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Day 41 of BB13 Feeds


August 17

JeJo hammock time part 3

2:30 AM

Jeff and Jordan are outside on the couches chatting with Adam, Kalia & of the 666 symbol, devil worshipping, things get awkward and Jordan asks Jeff "you wanna go lay on the hammock?"...Jeff says "the hammock?" ...Jordan hmm's...Jeff says "we wanna swing?"...Jordan says yeah...Jeff says "and then swing together?" :)...Jeff says "let's do it"...they head over to the hammock...

Jeff stretches out a blanket on the hammock and then says "get in ready?"...Jordan mmm, hmm's and sits...they adjust...Jeff says it's cold...Jeff asks why Jordan wanted to go there?...Jordan says they all just came out at once and Shelly is still talking to Dani Jeff says "I know, what's up?"...

Jeff and Jordan are outside on the couches chatting with Adam, Kalia & of the 666 symbol, devil worshipping, things get awkward and Jordan asks Jeff "you wanna go lay on the hammock?"...Jeff says "the hammock?" ...Jordan hmm's...Jeff says "we wanna swing?"...Jordan says yeah...Jeff says "and then swing together?" :)...Jeff says "let's do it"...they head over to the hammock...

Jeff stretches out a blanket on the hammock and then says "get in ready?"...Jordan mmm, hmm's and sits...they adjust...Jeff says it's cold...Jeff asks why Jordan wanted to go there?...Jordan says they all just came out at once and Shelly is still talking to Dani Jeff says "I know, what's up?"...

Jeff tells Jordan she HAS to fake it

3:11 - 3:15 AM

Jeff, Jordan and Adam are outside talking game...they're talking about how Dani and Shelly were talking and Dani was kind of drunk...Jeff says he sees Shelly getting away from it, Dani is the aggressor...Jordan starts complaining about the HN comp and how there was tension...Adam says he yelled at Dani...Jordan says now they're coming up to her and trying to be nice, she's not fake, she can't be like "let's be best friends"...Adam says it's Dani's competitive spirit...they talk about the comp again and Jordan wants to know who she could have beaten because she stunk...Jeff says "who gives a f**k about that competition"...

Jordan says she's just saying that they showed how they were in that competition and now they want to act all nice, they already showed where the lines are drawn, she's not going to be besties with all of them...they talk about what Dani said about Rachel and what she did with the bandanas...Jordan says let Dani and Rachel battle...

Jeff says "you gotta play, I understand what you're saying and he understands what you're saying but at the same time you have to play the game, you can't just hide in the hot tub while everyone's talking, you have to fake it a little bit, ykwim?" ...Adam says that's what he's doing...Jeff says she has to...Jordan says "but I like the hot tub, I'm cold half the time"

Jeff says he's using it as an example, she has to keep a face cuz otherwise other people are going to start thinking well, what's with Jordan? they thought they were on a team and she's just fu**ing hides all the time, she has to assure people as well because other peoples' minds are going to start going crazy too...Jordan tries to defend herself but Jeff says they know but he's just telling her, if someone else wins she has to play the game to keep herself off the block and keep her in the game, he's playing to keep them both in there so play the game to keep them both in there because she's not going anywhere, he is...

Goodnight kiss, love you

5:26 AM

Jeff and Jordan finally go to bed after a super long night of game talk with Adam, Shelly & Dani...they do their usual routine of goodnight kisses and love you's and go to sleep...

Jeff would never look bad hug

11:58 AM - 12 PM

It's HOH picture day, the HG's are getting ready to take pictures...Jeff has just finished making coffee...Jordan is putting on makeup in the bathroom...Jeff calls out to her "LOVE ♥ !?"...Jordan says "what's up?"

Jeff goes to the bathroom...terrible camera work here, off camera Jordan says "don't look at me, I look really bad today"...Jeff says "aww, you could never" Jordan says "aww how sweet"...Jordan says she does look bad...Jeff asks if she's tired?...Jordan mmm, hmm's and reaches out to Jeff for a hug...

