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Day 37 of BB11 Feeds


Updated: Sep 24, 2023

August 15

JeJo practice golf 


This actually starts at 11:52pm (Aug 14th) when Jordan comes outside to practice the golf game that BB has set up in the BY, she joins Jeff, Michele and Russell...good thing J&J did get some practice time in because it would be the upcoming HOH competition after Chima was expelled...Jordan was only mere hours away from being the next HOH. 

Jordan starts playing just before the 11:53pm mark saying that this is going to be a game of luck for her because she's terrible at golf (lucky she has Jeff? Yes ) Russell says she can do it, get Jeff to help her, he's a stud...Jordan wants some pointers...Jeff helps by showing her how to angle the ball and how hard to hit it...FISH

Just after the 11:58pm mark it's Jordan's turn again, she says "me and golf, we're not friends"...Michele says to Jeff "I'm picking you tomorrow if I have a

no choice"🙄

Jeff just half laughs at Michele's statement and then continues giving Jordan pointers on golf...Jeff then has a turn...FISH

Jeff hands the balls to Michele and walks back to stand by Jordan, he says with a smile "we get to sleep in a bed today"...Jordan says "I know, you excited?"...she pats him on the butt...Jeff mmm, hmm's...

Jordan asks how tall Jeff is?...Jeff says 6 ft with shoes on...Jordan says her dad is 5'9" or 5'11" and is always trying to pawn off that he's 6 ft LOL Jordan says she loves her pants and her sister says the ugliest things ever...Jeff says "why?"...Jordan doesn't know, she thinks they're Gucci...Jeff says she's so stupid...Jordan laughs...they laugh about Ronnie's corniness, how he must be on the computer 24/7 and his dumb predictions on the game.

Jordan's turn again, cute little moment when she plays all spacey blond fixing her hair first...Jeff says to stick her butt out :) ...Jordan says she played one time with the tightest jeans, she couldn't move...Michele asks her if she's played real golf?...Jordan says yeah and she was terrible...

Michele says that BB should hook them up with cute golf outfits tomorrow...Jeff says plaid pants 😉...Jordan says she would love it, please BB hook them up with some golf attire...Michele says they can't give them plaid because of the cameras (wrong!)...Jordan asks what they normally wear? the hat?, she says that there's a group in Charlotte that all dress up preppy like golfers, they all go out and get drunk every Friday night...

Jeff's turn while the other side of the house come out to mill about the laundry area, he's really good! no wonder he kicked butt in that golf comp :) ...Russell joins them and immediately gets a turn, he asks for some advice from Jeff...Russell finishes and then Jeff says "alright Jordo, you up?"...Jordan says it's Michele's turn before her...Jeff gives Michele advice...Jordan says she has the same leggings that Michele has except with sparkles, they look cute with high shoes...Russell for some reason says he's going to teach Jordan self-defense, teach her a "hold" so she can take Jeff out in bed 🧐

Jordan asks Russell why he makes those weird noises when he boxes?...Russell says it's breathing out, it reminds him to breathe because when you box you tend to hold your breath...Jordan says she thought that one night when he was boxing and yelling that him and Jeff were fighting...Russell says no, he was just getting his anger out...Russell asks what's going on with Jeff?...Jordan says he's in a bad mood about everybody, she explains what happened with Jeff's clothes...they agree they'd be pissed.

Russell referring to the washing machine takeover by the other side, asks "dude, are they going to run 17 cycles?" LOL! Jordan says she knows, Michele says "how much fu**ing laundry do they have?"...Jeff says "they're running 2 socks at a time"...they commiserate a bit more over the laundry situation...

