feeds come back...

Jeff after the tiff 


 After Jeff had (half) jokingly locked Jordan out of the HOH room, Jordan is nowhere in sight and Jeff (in bed) is with Russell (in a chair at the little table) and Michele (in the round chair) in the HOH room...

Jeff & Russell talk sports while Michele sits quietly listening...feeds go off for 10 mins...

A LOT more sports talk...Russell then asks "is Jordan really still downstairs?"...Jeff, who has been pretending to be sleepy, hoping they would leave, says "yeah" with a grin...Russell tells him he might have some making up to do...Jeff says she's got some relaxing to do Oh Jeff 😬

More awkward, forced conversation, control room, etc...Jeff gets called out by production for obstructing his microphone...he says "I'm not talking" although he had been...his tone was almost like "I'm DONE talking"...

Russell gets up to use the HOH bathroom, he walks into the stall and says "tampons, huh?"...Jeff says, "yeah, I know"...Russell says "something you need to tell me, Jeff?"...Jeff responds "it's like I'm fu**ing married with no luxuries"...Russell and MIchele giggle...Jeff is thoughtful and sings a line from "Cry Me a River"  :)

Russell leaves to make coffee and Michele tries to start her pathetic flirting 🤢 Jeff puts on the headphones and ignores her so she leaves


Shower after the POV


The feeds return after the POV to Jeff taking a shower in the HOH bathroom...Jordan is in her Easter egg towel...she asks him what he's saving his wine for?...Jeff says "maybe tonight?"...Jordan says no, she says they should save his wine for when they are left in the final 2...Jeff peeks over the shower door and says "so we can make bad decisions?"...Jordan "no!" LOL

Jordan says when Jeff gets out of the shower she has something she wants to say...Jeff says when she gets in there (shower) he has something he wants to do Jordan laughs...Jeff steps out of the shower saying this season is all about saving energy and stuff so from now on they should just shower together, they are doing the world a favor, not just them ;) ...Jordan says "we're doing you a favor"...Jeff says he just cares about the environment LOL

Jordan says she will wait to shower to talk, she doesn't want to irritate him...Jeff says no, they have time, he's going to stand there and put lotion on, get in there but btw she's making him sick with her dirty legs, she's getting dirt everywhere, just shower...Jordan gets ready to shower...Jeff throws her clothes on the floor of the shower...Jordan comments on how she couldn't get up the slide during the comp.

Jeff mentions the cheese again and Jordan says she'll have some maybe later, she was mad at him at the time and didn't want any...Jeff asks if she's still mad at him?...Jordan hmmm's and says not as much...Jeff says a little bit?...Jordan said he hurt her feelings...Jeff says "do I need a good talking to later?"...Jeff moves towards the shower and says "do you wanna work this out in the shower? he's got something he could work out in the shower" LOL...Jordan tells Jeff that he has to stay up there because they need to talk...Jordan gets in the shower and asks Jeff for a towel...she pokes her head out and gives Jeff the cutest smile...

Jordan says "thanks, thanks BFF" and takes her shower...

Shower & shave chat 


While Jordan showers, Jeff shaves...before he does, he randomly says "Jordo"  :) Jeff says competitions are so much more fun when you win...Jordan gets grossed out by a banana peel (she brought in from the comp), she says she's actually going to wear the shorts (from the comp)...Jeff says he's going to love his shorts, he loves the shorts from Target...Jordan says Jeff's going to have to talk to her in a little bit because she can't hear a word he's saying...Jeff says it's not important.

Jeff continues talking to her LOL...he asks Jordan where her compact mirror is?...Jordan tells him it should be in her makeup bag, it's not, he keeps looking...Jordan says her Luminous stuff isn't going to last too much longer...Jeff says "it's not in there Jordo" :) Jordan says to grab her foundation compact...Jeff says it's ok, it's not that bad, he just wants to do the back of his neck but they can do it later...Jordan says she'll do it for him tonight...Jeff says ok.