Jeff says "it's picture day!"...Jordan says she has to get ready for her big debut...Jeff says yeah!...he uses the bathroom while Jordan finishes up brushing her teeth…

Hey lover - Jeff wants a picture with Jordan

12:22 PM

Jeff is sitting outside on the couches in the BY, he's chatting with Brenchel...Jordan comes out and says to Jeff "hey lover ♥ !"

Jeff says "what's up? you take pictures?"...Jordan says nothing, she says hello to Brenchel and says she was just putting her make up on...Jeff says for her to come get him when she wants to take a picture...Dani comes out and talks about pictures, she shows Jeff one on the camera he would like...Jeff says "let me go take a picture with Jordan" he leaves...

JeJo picture time

12:24 - 12:28 PM

Jeff and Jordan get their picture taken in the kitchen by the HOH, Dani.

Dani suggests Jeff wear the dunce cap and they take another one like that...then as a group they take 2 by the stairs, one a smiley one and a goofy face one...

Pool time - hey lover

1:20 PM

Jordan is in the pool, Jeff is walking around the BY...Jordan is talking game with Adam who is sitting nearby...Jordan calls out to Jeff "hey lover" she asks if he's coming in the pool after?...Jeff says he is…

What Jeff thinks of Jordan’s boobs

1:22 - 1:30 PM

Jordan is in the pool talking to Adam who is lounging nearby...Jeff is walking/jogging around the BY...Jordan is talking about the second unitard and how it was so tight especially around her boobs...Adam says hey, she wanted those boobs so deal with it, nobody held a gun to her head...Jordan knows, she was being stupid...Adam asks how long ago she got them?...Jordan says 2 years ago, she was 22...Adam asks where Jordan was working...Jordan worked 3 jobs, a nightclub, bowling alley, the salon...Jordan hated working at the nightclub...Adam asks why she got the bigger boobs...Jordan explains she thought they were ugly and she was self-concious...Adam asks what she means they were ugly?...Jordan says if he saw them he'd say they were ugly, she's being honest, they were small and pointy and then she got them done, all the girls working downtown had them, all her friends except for two have fake boobs, so she was around that and it doesn't help when everyone has them, she didn't realize they would be as big as they are, she tried the implants on with a bra and thought they would be normal but oooh, she doesn't know...Adam asks if she's happy? she does want them reduced?...Jordan says for sure, they're way too big, she can't wear certain tops anymore, she's not like, she can deal with it but she thinks they're way too big...

Adam asks if Big Jeff likes them?...Jordan says "Jeff thinks they're big, don't you Jeff?"...Jeff says "yeah"...Adam says "too big?"...Jeff says "little bit, but they're nice" ...Adam says he likes natural...Jeff says he doesn"t want her to look like "that girl" because she's not "that girl" you know?...Jordan says she doesn't act like "that girl"...Jeff says he knows but people look at her and think it...Adam says people look at him and think he's one way...Jordan says that's true...Adam says he didn't know they were fake...Jordan says really? ahh, Kalia didn't know either...Jeff says he thinks she's "that girl"...Adam says he thought she was blessed, he's a boob fan, he just likes them...Jordan says it makes girls more feminine?...Adam says yeah...Adam says he can't tell most times but Jordan has curves so they look natural on her...Jordan says that she was Dani's size, like an A...Adam is surprised, it was a big change...Jordan talks about how her skin was so stretched and how her left boob was infected with a stitch, she had a really bad scar from it and then she explains when and why she got the boob job before BB...

