August 17
Michele finally leaves...but returns much to the chagrin of Jeff
Michele leaves J&J alone but what they don't realize is that it isn't for the rest of the night, she returns later to sleep up there and Jeff is not impressed.
Jeff FINALLY gets to talk to Jordan after Michele leaves but they are so wound up about the game that that is all they talk about. Scenario city! LOL
Jordan rubs Jeff's arm the entire time and cute moment when Jeff puts his hand under Jordan's short's waistband and rubs her...(looks like something he has done a million times before 😏)

Jordan gets nervous of course...she shifts...they both yawn...Jordan says she's getting tired of talking about it (and I'm getting tired of listening to it! LOL) Jeff says there are so many scenarios...Jordan says they have to do what benefits them the most, they have to quit thinking about everybody else...they recap the scenarios once again and then decide they are done talking game, they get comfy.
Jeff feels special now because he has never been under the covers in the HOH... 😊 Jeff says it's so relaxi taxi and right on cue Michele returns 😤
Awkwardness in the HOH - Cat & dog banter/smooth legs
Just as Jeff and Jordan get comfy in bed, Michele returns...she turns on the lights and goes to the bathroom, she asks if JeJo were asleep or talking?...Jordan says she told Jeff they are done talking...Michele is in the bathroom while Jeff whispers to Jordan that he's going to go downstairs...Jordan says "no, just sleep up here"...Jeff says he doesn't want to sleep with three people, there will be much tossing and turning...Jordan says the bed is big enough...Jeff knows but says he's a light sleeper and he'll never get to sleep...Michele overhears and asks if he's not going to stay up there?...Jeff says "no, I'll be king another day.......back to the fu**ing ghetto"
Jordan says he can sleep in there...Jeff says he's not with everyone tossing and turning...Jordan says for him to lay in there for them to talk...Jeff says he thought they were done talking...Jordan implies she meant game talk...Michele says she's almost done and they can talk, they haven't hung out in long time (oh really? UGH you're only up Jordan's butt 24/7) ...Jeff clears his throat...Jordan asks if Jeff wants to lay on her side so he can listen to music?...Jeff says he doesn't care, he can listen to a couple of songs.
Michele turns off the lights and heads to bed, she tries to get in on the side closest to the door but is told to go to the other side...Jordan says she will be in the middle unless Michele wants to (umm, no Jordan ugh)...they settle into their bed placement...things are awkward...Jordan is trying too hard to make things "normal" by saying it feels nice in there, offering her blanket to Jeff...Jeff nods no but says it's soft...Jordan offers again...awkward silence...Michele brings up how they're still talking about Jessie downstairs...Jordan makes small talk with Michele then starts making funny noises and then holds Jeff's arm (her fave position)...Jeff asks about the veto comp being tomorrow...they talk about that...more awkwardness...
Jordan says this is how her, her brother and sister sleep...Michele says the same for her except with her dogs, they always get in the middle like humans do, they don't lay at the foot of the bed, she wants to snuggle with her hubby and she can't. Jordan says her old dog used to get in between the V they would make...Jeff thinks she means the dog would go between her legs, he demonstrates...Jordan says no...Jeff says his cat used to sleep between his legs...Jordan eww's and asks if he has a cat?...Jeff says he used to when he was young...Michele asks if Jordan likes cats?...Jordan says no, they get on her nerves, they're suck ups...Jeff gets up saying "what? dogs are fu**ing suck ups! cats you have to earn their affection"
Feeds return with Jeff getting back in bed, he's telling Jordan that he was peeing and was gargling mouthwash and accidentally spilled some on his yoinker LOL
Jordan giggles and offers Jeff some of her blanket again...Jeff says no, she can keep it...Jordan insists and tries to organize the different blankets in the best way to keep them both warm...Jeff doesn't want people pulling on blankets, tossing and turning, he'll be "outtie"...they fiddle around with the blankets...Jeff wants the big cover for both him and Jordan only :) Jordan says no...Jeff says he wants to grab them all, he's outta there!...Jordan tells Jeff to not be so negative, she grabs his arm again...Jeff says "negative what?"...Jordan says "negative energy"...Jeff says the blanket is cute and soft but it's not going to do him any good for sleeping purposes...Jordan giggles...Jordan says it does her good.
Jordan turns halfway away from Jeff...Jeff tsks and mutters "this is ridiculous...I'm already frustrated and we're not even laying down yet" 🥺 Jordan tries to distract Jeff by holding up her leg and telling Jeff to feel her legs...Jeff reaches down thinking her legs are down there and gets her right in the crotch LOL!...Jordan eeks and laughs...Jeff says he thought they were under the fu**ing blankets...Jeff rubs her leg and says "silky smooth...Smooth Jazz"...Jordan giggles...Michele starts heading back to bed and the awkwardness continues...
Where’s Jordan’s shadow?
Jordan enters the SS room where Jeff is laying down in bed...she silently heads to the dresser to pick out something to wear...Jeff peeks his head out from under the cover and looks at Jordan...she doesn't acknowledge him so he turns the other way...silence as Jordan continues rummaging through her clothes...Jeff turns back and says "whatcha you doing?"...Jordan says she's trying to figure out something to wear...Jeff yawns saying "where's your shadow?" (MIchele)...Jordan mumbles "upstairs"...Jeff says "huh?"...Jordan says "upstairs"...Jeff says "I thought she'd be down 2 seconds after you"...Jordan doesn't respond to that but says she doesn't know what to wear...she continues rummaging and leaves a minute later without saying anything else...
