August 12
Hi love :)
1:15 AM
Jeff is in the HN room chatting with Adam & Shelly...Jordan walks in and Jeff turns to look at her saying sweetly "Hi love" ♥
HN room - Jordan’s not useless/Jeff needs a pep talk
1:59 - 2:06 AM
Jeff, Jordan & Adam are in the HN room talking game...they're discussing how this week might go and who Dani will nominate...Adam thinks it's Brenchel up repeat of 2 weeks ago...Jeff asks if he honestly thinks that?...Jordan says it will be them or her and Jeff or Brendon and Jeff...Jeff sighs...Jordan says if one of them gets off she will go up as the replacement to guarantee someone goes...Adam says it takes 4 votes again or 3 plus the HOH tie breaker...Jeff sighs again and says that he sees Dani doing something different this time...Jordan says she'll put them up...Jeff says "I know"...Adam says then one of them wins POV and takes themselves off or he or Shelly win POV and takes Jeff off and then they'd put up B or R as a replacement?...Jeff says why wouldn't Dani want to take out one of B & R, it doesn't make sense unless they cut a deal with her but he can't see a deal being cut...Adam can't see Dani saying "oh now we can work together again"...
Jeff says he can't see Dani wanting him out unless she's thinking let's just get Jeff out and worry about B & R later...Jordan says if it came down to that and it was her up against Jeff vote her out and keep Jeff and then y'all work together...
Adam says it might not matter because if it's a tie then Dani will decide...Jordan says it doesn't matter, you can get Porsche to vote her out...Adam says Kalia wouldn't vote you out...Jordan says "why? yeah she might cuz I yelled at her"...Adam doesn't think so...Jeff says it would be A/S/B/R controlling the vote...Jordan says she will be so mad...
Jeff starts not liking this convo and says he doesn't want to talk about that right now...Jordan says she's just saying! if it does happen like that just so Dani doesn't win, she's useless...Jeff says "that's not true, shut up"...Jeff looks down sadly...
Shelly walks in and says "what's not true, shut up?"...Jeff says "she said she's useless"...Adam explains the context...Jordan says it's because Jeff is a strong player...Jeff says he said to not talk like that...Shelly says she'll talk to Miss Useless about his tomorrow, they just had this chat...Jordan says "oh I know"...Shelly says Jordan was right there pumping her up and now she's saying this...Adam says they're just running the scenarios...Jeff says she's talking crazy, that's not gonna happen...
Adam says if it's Brenchel on the block do they get rid of Brendon again?...Jeff says no, Rachel absolutely, that was the longest week ever in his life, on slop, in this light and dealing with that, they all lost it...Adam says how many pep talks can you give the same person?...Jeff says he's out of pep talks and he needs one...Shelly says it will be ok...Adam gives Jeff a goofy pep talk...
Jeff says "uhh, I fu**ing don't want to go on the block again, let me just live my life"...Adam says that's Dani's line and then they all imitate Dani's catchphrases...Adam finds a smiley face in the blankets and says it's a good sign...they start quoting lines from Fight Club and then talk about and if they got thumbs up or down...they talk about how people at home must be thinking that the show is so scripted and set because today couldn't have happened more perfectly scripted...Jeff says it's so funny...
HN room - JeJo’s kids
2:07 - 2:10 AM
one of my top 5 flashbacks of the season
Jeff, Jordan, Adam & Shelly continute chatting in the HN room...they're talking about the HOH comp and how it seems scripted how Dani won...Shelly says that's why the show does so well...Jeff says funny things happen in life, funny things happen on this show...Shelly says it was 6 vs 1 and the one wins...Jeff says it was 6 vs 2...Adam says that if Porsche won Rachel could've gotten her to put up D & K...Jeff says no way, he's happier that Dani won over Porsche...Shelly says Porsche is clueless to what's going on...Jeff is surprised that Dani didn't throw it to Porsche and give the ski one to Kalia so she could play another week, she'd own them anyway...Adam says she should've...Jeff says he doesn't know why, he thinks it's a mistake but maybe not afterall
Jordan says maybe it's because her HOH was wasted on Brendon because he came back and Kalia's was wasted on getting Lawon out so now this is her real HOH...Shelly says they were saying their two HOH's were ruined...
Jeff says he can't wait until tomorrow to see who's going up because he can't take it...Adam says maybe it's a luxury comp and they get to see a movie...they talk about who they would take to not worry about that later...Jordan says she should've picked Adam to see the "Hoffman" thing...LOL...but they weren't BFF then...Adam says he didn't care, it was fine...Jeff says Jordan got reamed for that...Jordan says she should have taken Jeff, him and Shelly but the next luxury one she guesses in 20 seconds 😂 she will...