JeJo vs Brenchel - Jordan is feisty

1:58 - 2:02 PM

Jeff and Jordan are in the pool...they are talking to Brendon and Rachel about the current situation...JeJo do not have the votes to keep Brendon and they don't want to piss off the the other side of the house by throwing 2 pity votes his way...Jordan explains they would expect the same if one of them were on the block...Brendon understands but Rachel, who is on the elliptical, yells out no, they wouldn't do the same thing...Jordan gets agitated telling Rachel to stop! she has been sticking up for her and has been nice to her...Rachel yells out that she's done nothing but stick up for her and Jeff ::eyeroll::

Unfortunately Jordan uses the wrong word here saying that last week she "babysat" Rachel and campaigned her butt off to keep her there and that's why she got to see Brendon again...Brendon says to let it go...Rachel says "babysat me?" ...Jordan says she was an emotional wreck last week, she was the only one that talked to her, everyone else didn't talk to her, she would go in the room and let her cry, she gave her pep talks, like 10 pep talks a day, she was the only one that stuck up for her when everyone else ran...Rachel snarkily says "ok, you're right"...Jordan says "you don't think that?"...Rachel says "I do"...Jordan says "you really don't think that?"...Rachel says she never said that...Jordan says everyone in the house will see that, she worked out with her, she talked game at night with her, why does she think they are against her?

Rachel says she never said that...Jordan says that Rachel is giving her that vibe that she's thinking that and she's not going to vote to keep Brendon if it's going to affect her and Jeff, they still have to play the game and she knows that Rachel is pissed off at them if they don't vote for Brendon but if he doesn't have Adam's vote, they won't vote for him because she's not pissing off Shelly and Dani and she told her that, she knew it would be hard to campaign for whoever was on the block so Rachel shouldn't sit there and act like she never had her back, she's had her back 100% in this game...Rachel says "ok, you're right"


Brendon says "Rach, it is what it is"...Rachel knows and accepted it, she doesn't know why they're getting mad at her, all she said is that her and Brendon would vote to keep them even if the entire house got pissed at them just like when people wanted Jeff backdoored and the house could back it up her and Brendon said no!...Jeff asks Rachel what voting for Brendon is going to do for anybody?...

Rachel walks over saying that it doesn't do good for anybody but when you have someone's back the entire game, she's sorry Jordan had to babysit her because she was an emotional wreck her fiance was going away for 6 weeks, if Jeff left for 6 weeks she would be emotional too and she would have done the same...Jeff says that babysitting was the wrong word but what he's saying is that they never left her, they were with her 100%...Jordan says Brendon told them to make sure to watch over Rachel...Jeff says they made jokes about how they had to go in shifts watching her because they had her back...Rachel says she's not going to forget that...Jeff says he doesn't know where the attitude is coming from...Rachel says there's no attitude...Brendon tells Rachel to sit down...Jeff says he doesn't know what the positive reinforcements would be...Brendon says that Rachel just gets upset because if it was one of them on the block they would vote against the house...Rachel says she wouldn't care what the house said...Jeff says so they would vote for them to stay even if it went against the house?...Rachel says 100%...

Jeff vs Brenchel - Jeff hashes it out

2:02 - 2:07 PM

The JeJo vs Brenchel showdown continues...Jeff poses the question to Brenchel "so that means you're with us 100%, you've never ever ever thrown us under the bus, ever?"...Rachel says "no Jeff" ...Jeff says "you've never said a bad word about me?"...Rachel says "yeah probably to Brendon when I get frustrated with you"...Jeff asks if he could bring 1, 2, 3 people out there and ask them if they threw him under the bus or said anything bad about him?...Brendon admits that he asked Shelly if Jeff had cut a deal with Dani (umm what about the tons of times you threw them under the bus to Dani to try to save your asses?? LOL)

Jeff says that's not what he's talking about...Rachel asks what he's talking about?...Jeff says he's not talking about anything, he finds it hard to believe that they would vote for them for no reason...Rachel asks why wouldn't they?...Jeff says it doesn't make sense...Rachel says they've been working with them...Brendon says if Jeff says someone has said something then to tell what they've said...Jeff says he's not going there, like the last time Brendon left, leave classy, if it was someone else he would bring it to the table, he doesn't care...