Jeff, always aware of his girl, says "you're up Jordan" 😊...Jordan's turn, Jeff gives her advice, helps her out...Teamwork!! Jeff's turn...he doesn't need advice LOL ...they realize the snail on the golf "course" is Velcro'ed down so it might be moved for the real thing (it wasn't even the same set up lol)

Tiger Woods comes up in the conversation, they say he's the best golfer ever...Jordan says his wife is so pretty...Russell says she was a nanny, she's a twin and she's from Europe...Jordan says she was another golfer's nanny...Jordan says "geez, any golfers, basketball players? anybody want me to be their nanny?...Jordan and Jeff look at each other and Jordan laughs...Jeff says "do the nanny huh?"...Jordan says she's just kidding...Michele says "oh Jordo"...they continue practicing and the feeds switch out...

2:43-3:26am Chima...she GONE!J&J are keeping it business 

The feeds have been off for over 2 hours and when they come back Chima is gone, she has been expelled from the show...Jordan and Russell are chatting about how Jordan doesn't think he's an asshole anymore (haha), she doesn't think he's mean and that he doesn't scare her, maybe if he was really mad.

Russell has just finished making guacamole and they dig in with their chips...Jordan complains that Russell always makes this stuff late at night (when she shouldn't be eating)'s spicy...Jeff says it's spicy like a mofo LOL...they keep eating...Jeff says he can't believe it's 3...Jeff says to Jordan "you like it Jordo?"...Jordan mmm, hmm's...Russell asks if they want to sit at the table?...the others say they're good there...Jeff says he likes the island...Jordan says "me too"...

Jordan says "so this is what it will be like with the final 4, I'm just kidding"...Russell says they'll all just laugh together...Jeff says he's excited to see what happens tomorrow...Russell think they will try to make it fun, make everyone forget...Jeff says "no evictions?"...they don't think so...Jeff says he hopes another person goes on the block, make this double eviction week (he got his wish!) ...Michele thinks she will get to choose another (wrong!)...

Russell thinks if they're final 4 they would have a good time...Jeff thinks if Natalie left, Lydia would lighten up, Kevin would be fine, they'd have a good time, then again Lydia might mope knowing Natalie is in jury house with Jessie, there's always something to complain about...they figure America's vote will replace Chima's vote (right!)...they keep chowing down on the chips & guacamole (no wonder they couldn’t sleep LOL)...Jordan says she hates Russell for making this so late at night...

They talk about Chima a little without mentioning her name...Russell says he loved taking her on...Jordan isn't tired...Michele isn't either...Jordan says it's 6am in Charlotte, who would have thought she would be living in California for a couple of months...random chatter ensues while they finish up eating and clean up...Russell mentions something about the legal dept...FISH...

Jeff now has his glasses on , Jordan is sitting on the far counter...they're joking around about having fans, Jeff being the wizard, the technotronics wizard...Jordan says she just can't picture it, people saying "I love you!", then she'll say "I love you too"...Jeff says he doesn't think so...Jordan laughs at him dismissing the idea...Jeff says "what?"

Russell says Jeff will say "dude, you can sleep over"...Jeff says he'll say "come on"...Michele says he will need a bigger place for all the people sleeping over...Jeff says he'll say they can be his new best friend...Jeff catches Jordan staring at him and says "what?...Jordan says nothing...

Jeff says sometimes don't you just want to rip all your hair out?...Jeff tugs at his hair saying sometimes it feels good...Michele, who always fails at being funny, says that Jeff needs to go to a psychiatrist...Jeff says he is one...Michele laughs like a hyena when Jordan says that Jeff would tell the psychiatrist he wants to beat Jordan and drown her :),...

Jordan says she has to explain to others what Jeff means when he always says that to her, it's ok, it's a love which Michele promptly says that Jeff says it to her and she was like wtf?...Jeff explains to Russell that he told someone he was going to drown Michele to break up an awkward moment...Jordan doesn't seem to like that Jeff said that to Michele, she fake laughs 😅 Jeff then clarifies that he says it to Jordan all the time, it's a sign of endearment (good boy Jeff 😁 )

Jordan starts laughing about how Jeff seems like he's always beating her, they laugh about an incident earlier in the day during the food comp...they exchange a cute look 😍 ...Jordan says she has to start drinking more water...Jeff says he pounds them all day...Jordan asks if the green tea Chima drank was good for her skin?...Michele says it's good for everything...Jordan says "girl looks good for her age, you have to admit"...Michele half heartedly agrees...Jordan asks Russell "you didn't think so?"..