Jordan says she loves getting messy like that, doesn't he?...Jeff says yeah...Jordan says she can't believe she was the first one out...Jeff says he knows and there were a thousand Ronnies...Jordan says all the others had already gotten there and she knew they'd all be right and then there she was...Jeff asks what did I tell you about not quitting though?...Jordan says she didn't quit did she?...Jeff says she didn't...Jordan says she got the banana, went up there and waited...Jeff says good for you...Jordan says even though she couldn't get up the fricken thing...Jeff says good job but it didn't matter...Jordan asks Jeff if he's excited?...Jeff says "that I won?...yeah"...Jordan asks if this is his first POV?...Jeff says "no, second, remember I took myself off the block?"...Jordan says "oh yeahhhhhh"

This next part sounds like a mafia movie lol

Jordan says "I forgot about that Gucci"

Jeff says "I got all the power now sista"

Jordan says "yeah you do"

Jeff says "nobody makes a move without me" :)

Jordan says again she can't hear him...Jeff says it doesn't matter...Jordan continues talking again LOL she says it was so funny when Jeff said he had a banana...Jeff says Michele was so nervous, she got all freaked out when Jeff made a noise, you can definitely rattle her...Jeff finishes up and says he needs to have a good DR sesssion...FISH...

JeJo banter - making a deal


When the feeds return from fish...Jordan is out of the shower in a towel and Jeff is about to do his hair...

Jeff says "see, when you say scenario, please tell me who is eliminated before you say the scenario, not 2 weeks from now when 6 people are still here, alright?"

Jordan says "okay...gotcha"

Jordan then says "and when I talk to you will you not like yell at me or raise your voice at me?"

Jeff says "deal! but if you give one scenario with 6 people here 2 weeks from now, it's over, deal's off"

Jordan says "ok, ok you lost"

Jeff says "you lost!"

Jordan says "gotcha...geez"

Jeff says "I'm not yelling, I'm explaining the rules"

Jordan cutely says "what happened, what happened to the Jeff I met?...I'm just kidding"  :)

Jordan says this is what happens when you get in power, you fight..Jeff says "no, you're getting power hungry, you're drinking the juice that everyone else was drinking, you gotta keep it cool sister"...Jordan says she's trying...Jeff says there's a long way to go and this week is crucial...

Post POV talk in the HOH


Jeff finishes up fixing his hair and Jordan gets dressed after taking her shower...they continue talking game...

Jeff says that next week and this week are crucial and he thinks he's pulling the trigger...Jordan says she thinks he should...Jeff says he thinks it's going to happen, it's the smartest move for himself...

Jordan bends down to get her hairbrush from the bottom drawer and Jeff says that he was going to "blow" one right there...Jordan says that would be kind of funny...Jeff farts and says see, that's the one that would have been on her...Jeff says to leave the whitestrips out, he'll do them later tonight...Jordan wraps her hair in a towel saying they need to start talking...

Jeff and Jordan poke fun at Michele saying she gets so into the competitions and was crying...Jeff says the slide was pretty hot though....Jordan has unwrapped her hair now and proceeds to destroy her wet hair with vigorous brushing 😯

Jeff picks up his letter on the table and starts looking it over...Jordan says Jeff is doing what she did, she kept reading hers over and over again...Jeff puts some cologne on and FISH...when feeds return J&J are sitting at the table talking game...

Jordan tells Jeff what was going on during the POV comp, how Natalie was talking to her about the game, where the bananas were and she didn't want Russell to see them talking, she saw Russell looking over at them...Jordan says she has a major feeling she'll be targeted if Russell stays, she says she told Jeff that if he won the POV it was a sign, she has been saying her prayers, this is a major opportunity...

Jordan says she was hoping that Michele wouldn't win POV, she knew Russell was pulling for Michele, it just shows that Russell is not with them...Jeff knows, he saw it too during the competition...Jordan says Russell wanted Michele to win...Jeff says oh, yeah...Jordan says they definitely have to break them up...Jeff says he didn't like the talk he had with Michele this morning.

Jeff says he isn't throwing Jordan under the bus by any means and for her not to get too paranoid but he's going to tell them (K&N) that if he takes them off the block...Jordan interrupts saying that she thinks Jeff should save Natalie...Jeff says he's taking Kevin off because he's a better player and he'll tell Natalie to not worry about one thing, they have the votes (to get Russell out)...Jordan tells Jeff that Natalie swore to her that if she doesn't go home this week that Jordan and Jeff would never go up, she'll be so loyal to them, she owes it to them both...Jeff says Natalie is saved either way...Jordan says she promised Natalie she's safe...Jeff asks when she told her that?...Jordan says after the POV...Jeff says he has a couple of days to think about it, the ceremony is Monday, nothing is set.

Jordan says this is Jeff's chance to get Russell out, they need to break up Russell and Michele and that Jeff made a good point, they can't go up against them two, they're too strong...Jeff asks that people stop saying that Russell is the best fu**ing competitor in there because he doesn't win everything...Jordan says she knows, she's just saying...Jeff says Russell is no gift to God, he says he goes in the DR and they tell him he's the best competitor they've ever had, STFU!