Rachel says who is filling his head?...Jeff says no one is, he's not filled with anything...Rachel says why would she say anything against them? when Jordan was vs Brendon on the block she told them exactly what she said, she had no problems telling them what she said about Jordan...

Jeff gets it but this is what he does not get, they're having this conversation and Rachel is getting frustrated, friends don't "pussyfoot around" (paraphrase)...Rachel says friends don't say they're babysitting each other, she's sorry she's such a burden (to Jordan)...Jordan apologizes for using the wrong word, she meant that she looked out for her last week and she did, she had her back 100% because they got Lawon up there and campaigned their butts off for her to stay every single day, even though she didn't know it they did know she was staying...Jeff says they kept it from her because she was so emotionally out of it and as a friend they did that for her to not get her in more trouble, they kept her and got them back together and Brenchel make it seem like they owe them something, they have their back...

Rachel says they don't think JeJo owes them anything...Jeff says the thing is that she's fighting with them about something that is meaningless, if they vote for them it's meaningless, it does nobody any good other than give them 2 votes (for stats)...Brendon says that's fine...Jeff says there's no point...Brendon knows...Jeff says if it was him and he didn't have the votes, he'd tell the others not to vote for them and f**k themselves in the game, there's no reason to vote for him...Jeff says they are different and want the votes, want them to go against the house for absolutely no reason...

Brendon says it's fine, he understands his reasoning and his logic, the only thing he will say is that he does know that Jeff gets frustrated with Rachel when he's not there, he's got that, he will say that Jeff needs to talk to Rachel differently than he talks to other people in the house, he needs to be more respectful to her...Jeff says "ok"...Brendon says he's just being honest...Jeff says "could you tell her the same thing?"...Brendon says yeah, absolutely, same thing because they're both hard-headed...

Jeff says "absolutely but I don't understand, I try to help you Rachel, even outside this wanna change your name and I was all for that and I told you how you guys are and I was motivating you on the right track, you can't do the same thing in life and expect different results and I try to fill your head with like positive energy...I think you absorb it and then one second later, I think you almost do the opposite" LOL "and I try to help you, you think I'm trying to hurt you, I never was out to get you, I'm trying to help you guys, I really enjoy you guys, I never thought you guys would be like this and all I do is try to help you in life, not in this game but for some reason you think I'm against you, we looked after you the whole time, Shelly looked after you all last week, we got all the votes but all you wanna see is what's good for Rachel and Brendon, that's all you want to see and I'm not trying to throw a stone, I'm not trying to be mean, you put blinders on to everybody else but you guys, so all that help, all that work, all the talking, all the speeches, all that calming you down, didn't go through, you had blinders on"...Rachel says "yeah because my fiance left" LOLOL

JeJo vs Brenchel - Jeff bit his tongue

2:07 - 2:11 PM

JeJo & Brenchel continue their conversation at the pool area...Rachel tries to say that she was upset because her fiance was going to be gone for 6 weeks...Jeff says he gets that, he was totally sympathetic to that...Rachel says she knows and appreciates that Jordan had to "babysit" her and she's sorry she was so emotional...Jeff says "listen don't take one word she said, she just apologized, don't keep throwing that around ok? don't keep throwing that around, I mean...guys listen, I'm trying to help you here, I'm trying to help you and be a man and I'm trying to tell you guys what's up but by telling me watch the way I talk and stuff, I have to walk around on eggshells, I walk on eggshells around Rachel"...Brendon tries to say he's just asking Jeff to be respectful...Jeff says he will, he totally understands that sometimes his temper gets the best of him and he apologizes but he does walk around on eggshells around her (Rachel apologizes too)...