Jeff’s mad his key was 2nd
Jeff joins Jordan in the HOH room after the nomination ceremony...the second he walks in he says "shut up", he is/acts pissed that Jordan put his key after Michele's in the nomination box...Jeff asks "what's up?" he sits down on the round chair...Jordan says nothing, she tells Jeff her strategy...she didn't put Jeff's key first because she didn't want Michele to think that she likes Jeff better...DUH, you do! Jeff thinks it's bullshit and calls her out on it. (I would too)...Jordan says you have to think about things like that, Michele could flip, she says that she was just about to not put Russell's key in last minute but she didn't, she wanted to so bad...
Jordan says she pulled Natalie aside in the GR and told her to just keep trying, it's nothing personal and Lydia is all hurt...Jeff says it's just something for her to complain about, 3 weeks in a row...Jeff is bitter still, he says "now Michele thinks she's cool, I'm pissed, wait til I get HOH"...Jordan says "you're not pissed"...
Jeff says she'd be looking to see if she even got a key...Jordan opens her mouth...Jeff nods saying "that's right keep that jaw open"...Jordan says "Jeff, you do what you have to do"...Jeff says he's going to start doing what he has to do, like sinking holes in one when he hit it off the course... 😬 "it's bullshit, I stick my neck out, it's a slap in the face and you know how I hold onto things down the road" (I totally agree with him, she should have put his key first)...Jordan says he's not really that mad about a key is he?...Jeff says she gave him an excuse...Jordan says "oh come on"...Jeff mmm's...Jordan says she had to, she didn't want her thinking...Jeff says she moved up there, she got her key first...Jordan says her HOH was short...Jeff says so was his LOL
Jordan changes the subject asking Jeff if he knew Michele's brother died in March?...Jeff knows but she said he died a year ago...Jordan says no, he died in March...they agree it was this past year...Jordan says it was alcohol poisoning...Jeff says "really?"
He was 20, his friends found him in dead in his bed 😞..Jeff says "oh come on!"...Jordan says she's dead serious...Jordan says she was talking to Michele about her drinking and driving, she told her if she had known he died like that she wouldn't have said anything...Jeff says when people talk about that stuff he changes the subject...
I miss talking to her, that’s all
Jeff and Jordan go back to talking game about Michele and Russell...Jeff says he lied to Russell saying that Jeff didn't even think about final 2...they talk about the DR...Jeff asks if the DR kind of tried to talk her down from her idea?...Jordan says yes, Jeff says him too...Jeff says he knows they are not supposed to talk about that but he wonders why they did it...BB calls Jordan out on DR talk...they start laughing about how the DR did the same thing to both of them and now they're confused...
Jeff says maybe they're trying to say something to them without saying something...they decide on waiting on seeing who wins POV and then they will confront them...they think Michele might be lying...they go over the LML situation again...Jeff says Michele's answer to everything is "I don't remember things I say"...Jordan says both Russell and Michele are known as liars...Jordan (for now) thinks they should keep Russell to get the numbers down on the other side...Jeff loses his train of thought, Jordan tries to make him recall but he can't...Jeff is confused by Michele...Jordan thinks maybe they can gain Kevin?...Jeff says Kevin might be full of shit too...more scenarios and vote talk...
Jeff says he wants to casually ask Russell if he voted for Jessie to stay, try not to make a big deal of it...Jordan says that she feels bad for putting up Lydia, even though she doesn't really like her now, she doesn't like making people mad...Jeff sighs and says who is she going to put up? him? what is she talking about? f**k that bitch, you feel bad, if Jordan puts her up, she'll be mad about that, if she doesn't put her up, she'll be mad about that, what is Jordan talking about she feels bad? Jeff gets all tongue tied now LOL basically he's saying Lydia will never be satisfied
Jordan wonders if Lydia is putting on a front, acting like she's upset? she's made it a lot farther than she thought she would...Jeff says putting on a front for what? Jordan is thinking into it way, way too much, she needs to worry about them, not about what Lydia is thinking, who cares what she thinks! she's not a problem, she's acting or not acting, he doesn't care what she does, who cares what she does!...Jeff says "she called you a fat ho, you're worried about her feeling bad?"...Jordan says she was going to mention that but she didn't want to get personal...Jeff says "fu**ing laughing at you the whole time you're up there? f**k her"...Jordan says she bets when her sister watches that she'll want to kick her ass...
Jeff goes back to the Michele/Russell lying situation, he wants to find out who is lying, that's what he's worried about...Jordan says she doesn't think Kevin would lie ( WRONG!)...Jeff doesn't think so either, when he wins the POV he's going to find out, he goes over what he's going to say to confront them...he will speak to them both and tell them he's not making a show and no one is going to run away (and he's speaking to Michele when he says that), no one is running away, they're going to say what was said and Jordan is going to back him upon exactly what was said and they'll answer accordingly so they can clear shit up right then, he will find out what was said in that SS room...
Jordan says then who do they get out?...Jeff says if she's lying they put her up...Jordan says she thinks they need to keep her at least one more week because she's smart...Jeff says whatever the answers are they can't fly off the handle...Jordan says she's not disagreeing with confronting him...Jeff says maybe she doesn't think they will confront them together...Jeff says Michele is not good on the spot...Jeff tells the example of Michele lying that one night when she ran up to Chima's HOH, it was so obvious...