Jordan thinks Russell needs to go...Jeff says he has a million reasons why, first off the vote for Jessie, he doesn't know why but he can't swallow the pill...they both agree that they can't trust Michele either...Jeff says she's acting fishy...Jeff imitates how Michele looks when she's lying/hiding something, she has no poker face at all...Jordan says it was weird that Russell told Michele they couldn't talk during the day because it looked suspicious, aren't they all supposed to be a team?...Jeff says yeah, he's an idiot...Jordan says she has a good feeling about them getting rid of Russell...

Jeff says he's going to tell them (K&N) that if he takes them off the block, he doesn't go up period, Jordan isn't the target and Michele is the target and then they go to Michele and tell her they're final 3, if Michele wins, it's Kevin out, then they go to the finals with Natalie once they get Michele out (if it was only that easy! 🙁 ) ...they go over the plan details and possible scenarios 

Jordan thinks it's meant to be after both of them winning back to back HOH's & POV's...Jeff says he thinks Kevin is a man of his word 😬...Jordan says it feels right doing it this way, she doesn't have a bad feeling...Jeff likes it too but is going to go over every option...Jeff tells Jordan to not say it's happening for sure, keep them guessing so they'll even be more grateful after and be willing to offer them more in return for safety (how'd that work out for you? ugh)...Jordan asks if she won HOH again who she would put up? she'd probably put up Kevin and Michele...FISH...

Farting grossies


The feeds return with Jeff bashing Michele saying she's "stupid crazy"...Jordan says she was getting anxious during the comp when it was down to Jeff and Michele...Jeff says he kind of knew he was going to win...they talk a little about the banana comp...Jordan says Russell still doesn't trust Jeff...Jeff says he shouldn't because he feels like telling him right now that "he gawn"...Jordan giggles...

Jeff looks through the mini fridge and asks if Jordan wants the little pizza, he'll have a little piece of it...Jordan does...Jordan says that Natalie is so funny, she's like a little rat...Jeff casually rips a fart 🤢

Jordan says "OMG Jeff!"...Jeff says "'s gross"...Jordan asks if Jeff is really this gassy all the time?...Jeff says no, he swears to God he's not, he gives her a reason to not believe it but...Jordan asks if she just brings the gassiness out of him?...Jeff says no, he thinks it's the stress in the house...Jordan asks stress makes him gassy?...Jeff doesn't know, it's something...Jordan says it's something in the air...Jeff says he doesn't rip them like this all the time...Jordan says it seems like he does...

Jeff asks if BB is going to make a little thing on TV about that because they ask him about farting and they asked her...Jordan says definitely because they asked her about her farting too...Jeff says they're going to show them laying in bed (farting)...Jeff says "eww Jordan we're going to look like grossies"...Jordan says "you told America I stink!"...Jeff giggles...Jordan says "now, you think guys are going to go out with me? no, they'll think I'm the smelly girl" (you don’t have to worry about that Jordan 😉) 

Jeff says "hey smelly, you want a drink?" LOL!

Jeff then says Russell must be shitting right now for sure huh?...Jordan says he's going to put on a fake front like he's excited (for Jeff)...Jeff says what would he do if Russell won HOH and POV? he'd be uhhhh! he's got to be dying, he's got no control...Jordan says Russell was staring at her and Natalie...Jeff says it's going to be a long couple of days...Jordan says he'll either go vocal and yell (yep!) or go quiet and talk to the other side for votes...

Jeff says Russell will approach the other side...Jordan says Jeff has to talk to them beforehand...Jeff says he'll tell them for their safety, they must vote the way he wants...Jeff counts the votes just to make sure he has them to get Russell out, he does...Jeff then says they might as well make a big pizza and he takes the smaller one downstairs to put in the freezer...he leaves...

Yeah baby


Jeff is putting away dishes in the kitchen...Jordan joins him...Jeff puts away something in the cabinet under the counter where they eat and as they walk by each other, Jordan touches his butt...Jeff says "yeah baby"...Jordan stands by the sink...Jeff purrs :) and takes a sip of his drink, he approaches Jordan, gets real close to her and whispers "make out?"...Jordan says hmm and presses her face against his neck...

Jeff says "yeah, that was close enough"...he grabs the tongs and tries to pinch her boob with them and they laugh.

Seen in this video at the 3:13 mark 


Kitchen chat


The whole house (except Russell) chat in the kitchen. Jeff squeezes Jordans cheek at one point when she was telling a cute story.