Russell says she's not his type but...Jordan says she took her as a 25 yr old...Jeff says "whatever" and walks away (Jeff is SO not into talking about looks, he's more about a person's character JMO)...Russell says he knew she was older..Michele says no personal comments...FISH...

When they return Jeff is saying "and then there were seven"...Jeff goofs around with the table and chairs...Jeff says "wow"...Russell says it's been an eventful night...Jeff says it's been an eventful 2 days...Michele says "ever"...Jordan says everyday is different...Jeff says you never know what's around the corner...they start talking about the DR and FISH...feeds return with them saying that maybe now they can actually have some real fun and laugh...Michele says she was on the clique from hell...they agree...Jordan and Michele say they're the only left from their cliques...Jeff says he was his own clique LOL

They reminisce about the game, all the stuff they have gotten throughout the comps, Jordan says she would never sell her stuff on Ebay...they talk about how funny Casey was...Jordan says Laura was sweet, Michele says she'll look her up in Atlanta...Jeff says Laura is going to say that he owes her a steak dinner, she said it every hour in there...Jordan explains the rat bet to the others...Jeff says he thought it might have even been Laura, he didn't know who the f**k it was...

Jeff starts to tell how Ronnie would switch who he was going to put up every 5 minutes but he fumbles his words and gives up saying that he had a speech impediment that he overcame but now it's coming back 🤪  ...this reminds Jordan of her brother Peyton who can't pronounce his R's...Jeff says "rrrrocket ship"...Russell asks why he said that?...Jordan says they would make him say it in speech class so she would say it to him but he still says her name Johhrdan...she says "he's so cute"...Russell says "he's British"...Jordan says he sounds like it...Michele tells a story about her little brother and Russell tells his speech impediment story too...

Jeff says that Lydia made blueberry pancakes today with grapes...they share some laughs over that one...Jeff ends it with "and Jordan cleaned up all the shit" (this really got under Jeff's skin!)...Jordan says she thought a grape was a cockroach...Jeff comments on Lydia making a huge mess all the time and not cleaning anything...Jordan complains that Casey was so messy too...

Jeff agrees, he was getting frustrated with him...Russell says he'd make food for just himself and Casey would always want some so he'd have to make more...Jeff says one time Casey came up to him asking what he was making? Jeff said steak for him and Jordan and Casey got pissed, he had to eat a poor ass hamburger while he and Jordan had filet...they laugh about that and more while reminiscing about Casey...they share a huge laugh when Jeff tells the story of how he broke the news to Casey he was going up on the block at the margarita party...

They then talk about how Jessie was the proverbial rock star of the show, Jeff says he told Casey that Jessie would walk to the finals if no one stopped him but Casey was loyal to him for some reason...Michele didn't even know who he was, she didn't watch that part of his season so they figure that's why Jessie didn't like her either...more random chit chat about water shoes, competitions...they talk about Casey's exit with his classic line "go make Jessie a sandwich"...Russell says he didn't like that Natalie was barking at Casey...

Jordan starts to say something but says nevermind...Jeff does his hand signal, Jordan mimics it...Jeff goes to chop at her head, Jordan intercepts it, then squeezes his arm...

Jeff pinches her leg...Jordan oww's...Jeff whispers "fu**ing drown you later"...Jordan giggles saying "in the SS room?"...Jeff says yeah...Michele comes back in talking about the longest cycle ever...Jeff says "the whitest whites?"🙃 ....While Russell is talking about something else, Jeff stretches out his arms for Jordan to hug him, she pats his back and barely hugs him...Jeff says "that's your hug?"...Jordan puts her head down and says mmm, hmm...Jeff says "that's weak"...Russell asks them if they are getting married?