Jeff says she guesses Hasselhoff but she can't guess how many beads are in a tree? which one did she go out on?...Jordan starts to answer but Jeff realizes she lost the Chicago one...he starts to drown her shaking her head and says she's not going to be allowed back in Illinois LOL
Cam 1
Jordan sits up to explain what she put for her answer and how she 2nd guessed herself..Jeff says that's what he did with the Vegas one...Jeff lays his head down in Jordan's lap and says "love ♥ our kids are going to be the smelly ones made fun of in school"...
Jordan giggles and rubs Jeff's face...

Adam says they won't let their kids be smelly...Jeff says they won't be smelly but they'll be stupid...Jordan says "no they won't"...Jeff looks up at Jordan and says "they'll have good hearts" (kill me now! aww ♥ )
Jordan says that's all that matters...Jeff says "and we'll love them just the same"...Jordan is about to say something about her mom and dad and Adam says they'll get by on their looks when the feeds switch out
HN room - sleepy kisses & cuddle
4:34 AM
one of my top 5 favorite flashbacks of the season
Cam 3 close up/Cam 4 far away angle
Jeff gets up to use the bathroom around 4:31am, he comes back to the HN room...Jordan stirs a little, Jeff lays down in bed, gets his blanket's comfy, whispers "hey love ♥ " and kisses Jordan...
Jordan is a little startled...Jeff says it's nothing and starts rubbing Jordan's hair...
Jordan reaches out to Jeff and kisses him...
Jeff rubs her hair again and Jordan snuggles closer reaching out to Jeff...Jeff whispers goodnight...
Jeff reaches for Jordan's leg and Jordan reaches for Jeff's hand...palm trees...
HN room - sleepy how do you feel love?
9:05 AM
Jeff and Jordan are in bed...Jeff is moving around...Jordan reaches out to Jeff and rubs his arm a little...they both move positions and Jeff says "hello lover" ♥
Jeff asks "how do you feel love?" ♥
Jordan says "like crap"
Jeff says "this need anything love? ♥
Jordan says she already got up earlier...they continue to try and sleep...
Want spinach love?
9:45 AM
Jeff and Rachel are cooking breakfast...Jeff is making eggs/an omelet...Jordan walks by and Jeff asks "want spinach on your sandwich love?" ♥ she does
Jordan feels sick/Brenchel are sickening ;)
10:17 - 10:20 AM
The HG's are on outside lockdown...Jeff & Jordan are sitting on the couch...they are pretty quiet, Jordan isn't feeling too great (period)...Jeff is finishing up eating his bagel...Rachel is being uber annoying with her lovey dovey stuff with Brendon
Jordan lays on Jeff's lap saying her stomach hurts...Jeff rubs Jordan's back saying "I know"...
Jeff says BB should give her Motrin...Jordan says "God I know or Ibuprofen"...Jeff takes Jordan's hat away and hands her a pillow to rest her head more comfortably...Jordan adjusts Jeff's leg under her and she tries to rest...
Jordan isn't there for 15 seconds when she pops up saying it's too hot...Jeff says "hot?"...Jordan asks for her hat, puts it on and then curls up into a ball facing the other way on the couch...Rachel continues being annoyingly lovesick (no wonder J&J never wanted to be even remotely thought of as "that", I can't even listen to it lol)...
Jordan gets up, surely sick of them and heads over to the lounger to sit with Shelly...Jeff lays down on the couch saying "I'm gonna fu**ing barf" LMAO! Brendon tells Rachel that Jeff is sick of it...Rachel says it doesn't matter...Jeff says they might lose each other, he might drown Rachel in the hot tub, she might wanna get a floatation device
Jordan & Shelley chat - JeJo kids & marriage
10:40 AM
Jordan and Shelly are chatting outside on the lounger...they're talking about marriage and kids...Shelly asks Jordan if she heard Jeff last night?...Jordan asks "what did he say?"...Shelly says when Jeff was out here and he said "our kids are gonna be"...Jordan says "he said that!"...Shelly says "I know! were you like shocked?"...Jordan says "yeah kind of, I did pick up on that, I was like..."
Shelly says she picked up on it, he said it two times, he said "our kids are going to be cute but maybe not so smart, but they're going to be so cute and happy and run around the house"...Shelly fist pumps and Jordan giggles, she says that Jeff never talks about stuff like that...Shelly says he totally said it on his own...Jordan knows...Shelly says "so you picked up on it?"...Jordan says she did, she just didn't say anything or Jeff would have said "take it easy!", she giggles...