(I find this part hilarious because of how Jordan imitated Jeff later on saying this, she was dead on! LOL)

Jeff says "I bite my fu**ing tongue, it's in half because I bit it off! because I bite my tongue, do you know what that means? biting your tongue?"...Rachel says yeah...Jeff says "you don't know, you say whatever is on your mind all the time! there's no filter...I don't have a tongue left, I can't even taste food because I ripped it off...that's what I'm saying, that's why I'm frustrated"

Dramatic much! LOL

Brendon changes the subject to who is saying they are throwing JeJo under the bus and they continue talking game...Brendon says he just wanted to let Jeff know that as soon as he talks down to Rachel or is disrespectful she shuts off, that's just (her), Jeff has been raised around coaches and brothers, probably talking to girls is a little difficult sometimes because he's used to guys...Jeff says probably, he's right, his temper does get the best of him but if he's biting his tongue and he's working, he expects the same from that end, it's not that he's attacking Rachel, it's just the way he was raised, it's the way he talks, it's the way he grew up...

Rachel says just because she gives him a look and says it's ok doesn't mean she's trying to talk shit to him...Jeff says to let him tell her something about body language and then he goes on to demonstrate how body language can tell the opposite story of what a person is saying...

Rachel says she's sorry and let her tell Jeff something about her, she doesn't mean to cut him off but when she gets upset she needs a second to cool down, Brendon and her have to hash things out and she does it all the time with him, she needs a moment, she's sorry if her facial expressions and body language offend Jeff...Jeff gets a chuckle out of the "offending you with my body language" comment...

Palm trees and then they continue hashing things out...

Kiss by the pool

3:24 PM

Jeff is in the pool, Jordan comes outside and sits herself down by the pool...Brendon is tanning nearby...Jeff inches over to Jordan and he talks about making those Arby sandwiches again...Jordan says they're out of roast beef...BB tells Jordan to put on her mic...she goes to get up and Jeff says he was coming (to kiss her)...they kiss...

Jordan gets up to get her mic...

You’re welcome lover

3:32 - 3:37 PM

Feeds switch to JeJo who are going into the storage room...Jordan wants to know what there is to eat?...Jeff says how about tacos?...

Jordan changes the subject saying "how ridiculous are they?"...Jeff says "Brendon & Rachel?"...Jordan says "omg"...Jordan says when he came over (hard to understand what she's referring to here), she thought Jeff was going to come unglued...Jeff says he was but he bit his tongue, he could have gone two directions there...Jordan says "you did good, you did real good"...

They talk about what they're going to eat and can't believe they're out of food already...they head out to the candy room...Jordan holds the door open for Jeff and he says thanks, she says "you're welcome lover ♥ "...they chat a bit more while in the room...Jordan is whispering about a comment Brendon made to her earlier and then they head out and go to the bathroom...they continue talking about Brendon and his bitterness...Jeff goes to take a shower and sees how gross the stall is...Jordan uses the bathroom...

Jeff will stick up for his girlfriend

3:59 - 4:02 PM

Jeff, Jordan and Adam are in the kitchen...Jeff is making tacos, Jordan eating chips & salsa, Adam is doing his usual wandering around being annoying ...Jeff and Adam banter a little about whatever and then Jeff says something about people not throwing out old lunch meats that makes Jordan think he's referring to her, she says "you're a butthole"...Jeff says "I'm not talking about you butthole" LOL

Jordan says he was talking about her...Jeff says he wasn't...they then start placing blame on Porsche and Adam says if Jeff wants to yell at Porsche, he can yell at him because he told her there weren't any lunch meats ...Jeff says "I'll stick up for my girlfriend" (Jeff poking fun of Adam protecting Porsche)...Jordan says "aww that was sweet" They continue bantering about how lazy people are...

Candy room - love, did you go to sleep?

5:26 - 5:28 PM

Feeds switch to the candy room...Jeff comes back from the DR and gets in bed with Jordan again...he says "love ♥ ? noooh...did you go to sleep?"...Jordan mmm, hmm's...Jeff says "why?"...Jordan reaches back to touch Jeff's head...