Jordan asks if Russell said anything about her trying to avoid him?...Jeff says no, then says that Russell asked him if he's still not getting alone time with Jordan?...Jeff says no because Michele is always up in the HOH, he told Russell that it's not like they're making out up there, he just wants to talk...Jeff says Russell said he knew he just wanted to kick it with Jordan and talk, what do they talk about?....Jeff says "dude, we don't talk about game or nothing, we just talk like she's my best friend dude, I just miss talking to her, that's all" 🥰
Jeff says that Russell says it's hard because Michele goes up there every 2 seconds, he tried to get Michele down to make some cookies yesterday...Jordan asks if Jeff thinks Michele is telling Russell what they're saying?...Jeff says yeah...they decide Russell & Michele are both liars and that they need to confront them...Jeff says at least Russell did keep his word that he wasn't going to put them up that week...Jordan says that's because Russell's target was Ronnie...Jeff says that people said Russell and Ronnie had something going so he could have broken his word, don't get him wrong, Russell is shady too...MORE GAME TALK 🥱 😴
Jeff says he can't figure Michele out, he's good at reading people usually, that is what bothers him about her, he knows she has a smug attitude that she's so smart...Jeff says if he had a PhD he wouldn't have told anyone in the house...Jordan asks what's so great about having a PhD?...Jeff says she has a doctorate, she had more school than most people, he says "doesn't mean you know what you do, it's not like street smarts at all, it's all book smarts but I'm not taking the SAT's in here so she can fu**ing shove that thing up her ass" 😂
OMG more game talk about the LML lie! Jeff's done talking and Jordan says "you leaving?"...Jeff says he has to get water because the slop is drying him out and he reminds her again, as he walks out the door, that she put his key in 2nd LOL
Jeff says Jordan is acting fishy
Jeff comes out of the bathroom area into the kitchen where Jordan is...Jordan gives him a look and he says "what's up it looks like you have something on your mind"...he gives her a look as he walks by and she says "come in here and talk to me"...
Jeff says "forget it, you're acting fishy"...Jordan rolls her eyes and fixes her slop...
Jeff comes back and Jordan asks him if he's going to lay out?...Jeff says he laid out all day, he fell asleep in the pool...Jordan says what if you fell off, you would have drowned...Jeff says no...Jeff asks what were you guys talking about? (Jordan & Michele) Jeff says they both scattered like little roaches when he came around...Jordan says she went to the DR...Jeff says what's going on?...Jordan laughs and says come outside...he will...Jeff says he's going to shower upstairs later ok?...Jordan says she doesn't care, he doesn't need to ask her...Jeff says he does, it's not his room...Jordan says if it was his room she would just go up there and do it...Jeff says really? I'd break your leg. Jordan says yeah...Jeff says you'd get a whoopin'...Jordan says "would I Jeff?" Jeff says no...Jordan says that's what she thought...
They go outside...Jeff says his trunks are falling off of him...Jordan says that when she came down him & Michele were really talking...Jeff says they were talking about stem cell research, her work...Jordan says oh...they start talking game about Michele & Russell...Jordan says at least we know something is suspicious...Jeff says something is fishy.
Jeff says what's going on? everyone is fishy, my key's 2nd, everyone is acting fishy...Jordan smiles and says "Jeff, your key was...I explained to you"...Jeff says he's going to bust some skulls LOL...Jordan says she explained to him why his key was 2nd...Jeff says he's just joking...Jordan says she was laughing in the DR because Jeff was mad his key was 2nd...Jeff says me too, like what's going on?...they laugh.
They go over the Michele/Russell situation (AGAIN!) and how they have to confront them, they know someone is lying...they say Michele is playing both sides...Jordan is weary of Michele but knows they need her right now...Jordan asks if Russell is acting weird?...Jeff says not really...they talk about what's going on with Lydia & Natalie...Jeff says they should stick to the plan...he thinks...they go over scenarios and what if's for a long time more yadda, yadda, yadda :) and then they are called inside for a lockdown.
Jeff beats Jordan to the punch
Jeff and Jordan have been sitting outside and get called inside for a lockdown, they head to the kitchen sink to put their cups, dishes away...Jordan looks in the mirror and says "look how my arms look" (she was about to say they look fat)...Jeff beats her to the punch saying "beautiful" :) They decide to head upstairs...
J&J are still trying to get alone time but Michele goes up to the HOH again 🥴 Jordan tells Michele she's cramping but Michele doesn't take the hint...Jordan continues listening to her CD...meanwhile Jeff has just finished taking a shower and starts to play solitaire...the CD player starts acting up...Jeff goes to check it out and he sees it says "low battery"...Jordan says they won't give them any more will they? noooo....
Jordan wants to play slapjack since the batteries are low in the CD...Jeff wants to know where there are another deck of cards?...Jordan just wants to play slapjack!...this pisses off Jeff, he petulantly hands Michele the cards...Jordan says she's going to leave the CD player running...Jeff tells her to shut it off...Jordan goes UGGHHH...Jeff gets more agitated and says "the batteries are dead! you play slapjack, I'm taking a napjack" LOL
So Jeff gets in bed to nap (in other words, he is laying in bed wide awake seething that Michele won't leave, ha!) while Michele & Jordan start to play slapjack...Jordan tells Jeff to not hog the bed because she'll be there in a second...they play slapjack...for like 3 minutes
Talk turns to game and then they play war. Jordan wins! ...and Michele finally leaves.