Jordan says no, they're BFF, Jeff says they're engaged💍 LOL Jordan says they're BFF but Russell says BFF's don't kiss...Jordan says they've only kissed that one time in front of Ronno, they all giggle...Jordan says it was that one time and one other time and that's it...Russell says for them to kiss right now...Jeff says no, they got to keep it business...Jordan agrees and then Jeff says "you wanna go to bed?" 🤣

Michele says there's a whole room upstairs...Jordan says no, not in there, definitely not in there...Jordan likes the colder room better, she slept good last night...Natalie walks in and the mood gets super awkward, fluffy talk starts...

JEJO The sexually frustrated & the Restless 


Jeff & Jordan whisper in bed in the SS room about Chima and why she quit...Jordan finds out from Jeff about Chima being raped, she's shocked to hear talk game and what the other side is up to...Jordan thinks Russell is trying too hard with Michele and Jeff doesn't like him saying "our team" take it easy LOL 

They are leery of them making a final 2 arrangement...Jeff says the first chance he gets to get Russell out he will 😉 Jeff caresses Jordan's face 🥰...Jordan loses her train of thought ☺️ Jordan then whispers game talk to Jeff...Michele comes in being her usual awkward self 🥴...they ask her if she wants to hang out and talk which somehow turns into Michele saying she wouldn't mind sleeping down there with them 😑 Jeff takes this opportunity to go to the bathroom...

The lights come back on...Michele & Jordan talk...Jordan offers to sleep up in the HOH if she wants her too...Michele says no, she should sleep with Jeff or they could sleep up there...Jordan says "nooo! that's your room"...Michele says that's bs, it's "our room" and she asks Jordan why she is so reluctant to be alone with Jeff?...Jordan gets tongue-tied and changes the subject to how Russell is getting on her nerves and is annoying, they'll talk later...Michele leaves to change into her PJ's...

Feeds go off the SS room until Jeff comes back...Jordan fills in Jeff on their convo about the sleeping situation...Jeff cuddles into Jordan...Jordan says she's full...Jeff rubs her tummy and then Jordan squeals...Jordan sits up and punches Jeff playfully and says "no!"...Jeff says "get away from me"...Jordan asks why?...J&J have some cute banter...apparently it's "over" 🤭 Jeff complains about Jordan's little noises she makes when Jeff touches her, he hates that...Jordan asks why?...Jeff says she does it every night...Jordan doesn't notice it (sure 🤨)...Jeff pinches her nose...LOL and says "nevermind"...Jordan says it's so late...

Then Jordan reaches over and touches Jeff, tells him he feels so skinny...Jordan wants him fattened up...Jeff wishes no one else was in the room, so they could just talk and fall asleep...Jordan says "about everything?"...Jordan tells Jeff that Michele said that Jordan was so reluctant to be alone with Jeff...FISH...

Jordan tells Jeff that Michele is going to sleep down there with them...Jeff says "nooo"...Jordan says she told her she wouldn't mind sleeping with her, she likes it, it's comfy but she doesn't like going downstairs to get batteries...Jeff wants the lights off...

Jeff asks Jordan to scratch his back now since she's going upstairs to sleep with Michele...Jordan says she did tell her she would but she's not going up there now Interestingly enough during this convo Jordan is playing with Jeff's nipples & chest LOL

Jeff asks her when she's leaving then, at 5?...Jordan says she doesn't know, she's having downtime right now...Jeff asks if they should be talking?...Jeff says she is leaving him, abandoning him for HOH, to not forget where she came from 😟

Jordan says he beat her & ignored her today...Jeff says "oh shut up"...Jordan says Jeff is the worst partner ever :) feeds go to fish...they return with more J&J banter about the food competition, Jeff takes an eyelash off Jordan's face 🥰...

Jordan says she was so mad at Jeff during the comp...Jeff says he thought, I can't deal with this shit, please don't be then comes in and prays...J&J continue talking about the comp...more fish...more reliving the food comp and then they banter about Jeff's smelly fart...Russell joins in saying J&J looked like two lost chickens out there, they laugh about the comp...Michele has joined them & tells them she's crashing with them...the others tell her she should be up in her HOH room sleeping...lights go off.