Jeff says to not give him the old pet my head and go back to sleep...Jordan reaches for Jeff's arm and pulls it towards her, she starts rubbing it for a little bit and then taps him to signal it's over...they both turn to their respective sides to nap...

JeJo bathroom kiss

9:15 PM

Jeff is in the kitchen, is finishing up his snack and wanders into the bathroom where Jordan is sitting on the lounger, he sits down saying "hey, what are you doing?"...Jordan says "nothing" and they give each other a kiss

Jordan says she's putting on some makeup because she was told she'd be called into the DR tonight, she's looking a little rough…

Jeff burns the chess pieces thieves

9:43 PM

Jeff, Jordan, Kalia, Adam and Porsche are talking in the turns to the chess pieces being missing still...Jeff, unbeknownst to him, burns one of the thieves, Kalia, who is sitting right there, by saying that once the show is over they'll be at a bar and the thief will make a joke about how they were the ones who stole the chess pieces, wasn't that cool? and Jeff will say "honestly you're a fu**ing huge loser, your whole life is a big mistake" LOLOL! They all crack up laughing…

Drink, do it & crab legs

9:59 PM

Jeff, Jordan, Adam and Dani are chatting in the LR...Dani tells Jeff the question she was going to ask was, off the top of your head, what are the top 3 things you're going to do when you get out of the house?...Jeff says noodles were on his mind for some reason but...

The top 3 things are "drink, do it & crab legs" 😜

Fatty Schroeder

10:24 PM

Jeff is in the kitchen washing dishes...Jordan is eating at the counter...Jeff giggles and says to Jordan "what if Kat calls me Fatty Schroeder? wtf!"...Jordan and Jeff giggle...Adam asks what?...Jeff says it's a girl in Charlotte that cuts his hair by Jordan, she calls him Fatty Schroeder...Adam and Jordan want to know why she calls him Fatty Schroeder?...Jeff says "cuz I eat too much?"

Nacho cuteness

11:11 - 11:19 PM

Jeff, Jordan, Shelly & Dani are in the LR chatting, they're waiting for the nachos that Porsche is making...Dani gets up and leaves...Shelly & JeJo continue chatting about Twitter and things to follow...Jordan says she doesn't really follow anybody, she never gets on...Jeff says "you follow me" Jordan says she knows, Jeff follows like 50 people Jeff follows inspirational quotes, he thinks positive attitude things work, it's real, you just have to relate it (to your life)...

Shelly gets up saying "let's get some nachos kiddies"...Jeff jumps up saying "yeah" and throws the plastic ball at Jordan LOL Jordan barely flinches, she smiles...Jeff says "I'm so mean, c'mon love ♥ , I don't wanna be mean"...Jordan says she's not eating...Jeff lifts up his shirt to show off his belly and Jordan giggles saying "go Fatty Schroeder"

Jeff says "nooh" and heads to the kitchen...Jordan yells out for Jeff to put some extra on his plate and she'll eat some of his...Jeff doesn't respond...

Jordan then yells out "Jeff! put some extra on your plate"...Jeff says "just uh, come and make one...I'm making you one"...Dani has returned to the LR and tells Jordan Jeff is making her a plate...Jordan says she only wants one...Adam says you can't have just one...Jeff says "yeah that's a lie"...

Dani and Jeff play the "what would you evict" game with hot sauce, sour cream & garlic...Jeff walks back to the LR...Jordan is walking to the kitchen...Jeff hands Jordan her plate...Jordan says she'll just make herself some...Jeff says "I just made you that, why would I do that?"...Jordan says "ok thanks"...she heads back to the LR...Shelly says it's a nice midnight snack...Jeff says "this is my 15th meal of the day" LOL

The HG's all chow down on the nachos while playing the "who would you evict game"...Jordan has gotten up to put her plate away...shortly after the 11:18pm mark she heads back and rubs Jeff's hair as she walks by him and says "thanks Jeff" Jeff says "thank Porsche"...Jordan says "no for making my food, I told her thank you"...


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