Jordan was trying to make Michele feel weird
As soon as Michele leaves the HOH, Jordan jumps into bed with Jeff to talk about Michele and how she thinks she is lying, Jeff says she left to report back to Russell and Jordan says she thinks she felt weird...Jordan was trying to make her feel weird...Jeff says he knows and he was hoping Jordan would keep going LOL
J&J sense that Michele thinks they know she's being fishy...Jordan says she didn't even notice that she came upstairs earlier...they are leery of what she's telling them about Russell and why Russell is changing his tune all of a sudden...they go over various scenarios
Russell comes up to the HOH to tell them they are off slop at 9...Jeff gets called to the DR...Russell & Jordan chit chat about stuff and talk turns to how Michele never leaves J&J alone...Russell tried to get Michele away from them the other night by getting her to show him to make cookies which he clearly knew how to do...Jordan says her and Jeff just like to hang out and talk, nothing more and once again reiterates that she & Jeff are just friends 🤥 Jeff returns and Russell leaves them alone.
J&J immediately start talking about Russell and Michele, Jordan fills in Jeff on what she and Russell talked about...Jeff says that Russell seemed pretty normal, what if Michele is playing a Ronnie card?...they decide they are driving themselves crazy and they need to confront them (I think they have come to this conclusion about 5 times in the last day lol)...
Russell comes up briefly to tell Jordan that she's getting batteries...they get paranoid he came up on purpose....the paranoia is setting in and they are stressing...Jeff is worried that if they show there is dissension on their side it will give the other side more hope...Jeff doesn't know what the f**k is going on, it's crazy to think Russell is going against them when they have final 4 all locked up...Jordan wants to know if Jeff wants to ask Russell now?...Jeff is avoiding the confrontation, he doesn't want to do it right now...Jordan says she'll let Jeff talk to him and he can ask him cordially if he voted for Jessie...Jeff says he doesn't feel like "dancing" right now...Jordan doesn't even think Lydia is mad at her anymore...Jeff sighs and says he is getting a headache from everything...he says he's in a shitty spot...Jordan says "why?"...Jeff doesn't know why...Jordan says he's not, Michele and Russell are the targets...
Super cute banter/Sick of plans
Jeff & Jordan continue talking about Michele and Russell, it is driving them bananas, they need to say something maybe after the POV...Jeff says something is not right, he is going crazy with scenarios (Same! LOL), he needs to just talk to them about it...Jordan says they need to be called out...Jordan is leaning towards Michele now...Jeff too...Jordan says if they have to they will cut her loose...Jeff thinks she is pulling a Ronnie, thinking she is smarter than everybody, he told her that a long time ago, she thinks she's so fu**ing smart "just because you know how to put a catheter in a rat's penis doesn't mean you know what's going on in the real world" 🤣🤣
Jordan says why not talk now?...Jeff says f**k that, he has a headache and why does he always have to handle shit?...Jordan says because he's a good talker...Jeff asks why can't he just lay there and someone else eliminate everybody?...Jordan asks if he wants her to?...Jeff has his head covered...Jordan asks what Jeff is mad about?...Jeff says he hates this shit...Jordan says she's going to listen to her music...she says she's tired of talking about it too, she asks Jeff if after the game he will be paranoid people are talking about him?...Jeff says no...they take a break...Jordan listens to music for awhile and then feeds go to fish and return
Jordan is wondering about batteries and gets out of bed...Jeff plays a little trick on Jordan telling her that production told him to push that door in the HOH...Jordan says this door? pointing to it...Jeff with a huge sheepish grin says yeah, that door...clearly the door doesn't open and Jordan says "are you lying?" Jeff says yeah...she says OMG, you stupid! Jeff giggles :) ...Jordan gets back in bed and says "butthole"...Jeff keeps giggling...
Jeff tells Jordan to ask them for new batteries...Jordan sasses back that they will give them to her when they're ready, Jeff!...Jeff stares at her from under the covers for a long while 🤗 ...but she doesn't turn to look at him, he then says "you didn't have to say it all sassy"...Jordan mimics him and then asks him if he liked her speech?...Jeff says no!...LOL...Jordan says "you didn't? none, zippo?"...Jeff says "zip zero"...
Jeff says she better start being nice to him...she says she's always nice to him, what is he talking about?...Jeff says he's her only friend in there...Jordan knows this...Jeff says her putting his key in 2nd, she might be by herself pretty soon...Jordan giggles and tells him to quit acting so bitter about that...Jeff says "forget it! I'm on my own"...Jordan says you're done! you're cut off! (hand wave)...Jeff says it's over!...Jordan loses her train of thought...Jeff says your headphones don't work so you just plug me in? LOL
Jordan says he was restless last night and she was getting so mad at him, he was tossing and turning...Jeff says he was in tight quarters, he wanted to tell Michele why don't you just go downstairs, he was telling himself why didn't he go downstairs...he says he should have just left...Jeff then explains how he was frustrated at how he thought Michele was sleeping downstairs or else he wouldn't have come up...Jordan laughs...Jeff says little things frustrate him...
They go back to the paranoia game again...ack! Jordan says that we need to ask Russell about what's going on...Jeff says for Jordan to ask him...Jordan says no, he needs to because if she says the wrong thing, then Jeff will yell at her...Jeff says no he won't...Jordan says yes he will, he'll get mad and she doesn't feel like hearing it...