They talk about the food comp AGAIN! LOL Jordan says it was a one person effort (Jeff) and Jeff says "we did good Jordo"...Jeff keeps giving her big spoon hugs during this...they then settle down to go to sleep after having a bunch of random convos...Jeff wants to cuddle but Jordan pushes his arm away and Jeff says "you suck" LOL 

Jeff turns to his side all pissed, he puts his mic away...Jordan tries to engage him talking about her boob scars, she feels concerned but Jeff doesn't want to hear it, he tells Jordan to stay on her side...Jordan tries again but Jeff says yeah? good luck with that, it's over...Jeff lays down on his tummy and pushes the covers off of him...Jordan asks him if he doesn't want any covers and he says he doesn't want nothin' from her...Jordan then rubs his back for a little while...

Just after the 4:39am mark Jordan stops rubbing and tries to get Jeff's attention by tapping him but Jeff just pushes her with his leg signalling it's still over LOL...they lay quiet for a little while longer and then eventually Jeff gives in and turns towards her and spoons her one last time...they then try to go to sleep...which doesn't work...they are restless.

Just past 5 am now Jordan turns towards Jeff and Jeff turns to face her...he reaches over and gives her a couple of light pecks and strokes her face/hair...another light kiss...hard to tell with the covers...Jeff reaches closer and gives Jordan a kiss...more restlessness after they shift back to their respective sides...Jeff drinks some water and then spoons Jordan again, they both can't fall asleep...Jeff says "I hate spooning" ...Jordan says hmmm?...Jeff says "nothing" LOL Too funny! Jeff was sick of the spooning already, he sure didn't seen to mind it during the next 2 weeks...

They finally seem like they're going to get some sleep...Jeff gives her another kiss goodnight and turns back to his side...Russell makes a weird noise and Jordan asks if he's awake?...they realize Russell & Michele are both awake, they're all restless and can't sleep...Michele decides to go sleep in her HOH room after all, she leaves...Russell wonders what the light is for?...Jordan says it's the night vision...Russell says there's nothing to see...Jeff says that he & Jordan just got done "doing it"...Russell ooohs and says no sounds either, that's impressive...Jordan says "don't start rumors Jeff!"...Jeff tsks and says "believe me, there's nothing fu**ing going on over here"...Russell laughs and Jordan says "omg, that's awful"...Jeff says "no shit, tell me about it" LOL

Russell says you can change that, Jordan...Jordan says No! Jeff!...Jeff says "well, don't talk to me"...Jordan says Jeff is sexually frustrated 😬...Russell says "uhh, we're all sexually frustrated"...

5-5:23pm Michele moves in for the kill/Lydia goes insane 

Jordan wins HOH in the golf comp. As soon as she wins, Michele sticks to her like white on rice. (her O in the house was always to sidle up to the new HOH and try to become their new BFF)  Jordan being the extra nice person that she is lets Michele worm her way in...much to the chagrin of Jeff...

Michele & Jordan are talking in the GR when Lydia goes nuts. We've all seen what happened...Lydia bangs the GR door open, throws out Michele's sushi, dumps out Michele's beers and rants & raves throughout the house that is clearly divided. Michele confronts Lydia and tells her to wear her fu**in' unitard bitch!! Lydia screams & yells at Michele...Jeff & Russell who are in the LR are like what just happened here? When Lydia says she threatens to leave and for them to vote her out, Jeff says one of his best one liners..."get comfy, you ain't going nowhere" 😂

Jeff tries to calm things down and tells the others they can't live like this, they need to be civil and get along for the sake of the one point he loses it too and lets out an expletive filled rant...scariiiieeeeee!! But kinda sexy all at the same time, lol.

6:13-6:20pm Hawaii, the 1st mention/Jordan’s HOH - be happy 

Jordan & Michele are sitting outside discussing the HOH comp, Jordan says that Jeff would have still beaten her but at least she would have come in 2nd...Michele says she doesn't know that, it could have gone down to another tiebreaker and Jeff could have just missed, it was comical to see him throw the comp like that...Jordan says that she was nervous and freaking out when Kevin kept getting holes in one...Jeff comes outside and joins them...