Shelly says she heard and was like "yeah", it was so cute and he went on a little bit about it, it wasn't like an off the cuff comment...Jordan knows, she says maybe he was just in the moment saying that...Shelly says that's good, she was happy, she picked up on it instantly...Jordan says "well, I mean, we've disc...I mean I'm not talking about marriage but Jeff is a really good family guy and he won't, I know him, he won't do anything, cuz he told me he will not get married or anything or even think about kids unless I know I can support my family and right now he's in that stage kind of like where I think all his friends, I think he is kind of ready but he's not in a way, he's still kind of is having fun but I don't"...
Shelly asks how old Jeff is?...Jordan says 33 and continues saying that if Jeff ever goes out she doesn't ever get on him, she says to go have fun...Shelly says that's why it works, she's not hanging onto him for dear life every 5 seconds, guys hate that...Jordan says she wouldn't like it either...Jordan goes onto describe how her friend Brooke & Tom are, she says Tom is cool...Shelly says you gotta have your independence, your whole life can't be somebody else, you have to have other stuff...they start talking about Brenchel and how they are...
Jeff & Shelley talk about Jordan
1:05 PM
Feeds switch to Jeff and Shelly who are outside chatting on the couches in the BY...Jeff says he's not good enough to be America's Player, the one guy Dani always talks about was real good...Shelly says that Jordan is out (sleeping)...Jeff says it's good, let her sleep...Shelly says she doesn't feel good...feeds switch briefly to the bathroom and come back...Shelley is saying Jordan is the neatest kid, person, whatever, heart of gold, she doesn't know if she knows anyone like her, she has no agenda at all...Jeff says "I know, it's's the best, far and above the best thing about her"...
Shelly says it's amazing to her, you don't meet people that are that truly, purely just genuine...Jeff says yeah...Shelly says she has no filter, it's just straight honesty all the time and kind, it's never, she has the hardest time even being critical, she can do it in a nice way...Jeff says this house gets to her though...they talk about how Peyton is like that too and they're such a great family...Shelly says that Jordan's an angel and God has big plans for her...Brendon comes out and the convo changes...
Candy room - what’s up love
8:43 PM
Jeff, Jordan, Adam & Brenchel are in the candy room talking...Rachel gets called to the DR...Jeff says there's no way Brenchel are sleeping in a single bed, both Porsche & Kalia won't give up their double beds...Jordan asks if they asked them?...Rachel says she did but whatever...both Adam and Jeff say that's not right...they discuss this and Adam says he can sleep in the HN room by himself, he needs time to prep for tomorrow...Adam is getting angry (joking)...
Jeff looks at Jordan who is very quiet and says tomorrow is going to be crazy...Jordan doesn't respond and Jeff asks "what's up love ♥ ? your stomach hurt? do you need anything? you want me to get you something to drink?"...Jordan nods no...Jeff caresses her head…
...and then Brendon asks if she's feeling better?...Jordan nods no saying she feels like poo...Jeff asks when was the last time she took Advil?...Jordan took some 45 minutes ago...Adam interrupts saying she took Tylenol right after the house meeting he wasn't invited to…
Candy room - house meeting fail
8:45 PM
Jeff, Jordan, Adam & Brendon continue chatting in the candy turns to the "house meeting" Jordan called...Jeff says it was good and asks Jordan if she wants to recap?...Jordan pretends to not know what they're talking about....Adam says the house meeting and she told him...Brendon says it was a scaled down version of the first one...Jeff says scaled way down...Jordan tries to explain why she called the meeting even though nothing was accomplished...Jeff says "high five"...Jordan says to not make fun of her...Jeff isn't, he wants to high five it...they high five...Adam says at least she spoke her mind, she got it off her chest...Jeff asks what Jordan got off her chest?...Jordan tries to explain she wanted to clarify the side deal thing, people were supposed to chime in but nobody did so she guess they don't want to say anything so she looks like the bad person...Jeff sarcastically says "good meeting"...
Adam says Jordan is America's sweetheart...Jordan says she doesn't look like it this year, she looks stupid
Adam says she got David Hasselhoff in 20 seconds, she's not stupid...Jeff asks Jordan to put the gavel away...Jordan says "what's that?"...Adam explains...Jordan says she's on her period and she's been a HN...Jeff says next time she decides to call a house meeting tell them listen, she's been on slop for 14 days and on her period, maybe she should put her gavel back in the drawer...Jordan says Jeff didn't say anything either...Jeff says he thought it would be a blowout and he was all for it and nothing happened...Jordan says she can't help it that no one wanted to talk...Brendon says nobody wanted to contribute...Jeff wants to high five again but Jordan isn't having it...