They go over when they should confront Russell 🥱🥱😴😴
Jeff says he doesn't want to deal with it, he doesn't feel like it...Jordan says he's being a baby today...Jeff says it's because Jordan doesn't have to do anything, it's going to be a fu**ing 4 hour conversation about who lied, he just doesn't feel like fu**ing dancing right now, Michele's gonna run out of there, it's going to be a big stupid thing when he doesn't want a fu**ing big deal made of it but he knows it will be, the others will think they have an advantage because they're all fighting...Jordan says she thinks Jeff said the F word 4 times...Jeff says "really? f**k!"...Jordan says "you cuss a lot"...Jeff says it's because he gets pissed off and it's the only word that comes in his fu**ing head...Jordan continues giggling and says "yeah you say the F word a lot"...Jeff doesn't understand people...they're the worst!! Jordan giggles...
Jeff hides under the covers again...Jordan says we need to come up with a plan...Jeff says "Jeff says "I'm sick of plans, what am I, the A-Team?...I'm out of them" 🤣
Jordan says fine, if Jeff wants to be evicted then be evicted, geez Jeff! gosh...Jeff says he will evict her, how about that plan?...Jordan says no, he won't, stop it!...Jeff says maybe she will evict him because she put his key 2nd...Jordan says maybe, he could be backdoored...Jeff says right?... Jeff says good, get him outta there, he's going to the beach, she can fend for herself...Jordan talks game AGAIN! 🤯 And they said this girl didn't play the game...she was on it all the time!
Jeff says they need to stick with the plan and ask them because he is going bananas, she is right...Jordan says she is right...Jeff says always, she's always right...Jordan says "not always"...
I miss you already
Jordan gets called to the DR (Jeff thinks to get new batteries) and Jeff says "Come back up, I miss you already"...Jordan leaves saying "shut up"...
Awww 🥰
Spa day in the HOH
A very brief moment between JeJo up in the HOH while Russell is getting ready for his spa prize...feeds switch briefly to JeJo...Jeff says "why don't we have a spa day in here and you give me one?" :) Jordan says "cuz! I get bored"...Jeff just looks at her sadly LOL...Jordan then says something about Russell having 2 pairs of slippers and the feeds switch out…
Jordan’s nervous with Jeff’s leg touch
Jeff and Jordan have been up in the HOH talking game with Kevin, he leaves and JeJo continue talking game...Jordan says she loves Kevin, that was perfect, they agree that one of the girls have to go (Lydia or Natalie)...Jordan wonders if Russell would use the POV on Natalie? that would make him a target...Jeff says yeah...they continue talking game...Jordan says she thinks they can trust Kevin right? for a little bit?...Jeff's not so sure and says he finds the timing suspicious of him trying to save himself...they agree they need to get a girl out...Jordan is worried what will happen when Russell wins POV...Jeff gets a little irritated hearing Jordan assume he'll win and says "Russell has to win first"...
Jordan says "I know, sorry!"...Jeff says they're giving him a headache with this shit and he wraps himself up in the cover...Jordan asks if it's her that's doing that?...Jeff says no, not her.
Jordan asks Jeff to hand over the picture of her and her sister...Jeff hands it over and Jordan gets a little emotional...Jeff pinches her...Jordan screeches and says "this makes me and my sister"...Jeff says "hmm, it's cute"...Jordan puts the picture on the other bedside table...Jeff rubs her leg and Jordan deflects by talking game again...Jeff says for Jordan not to say to much...Jordan says Jeff should have pinched her to let her know...Jeff didn't want to make it obvious...more game talk and then Jeff rubs Jordan's leg again...
Jordan gets nervous and starts talking game again and pretends to pop an ingrown hair on her leg LOL...Jeff puts his hand on Jordan's leg again, this time more intimately and Jordan gets even more nervous and pushes Jeff's hand away...Jeff gets pissy saying "did you just move my hand?"...Jordan lies and says "no" LOL...
Jeff says he's going to move under the cover...Jordan feels bad and grabs his arm and says that Jeff has so many veins, they look like tree limbs, why do they show so bad?...Jeff says he doesn't know, does she want to scratch his back? he says it's cuz he's pissed and feeds go to fish…
Becoming good friends banter
Jeff and Jordan are in the kitchen, Jordan is eating her steak dinner...Jeff is eating his chocolate chip mint ice cream...Jeff leaves to check the SR and comes back saying BB didn't give them any beers tonight...Jordan says it's because there's a competition tomorrow...Jeff asks "what's 2 beers going to do during a competition tomorrow?"...Jordan doesn't know...Jeff says he knows, he understands...Jordan says that Russell can make some good steaks 🙄
Jeff says "what's up, you crabby Jordan?"...Jordan says no, why?...Jeff says he doesn't know, she seems crabby...Jeff starts to walk outside but Jordan tells him "sit right here"...Jeff says he was going outside to leave her alone...Jordan says "no, I like it when you talk to me" :) ...Jeff sits down at the counter saying that it seemed like she had a sourpuss on...Jordan hums no...Jeff says it doesn't even feel like they were on slop today right?...Jordan says not really...Jeff says it went by fast...Jordan says it did.
Jordan says she wants to eat some of her chocolate stuff...Jeff asks which one?...Jordan doesn't know, she's got so much to choose from...Jeff thinks the Snickers or the Hershey bar?...Jordan says or her cookie dough or her Teddy Grahams...
Jeff then ponders "how come some mint chocolate chip is green and some is white?"...Jordan says "I don't know, I don't like that stuff"...Jeff says "that wasn't the question"...Jordan says "out of all people, you want to ask me that?"...Jeff says "what's your opinion?"...