Jordan talks about how she was concentrating and she visualized the night before she would win, but she really did think Kevin was going to get it, she thought it was going to be between Jeff and Kevin...Jeff says he didn't miss one either...Jordan says she thought it would be between them...Jeff says that he told her that if she was close it was all hers...Jordan says "thank you, I can just pack me in your suitcase, you know for your Hawaii trip...and I'll pop out and be like surprise!"...Michele and Jordan giggle.

Jeff asks Michele what she would take, Hawaii or 5G's?...Michele says Hawaii because then you know you're going, with money she would pay for house stuff or credit cards...Jordan asks Jeff when they're going to explain all of that to him?...Jeff doesn't know, he says it's 7 nights, that's expensive, it's not like it's $1500, airfare for two is 2G's...Jordan says "oh really?"...Jeff says 7 nights in Hawaii is going to be more than 2G's so it's more than 5 grand...Michele says they might throw something in fun to do while he's there...Jordan tries again LOL...she says "wow, I wonder how many people you can take?"🤗

Jeff giggles, Jordan giggles...Michele says let's bring everyone...Jordan says let's make a truce right now...Jeff says "buy me out"...Jordan says "hmm, that is nice...that was my number! number 2, Hawaii trip"...Jeff says that was his number the whole game, he got zero negative points on it, he picked it every game...they talk about how the numbers were, they went in order but Jordan didn't realize that until later...Jeff laughs about how Jordan was telling him to pick number 4 and he said it just goes in order..

Michele says she would know the universe was wrong if Lydia got HOH...Jordan says she wouldn't even know who she would put up, Jeff, Russell?...Michele says she would nominate herself...Jordan asks if she's getting the suit or not?...Michele says she will...Jeff says Lydia's hair is all PINK right now...Jordan says "her hair is pink?"...Jeff says yeah they gave her hair dye...Jordan says probably because her roots were orange...Jeff says she probably just asked so they gave it to her...Jordan says it's sucks, it wasn't even a happy HOH win, she's happy she got it but wasn't happy because of the comments...

Michele says of course not, people were being douche bags...Jordan says she wasn't happy with the cookie dough comment...Jeff says he said cookie dough for Jordan to be happy, he wasn't throwing stones...Jordan says it's not what Jeff said...Jeff says "be happy, you're going to get a letter and see your family" ☺️

Jordan smiles and says "I know, so excited"...Jordan thinks her mom will write "bezay" and she wonders if her grandparents could write one?...Michele says Russell's was a bunch of little letters from 4 different people...Jeff says it has to fit on one page...Jordan says she's sure her dad would write too...Michele says it's going to be good...Jordan says she just wants to see pictures, updated pictures, she doesn't want old pictures (sorry Jordan, that's what you got!)...Jordan says she told them to send a pic of her sister after she lost weight, she wants to see if she kept if off, she looked good...Jeff says she's not going to send a bad picture, one of her overweight...Michele says hers were all random and mostly old but any pictures are good pictures...Jordan says one might be her brother's graduation because they're all in it, her mom might not want to be in any of the pictures, she doesn't like being on camera...

Jordan insists she & Jeff are just friends...uh uh 


Michele & Jordan are on the hammock talking game...Jeff walks outside to do laundry...Jordan says "what's up?"...Jordan giggles and says that Jeff is going to be pissed "whitest whites" LOL Jordan starts calling out "Jeff, Jeff!...Jeff"...Jeff says he's going to put away some shoes...Jordan says "come here"...Jeff says he'll be two seconds and be right back. 

Jordan says "Jeff's so nice"...Michele says "I love Jeff, he's a good guy"...they then talk about how he's not a pushover, he can get nasty too and without any prompting, Jordan says "and even though we do flirt sometimes (sometimes?? LOL), we are just friends"...Michele the wise one says "I know"🙄

Jordan repeats "just friends"...Jordan says he would be someone you would have a good friendship with after, you know he's just a good person...Michele says that they can all hang out after in LA, have beer and watch football...Jordan says "he's just a good guy"...