Jeff changes the subject asking how comfy the bed is?...Jordan says very...Brendon pipes in again saying he understands where she's at but things just go around and around...Jeff says he said that at the end, there's no need to do that shit...Jordan says at least people know she's not doing that...Jeff says he was trying to get the person he wanted involved but nobody said anything...Brendon says he learned from the last house meeting that you're not going to get anything accomplished at house meetings...
Candy room - ask Big Jeff
8:55 PM
Jeff, Jordan, Adam & Brendon continue chatting in the candy room...they are joking around with Adam aka his other person Phillip...Jordan is quiet, she gets up to leave and Jeff asks "love, where you going?"...Jordan says to go get some NMM's Jeff says "want me to get some for you?"...Jordan says "no"...Jeff asks "why?"...Jordan says "cuz I've have 2 feet"...Jeff says "I do too and not a period, if you need something ask Big Jeff"...Jordan leaves saying "my God"...
Candy room - disrespect/sweet little pie
9:03 - 9:05 PM
Jeff, Jordan, Adam & Brendon are chatting in the candy room...they're talking about role playing and dressing up in costume...Brendon asks what Adam & Farrah what costumes would he be...Adam says Romeo & Juliet because they're lovers and nothing can separate them and their love...Jeff asks if he's a Capulet or a Montague?...Adam says Montague because that was Romeo...Brendon asks if Farrah calls Adam Leo DiCaprio?...Adam says no...Jeff asks if his gf wants to bang Leo DiCaprio?...Adam says probably...Jeff cracks up...Adam says no, no threesomes...
They start talking about the movie Basketball Diaries...Jeff asks if Jordan has seen it?...Jordan says no...Jeff says the movie is fu**ing awesome, it's with Leo DiCaprio and Mark Wahlberg, it's good, he hasn't seen it in forever...they discuss the movie a bit more and then Adam says he knows both their girlfriends and he doesn't disrespect them and they don't know his girfriend so he'd appreciate if they don't disrespect his...Brendon says no...Jeff asks who said that?...Adam says he gets it...Brendon says he'd never disrespect Farrah but (Adam is fair game)...Jeff asks how did they disrespect her?...Adam says by implying they like to give each other golden showers...
Jeff says how about this? Adam said he wanted to punch some girl's face in the house, that's kind of disrespectful...Adam says he never said that...Jeff tells Jordan he said that, Adam doesn't want to punch a guy because they'd fight back but a girl he'd have one shot and really knock her out, is that disrespectful?...Adam says "time out", he didn't specify anyone in the house and he's very frustrated about being on the block and he thought it was a funny outlet...Jordan giggles...Jeff says he thinks golden showers are funny...Adam says "well you know what? Jordan is right there, piss away"
Brendon says "whoa!"...both Brendon and Jeff say that's disrespectful...Brendon says Jordan is right there...Jeff says "she's right here the sweet little pie, you put her on slop and now you want her peed on?"...Adam says Jeff wants to do that because he keeps passing it on him...Jordan giggles...Adam says he can't do it to his girlfriend because she'll say no so he has to push it on him...WTF?
Jordan says "I would never let any man piss on my face"...Jeff asks "what if it was R. Kelly?"...Jordan says nooo, he pissed on somebody?...Jeff tells her the song lyric, they start singing and control room...
Candy room - sex chatter
9:06 - 9:13 PM
Jeff, Jordan, Adam & Brendon are chatting in the candy room...feeds return from control room...Jordan is asking if they've given facials?...this leads to some raunchy sex talk between the four of them, questions on who has done what, some acts are a little eye opening to Jordan LOL others not so much...the 2 girls 1 cup story is just gross BLECH
Candy room - neck rub
9:24 PM
Jeff, Jordan and Adam are chatting in the candy room...they're talking about the veto and scenarios...Brenchel walk in and they start chatting with "Phillip"...Jeff starts rubbing Jordan's neck...

They talk about the gross video again...Jeff continues rubbing Jordan's neck...Porsche comes in to check if Brenchel are eating food in her bed...the bed situation is discussed and Porsche is being a total bitch about giving up her bed...Jeff and Jordan talk inaudibly to each other while the others chat...