Jordan says "I don't know, maybe green's minty" LOL...Jeff says "that's a good answer...see? that's how a conversation goes, I ask a question and you answer it"...Jordan says "ok well ask me a question"...Jeff says "do you like the color orange?"...Jordan says "yeah, how about you?"...Jeff says "see? now we're well on our way to becoming good friends" :) ...Jordan says "what are you talking about?" LOL
Jeff says he doesn't know, he feels like eating a whole thing of ice cream...Jordan says to do it...Jeff says "why? you trying to fatten me up?"...Jordan says yeah...Jeff gets up to wash his dish and pinches Jordan as he walks by her...Jeff says he won't even lie, he'll have a little more, maybe later...Jeff asks if Jordan ate a jalapeno?...Jordan says no, it was a green pepper...
Jeff gets his coffee and asks Jordan to tell him some country words her grandpa would say, if he thought something was hot would he say "my biscuits are burning" or something like that, give him some country words...Jordan doesn't get it, she says a couple of things with an accent (like hers lol) not sayings...Jeff says not her grandpa but people in the neighborhood, don't they have funny sayings?...Jordan gets distracted with the spaghetti, she wants to try it...Jeff says "she" made it for everybody...Jordan says she doesn't want to eat so much food...Jeff says to have a little bowl...
Russell comes in and Jordan tells him the food was good...Russell goes to the candy drawer and asks if they're going to sit outside?...Jordan says yes but she wanted to eat inside, she tells him he can have one of her Milky Ways...Jeff says "dude, this is the candy factory...Toblerone's are good"...feeds go to fish...
The Pillsbury Dough boy or Ma
The HG's get off slop at 9pm...they eat dinner, they go outside...Jeff is smoking, Russell is eating candy and Jordan is getting ready to eat dessert...Teddy Grahams and cookie dough They're saying how they have no motivation to work out and all they do is eat junk food and candy...Jeff says he has never smoked this much or drank so much coffee, he's telling him, this is Bizarro world...Russell says everything has changed, outside of here he's a health freak, tonight he ate ice cream, a Toblerone and candy...Jordan asks if the cookie dough package has to be cut on top...they say yeah, she asks if someone can do it with something sharp?...Russell offers to do it, he goes into the kitchen to get a knife...Jordan asks if anyone wants Teddy Grahams?...they laugh...Jordan says it's stress eating...
Russell brings out the cookie dough and a knife saying it's so good...Jordan says Russell didn't need to bring a knife, she was going to dip her cookies in it...Jordan says that Big Brother hooked up the cookie dough...Russell says he's going to be 200 lbs when he's out of there from eating candy and ice cream all day long...Jordan says that's why she wears stretchy pants so she can still feel skinny...Jordan rolls her eyes in delightful satisfaction...she says "I haven't ate cookie dough in so long"...
Jeff laughs and says Jordan is almost crying like she was missing her Ma...he says “if the Pillsbury dough boy and your Ma were out there who would you hug first?”😂
Jordan says her Ma. ;) Jeff says "oh yeah? I don't know"...Michele talks about how she had a Pillsbury Dough Boy stuffed toy when she was little...Jordan says she had been avoiding cookie dough...Russell brings up Casey imitating Jordan...Jordan says she loved eating cookie dough with Casey...Jeff says that last week Casey ate everything...Russell says he never washed a single dish too...Jordan offers Russell some cookie dough, he declines…
Jordan explains Big Texas
Feeds return with Jeff laughing, saying “Big Texas, that’s awesome”...Russell says something about a fat vagina...Jeff says it’s fu**ing hilarious...Michele asks if she knew she had a fat vagina?...Russell says “what do you mean it was fat?”...Jeff says “was she skinny?”...Jordan says she was thicker...Jeff says “fat, fat Texas?”...Russell says “Big Texas”...Jeff says “Big Texas”...Michele wants more details...Jeff can’t get over it, he says “dude, that is so funny”...Jeff says to himself “Big Texas” and smiles huge...
Jordan says she can bring her yearbook, you know how you will all have a yearbook page, they all had names, they had Big Texas, Oliver...Russell says they probably scarred the girl for life...Jordan says “no, she’s still my friend” LOL
Jeff keeps going, he says “people call her BigTexas?”...Jordan says you know how girls, when they’re younger, change in front of each other? well she was changing and they were all like “omg, your vagina’s fat” and she’d say “no it’s not! It’s just juicy!”
....Jordan cracks up! The others laugh and cringe...Jeff AGAIN says “Big Texas...that is fu**ing the best thing”...Jordan goes into a little detail about how her vagina was fat so they called her Big Texas...Jordan cracks up again...Jeff loves it, he says “that is fu**ing hilarious, I can’t wait to call someone Big Texas”...Russell says where did Texas come from?...Jordan simply says “cuz Texas is big” 😂🤣
Jordan says her friend used to wear a shirt that had a Texas flag and said “Don’t mess with Texas”, they used to laugh all the time about that, she’s friends with her to this day, she has a kid...Russell says it’s probably fatter...Jordan guarantees it is, she looks good now, she loves her,she won’t say more in case she sees this...FISH...