90210, Gremlins, The Simpsons, J&J talk a while about their serving days, watching past seasons of BB in sequester, Jeff talks about Diane looking like his ex girlfriend & they talk about Diane & Drew. Jeff says Diane reminds him of Lydia (acting like a school girl), Lydia's obsession with Jessie, Talk turns to Jessie (SO FUNNY), Jeff gets fired up when Natalie tells them that Jessie said Jordans way of choosing the Have Nots was a cop out, Jeff's impersonations of Jessie. Michele goes off when Natalie says Jordan was the only one who liked Jeff week one. A LOT of Jessie Talk…

Slap on the butt/pinch on the cheek


Jordan & Jeff are outside with the other HG's discussing laundry...Jordan says she's going to lay down she's tired...Jeff follows her inside and asks her where she is going?...Jordan says, as she closes the sliding glass door, that she's going to lay down for a second...Jeff comes in and slaps her butt...Jordan asks if he cares?...Jeff says no, he's going outside...Jordan says she'll probably listen to his jams.

Jeff saunters up to Jordan and says when I come upstairs will we make out?...Jordan slaps his belly and says no, she pinches his cheek.

Jeff says later? when you say later it's bullshit...Jordan says maybe...Jeff says alright, he'll take it. 😊Jordan goes upstairs...Jeff goes outside...

Wanna take a bubble bath? 


Jeff is outside smoking on the fridge...Jordan comes outside eating a bowl of ice cream and asks Jeff if he wants a bite?...Jeff takes some...Jordan sits down and asks Jeff if he wants to take a bubble bath?...Jeff eyes open wide and he says "what?"...Jordan says "wanna take a bubble bath later?"...Jeff says "me?...with you?" (his eyes open really wide)

Jordan nods and Jeff says "wow"...Jordan says "rekindle" LOL

Jeff says "we gonna light candles in there?"  

Jordan (wanting to make up) says "after the whole drama"...Jeff says "what drama?"...meanwhile Michele has joined them ugh...Jeff says "oh, so you got pissed"...Jordan thinks there was drama...Jeff says he's over it...Jordan says she's a little over it...Jeff says "you need a bubble bath"...Jordan says she's a little sour, hmm? Jeff doesn't respond...

Jordan says you know the cameras would definitely be like (makes a honing in camera sound), she smiles...Jeff says they would love it if we were in a bubble bath...Jeff says it's Saturday night...Jordan giggles and says and we could open your bottle of wine...Jeff says he was thinking about it...Jordan says no, in the bubble bath...Jeff says "we're not taking a bubble bath"...Jordan says "we're not?"...Jeff says she can...Jordan says they will be in their bathing suits...Jeff says it will just look weird but he then says if they make out he'll go in there...

Jordan says that will even look more weird...Jeff says they should just go for it, put on a show, they can fart in there and make a jacuzzi...Jordan doesn't respond and they both quiet down... 

Get crunk & make bad decisions 2.0


Jeff, Jordan & Russell are sitting on the couches outside in the BY...they are discussing the fact that they were given no alcohol tonight on a Saturday night, they wonder what is up with that?...Jeff says that Russell had alcohol every night when he was HOH, he'd always come out with wine & beer, production must hate him, he gets nothing...they talk about Casey and how he did good (on the voiceovers for the banana comp)...

Jordan wonders how his DJ stuff is going?...Russell tells them they talked and he said he wanted to stop doing it, he was getting tired...Jeff says he'll play it up now because of BB...they talk about Casey being 40, Jeff being 31...Jordan says Casey is 9 years older than Jeff and 18 years older than her...Jeff says "there you go Jordan!"...Jordan says "wow".

Jordan says her bday is coming up soon...Russell asks when it is?...Jeff quickly says "November 21st!"...Jordan says "good job"...Jordan says "that's soon right?"...Russell says 2 months (nope three!) ...Russell says his is soon, in September...Jeff says "holy shit, it's September next week"...Russell says he's kind of sad though because it's opening day of dove season. (HUH?) They talk about how Russell told everyone that story but as usual people tune out when doing the HOH reveal, Jeff says that's why he told everyone to get out of the room, no awkward shit.

Jeff says he likes seeing everyone's HOH though...they talk about feeding the fish, Jeff does, Jordan didn't, Russell kind of did...Jordan thinks fish are gross...Jordan asks if they can pick them out of the tank...Jeff says no, they're not toys, not on his watch sista!...Jordan slaps Jeff and squeezes his arm.