Cry me a river
Talk continues on the couches...Jordan says she wants to talk about Jeff's Hawaiian trip, she moves over to where he is and sits on his legs...Jeff says she is cozying up to him to talk about the Hawaiian trip (but she never does talk about it)...Jordan says "be nice"...Jordan says she's about to put her feet in the hot tub...Jeff touches Jordan's back and tells that he loves how Jordan gets so nervous whenever he touches her...Jordan says "why?"...Jeff says it makes him laugh, she is jumpy and then looks at the camera all the time to make sure he didn't touch her boob...Jordan lays her head on his chest and asks him if she smells like cookie dough?...Jeff says she smells like B.O.dough LOL Jordan says "do I?"...Jeff laughs saying no...
Jordan bounces a little on Jeff's legs and Jeff says "yeah"...Jordan hits Jeff's leg...Jeff giggles about the producer Mike O. yelling at them...Jordan tells Michele that Jeff tried to hump her before the Chaosserole comp...Jeff says nobody saw and that the producer yelled out "Hey, none of that" ...they laugh...Jordan says she knows it's been awhile for Jeff, they know that if Jeff goes to the jury house he's going to be humping saying "hey, hey! hi, you wanna come over here"...Jeff doesn't get it saying what??...Jordan says nothing, nevermind...Jeff says he didn't get that at all...Jordan says he's going to want to hump somebody...Jeff says "in the jury? with these people?"
Jeff says he is getting fu**ing tired of Jordan's negative shit about going to the jury house, he's serious, it's everyday she tells him he's in the jury house...Jordan says she said "if you"...Jeff says "no, all the time, how bout if you! leave next week! how bout that? you like that?"...Jordan says nothing...
Jeff says "why'd you get all sad? you don't like it? how bout if I tell you everyday"...Jordan says "omg, you're cut off"...Jeff says "from what?" (he’s got a point, she’s not giving him anything lol) ...they laugh...Jordan says "me!"...Justin Timberlake, go cry me a river"...Jeff says "that was pretty good, it's back on" :)
Smelliness & BY Banter
Jordan tells Jeff to scoot over and she squishes next to him saying she doesn't think she fits...she laughs...Jeff says it was that last piece of cookie dough...Jordan says she smells something fishy...Jeff asks when she last washed her shirt?...Jordan insists she doesn't smell like B.O....Jeff keeps sniffing...Jordan says "do I? do I?"...Jeff laughs, Jordan giggles...Jeff goes to smell saying "let me see"...Jordan puts her arm down saying "no! do I?"...Jeff laughs saying he doesn't know, let him see...Jordan says "no! stupid!" 😩 ...
Jeff cracks up! and says "what? no, stupid? you said it! no stupid? you're like a little kid"...Jordan keeps smelling her fingers...Jeff says to let him smell...Jordan says she doesn't want Jeff to smell her armpit...Jeff holds his arm up and says "smell mine"...Jordan giggles but smells...they both laugh...Jeff says he hasn't washed his so go for it...Jordan smells hers and says it does kind of smell like B.O...Jeff says he told her, it's a little funky, it's B.O. cookie dough LOL
Jeff says she better throw that in with Russell's laundry...Jordan says "geez"...Jeff says she stinks, that's why he hasn't been talking to her lately...Jordan uhhh's and says "really?"...Jeff says yeah that's why he can't be around "smelly" lately, get out of here...Jeff finally breaks and pinches her face saying "noooo"...Jordan says "you think I'm smelly?"...Jeff says "nooooo, oh shut up, you know I'm just joking"...Jordan says Jeff does think her arms are a little B.O'ey...Jeff grabs Jordan's arm saying "let me smell!"...Jordan says "no! they do smell! they don't smell like rotten B.O but they do stink"...Jeff says "like you left your gym clothes in the locker over the weekend?"...Jordan says "no, kind of just like a sweaty B.O"...Jeff smiles...
Jordan says "or like a deodorant B.O"...Jeff smells his armpit saying it doesn't smell...Jordan smells it and agrees...Jeff says he doesn't sweat in it...Jordan says she needs men deodorant...Jeff says he does too, did she try the one BB gave them?...Jordan says yes but it didn't work...
Jordan says she's full...Jeff says she went to town on those desserts, everyone did...Jordan says she feels gassy...Jeff says not to fire one now...Jordan asks why not?...Jeff says "on my leg? go ahead"...pause...Jeff asks if she did?...Jordan says no, she's waiting for a big stinky one...
Jeff looks at Jordan's slippers saying everything looks better in smaller(sizes), her slippers look so comfy, they look all cute and stuff...possible smell emanating from the slipper causes Jeff to say "dude!" and Jordan giggles...Jordan asks if Jeff wants to sit by the hot tub?...Jeff is all dressed, he doesn't want to...Jeff and Jordan say it's the garbage she's smelling...
They start talking about Russell and how Jeff was negative earlier when he was playing solitaire...Jeff says he was until he won...Jordan gives him a look...Jeff says he's not getting mad, he's just at a point where he needs some Jeff time, is that cool? he doesn't need to sleep with 3 people every night...Jordan says "be grumpy?"...Jeff explains how last night he was so nice and relaxed for 3 seconds under the covers and then knock, knock, tee hee hee and it was ruined, he should have just left right then...
Jordan says her leg hairs grow fast...Jeff says he likes her Smooth Jazz but that's real smooth...Jeff rubs her leg...Jordan asks what he thinks about the camo (pants)?...Jeff says he likes them...Jordan says "aren't they Gucci?"...Jeff says "yeah, your sister hates them" Jordan remembers she told Jeff that, she thinks they are ugly...Jeff's mic slides down in his pocket and makes him think of his cell phone...Jordan wishes she had her phone...Jeff says he can't even remember his phone, it's going to be crazy when they get out with messages, emails, etc...Russell joins them...they talk a bit more about phones and then get quiet...Russell asks if he just killed their moment?...Jordan says "no"...
Jordan starts picking at a hole in Jeff's jeans...Jeff says "don't,don't, were you trying to rip it?"...Jordan says "tear it just a little bit"...Jeff says "no way!"...Jordan raises her hands saying "okay!! okay"...Jeff says he already put his toe through it, he's pissed...Jordan says she did the same in the crotch of her pants...Jeff says he does it all the time to the jeans he likes, then the hole gets so big it's over...Jordan says it looks like the impression of his fat toe...Jordan says Jeff's thumbs look like the ugly fat guy from Star Wars...Jeff says no they don't...Jordan tries to leave saying "excuse me"...Jeff puts his hat on her head...Jordan makes that sound Jeff hates, she says "excuse me" again and gets up...
After she leaves Russell says "dude, she's so funny"...Jeff says "who Jordan?"...Russell says "so funny, I love her stories"...then Russell does a little imitation of a Jordan story saying "I'll get a number 6 with no mayo, a little tomato and a little bit of lettuce"...Jeff then does his much funnier version "I pulled up the clock said 2:42 and I was just telling my friend OMG it's 2:41, it was one minute after, but anyways we drove to the drive thru" Cute!
Hot tub banter - Egging on Jeff/the F word/the homeless
Jeff and Russell are sitting on the BY couches...Jordan, Kevin, Natalie and Michele are at the hot tub...they are talking about Michele's accent, how she says water and forest...they ask Michele to say "hurry, get some water, the forest is on fire"...she doesn't want to but finally does it and flubs the line. LOL
Jordan says "Jeff, you say everything like toooo"...Russell laughs saying that Jordan was about to say toona...Jeff says "I know, every fu**ing day"...Jordan says it's weird, it's kind of like the toooo part, he says it deep and drags it...Kevin says that he would say "what are you doing" and Jeff would say "what are you dooooing?"...Jordan says yeah! yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah...Natalie says it's cool because he got his own freaking shout out (the callers for the HOH comp)...Jordan says "he did"...Natalie says that was sick...Jeff says "oh great"...Natalie says she would take a stone for her own shout out...Kevin says when Jeff says you're stupid, it sounds like stooopid...
Jordan says yes! and tells Jeff to say "you're stooopid"...Jeff, while giving Jordan the finger says that this says the same thing...they laugh...Jeff says to Jordan "you gotta egg it on every day"...Russell says "she does egg it on"...Jordan says "no! we were just sitting here talking about stuff"...Kevin mentions Jeff's hands...Jordan says he does this (hand signal for "it's over") or this (hand signal for "done")...
Jeff can't stay mad for long, he cracks up!!...Jeff says "he's a character, whatever, I don't know why I do things I do"...
Jordan says today she was counting how many times Jeff said the "F" word, he was talking and getting into it and after every sentence there was an "F" word...Jeff says they can't use any of his footage...Jordan says BB would have to constantly bleep him out...Russell and Jeff say they would both be bleeped out during live shows...Jeff says they were pretty good on the last show, he thought that one might get out of control, they taped it early because it might...Natalie starts talking about what Chima said she would do on the live show if the mystery power was used and FISH...
Feeds return with Jeff saying that if he had seen Chima throw her mic in the pool he would have walked away, he says the "F" word again and says how about he stops saying it?...Jordan says it will be hard...Kevin says he should say "freak"...Jeff says he needs a new word...Jordan says "fudge"...Kevin says "Gucci"...Natalie says "cluck"...Jeff says no...Jordan says "duck?"...Jeff says no, he needs his own word...Russell says "tuna"...Jeff says "f**k that" <--- that didn't last long LOL
Jeff says he's just going to try not to swear starting now!...Kevin gives it 10 minutes...Natalie gives it 5...Jordan says "yeah, you'll start cussing"...Jeff says they'll see...Kevin says "so do you like homeless people Jeff"...Jeff laughs...Russell says as Jeff "I fu**ing hate them!"...Jeff says it depends, if it's around the holidays yes...Jordan says "what happened?"...they laugh...
Jeff laughs saying he can't tell the story properly now...Jordan says "why?"...Jeff says he gets agitated...Kevin says Jeff gets agitated and it's all f, f, f, f, f...Jordan wants him to tell them, she didn't hear it, please...Jeff says he's not a re-storyteller, he's a in the moment guy, if you didn't hear it, you lost...Jordan wants Kevin to tell the story...Kevin says it's not a long story...Jordan asks Jeff to tell the story, does Jeff get mad at homeless people when they ask for money?...Jeff says it's a whole conversation...Kevin says it's not a long story, it's just in general...
Jordan says that she had a lady come up to her asking for money just as she was about to get into her car and she was like "gosh, dangit", she had been shopping at a great sale and had her hands full of bags, she gave her 8 dollars...Jeff says wow!...Jordan says she felt bad for her...Jeff asks if it was the holidays? LOL Jordan says no, it wasn't...Jeff says 8 bucks?...
Jordan says she came at her right when she walked out the door, she attacked her saying "ma'am, ma'am"...Jeff says why didn't she say, here's a buck LOL...Jordan says she gave her a sob story...Jeff says "oh here we go"...Jordan continues telling the story while Russell says he's used to that living in San Francisco...Jordan says she probably went and bought drugs...Jeff says she probably made 2 bills that day...