Jeff jokingly asks if there is beer?...Russell says there's the wine, he can crack it open for Jordan...Jeff says "you wanna get crunk?"...Jordan says "now? it's already eleven though"...Russell says it's never too late to party...Jordan says they should wait and open it later to double it up...Jeff says "and make bad decisions?" Jordan looks up to the sky shyly...Russell says Jordan didn't say no so it's still a possibility...Jordan says "oh geez...Jeff's horny"...Russell says they all are.

Talk turns to the DR and how they hate being called there when they are sleepy, Jeff says that Michele took the battery for his mic so he was pissed so he asked her and she was "heehee" and he was like "gimme that fu**Ing thing"...they laugh...Jeff wonders how she confused the "Jeff" label with "Michele"...Jeff says in the morning you're fu**ing so crabby, half the time he doesn't even have his contacts in, he thinks a chair is a person.

Jordan says her sister is the meanest morning person...Jeff says he hates "morning people" when they're all like "good morning!" (all chipper) and you're like "what?"...Jordan flips the bird at the imaginary morning person LOL and says "shove it"...Jeff says yeah...Russell says "Halie!"...Jordan says Halie is her other personality...Russell says him & Jeff saw her today.

Jeff pokes Jordan in the face and says "you gave me the finger today"...Jordan in a somewhat British accent says "did you see it?"...Jeff in a British accent says "did I see it?"...Jeff says he saw her...Jordan says "on the camera?"...Jeff says he came outside, when he wouldn't let her in the door...

Jordan says she flipped the bird to the camera...Jeff says so that's why production is pissed...Jordan says she thought Jeff's spy screen was zoned to the kitchen so she walked up to the camera and gave them the finger and told production it wasn't for them but for Jeff.

Russell pretends to feel bad that Jordan didn't open the door for him, he gives her a hard time...Jordan says the door was unlocked...Jeff says it wouldn't take much to just say "come in"...Jordan demonstrates LOL...Russell says that made him cry for the first time in the house. LOL

Jeff says "see"...Jordan says "tension, tension my friend"...Jeff says "tension what?"...Jordan says "me and you"...Jeff says "no, it's over"...Jordan says she knows, they (DR) even asked her...Jeff says "what? and what'd you say, he's getting on my nerves"...Jordan says "oh no"...Jeff says "worse?"...Jordan says that she told them that sometimes she gets on his nerves because she's around Jeff a lot...Jordan gets called out by BB...

Russell says "you guys are so the showmance of the show" (yep!) Jeff says "it's not a showmance"...Jordan agrees and says she thinks they're just...uhhh...

Out of the blue Jordan says she can't wait to go out drinking and dancing and have a good time...Jeff & Russell say that was a change of subject...Jordan says she saw Natalie kind of dancing and it reminded her...feeds cut out...when they return Jeff is telling Russell how Jordan just switches topics like that.

Jordan continues on about how her and her friends go out, get drunk, dance & scream and get super duper excited, they act crazy and she loves know?...Jeff doesn't look amused LOL but says "yay!" Jordan says she misses that. Feeds cut out & return...Jordan is talking about eating breakfast at the strip club. 

Jeff has never heard of that...Jordan ensures them it's a "nice" strip club 🤔 Jordan says they have a buffet...Russell has never eaten at a strip club before...Jordan says if they come down she'll take them out there, it's fun...

Jordan says Jeff likes her boobs 


Jeff is playing pool with Kevin...Jordan is sitting with Russell & Michele on the couches.

The mics are focused on Kevin & Jeff who are talking about pool but in the background Jordan can be heard talking about her boobs, she is saying she was flat before, she is excited to have something to grab etc...Russell says something to Jeff that is inaudible but it has something to do with Jeff and Jordan's boobs...

Jeff says he gets the downlow...Jordan says "Jeff you like my boobs, shut up...I'm just kidding"...she laughs and says she's kidding again...Russell says that is a good thing...Jeff says I didn't say anything, I like your boobs...they're good boobs, they're good the same time Jordan is saying that they haven't done anything, they (BB) would know if they had done something, Jeff would probably be in a better mood, he would release some steam...Jeff laughs and says "hell, yeah"

Russell says a lot of steam...he says Jordan would probably be in a better mood. Jordan says me? oh, I'm just in a bad mood because I'm on my period, I get like that...Jordan says she gets really moody...Jordan starts talking about her scars and she shows it to Russell & Michele...she says it's thick, she puts lotion every night...Russell goes on to describe his ex gf that had double D's and looked like a porn star.   

Feeds cut out and come back to Jordan saying she would have never gone bigger, even when she first had them in, she felt they were too big, her mom said they were huge, she called her Dolly LOL Jordan says now it feels like her boobs "fit her".


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