GAG alert - Michele says that Jeff did just offer to have sex with her so she's a little confused tee hee 🙄...Jordan fake laughs and changes the subject asking Michele if her husband will be upset that Russell called her cuckoo (ha! man I love Jordan!)...Michele mumbles some bullshit...Jordan and Michele talk about the Lydia blow up briefly...

Jeff comes outside and immediately Jordan says "come here"...Jeff says he's coming...Michele warns Jordan they shouldn't be seen talking to each other a lot (that sure didn't stop her from being glued to Jordan throughout her HOH reign!)...Jeff walks over to them...Jordan asks where Russell is?...Jeff says he's inside, he's pissed at the racial comments...

Michele says he's trying what he can to convince them Kevin should go home, he was mad at Michele for not nominating him...Jordan says they have to get rid of Natalie and Russell is going to put up JeJo...they talk a little more game while Jeff hits around the birdie...Jeff says wait until they see Lydia's hair, it's fu**ing PINK! Super hot PINK, it looks like a wig :) Jordan asks if it looks awful...

Jeff says that's all he'll say, it's pink and looks like a turns to what they're going to eat, they decide on burgers...Jeff says for them to go inside and eat...they do...

Jeff should be a cook 


Jeff and Jordan are outside on the couches eating the meal they just made (Jeff the burgers and steaks, Jordan the salad)...Jordan asks Jeff what he used to marinate the burgers?...Jeff says he didn't, he just seasoned them with salt, pepper, garlic, oregano & basil and put lemon on top, does she like it?...Jordan says yes, (they're) real good...Jeff who is eating steak says the steaks are the bomb...Jordan says "you should be a're really good at that"😊

Jeff is not just making out in Hawaii


Jeff, Jordan and Michele are sitting outside eating their dinner...they mostly talk game, Lydia's hissy fits, Russell's moods and the meal they just ate...JeJo finish up, Michele is still not done...Jordan wonders what her HOH CD is going to be, she rattles off the ones she requested and talks about Madonna a bit...

@ the 7:48pm mark Jeff walks over to the grill and cleans it ...Jordan and Michele continue talking and of course Jordan, being too nice, invites Michele to come and sleep up in her HOH room (instead of Jeff) Michele gladly accepts...Jordan says she likes being outside like this, it reminds her of when you're at a beach house and you sit outside at night...

Jeff comes back, sits down, he sighs and says the meal was alright, actually it was good...Jordan wonders when her room will be ready? she's so excited...Jeff says pretty soon, he's excited for her...Michele says 8 or 9, it's usually late...Jordan says to Jeff "I appreciate you letting me have HOH before you" :) Jeff says "you earned it Jordan"...Jordan says "plus you got a Hawaiian trip and you can win HOH the next week"...Jeff says she's right, exactly...Jordan says "one of you can"...

Jordan says it's going to be nerve wracking sitting up there and talking to Julie (she never did lol)...Jordan is about to ask them what it's like but realizes they haven't yet either so she lets it go...Michele says no bitter feelings, she would be bitter if Lydia had won...Jeff says he was dialed in, he thought he'd have to zigzag it in (the ball) but he just had to hit it straight...Michele knew he had it...Jordan says they made it fair though so everyone could have a shot, they also gave awesome prizes, everyone got a good gift and the one person that was bitter or rude has to wear that suit.

Jeff says "dude, I'm going to Hawaii"🌺

Jordan says that if Jeff can't find anybody to go, he can always ask her or he can have her in his suitcase...Jeff laughs...once again, Jordan feels obligated to include Michele so she says "me and Michele, oh you know, we'll go"...Michele says Jeff has one million friends (America's vote) and he was going to bring them all to his house so now he can take them to Hawaii...Jeff laughs about that saying some random stranger would recognize him and ask if they can go to Hawaii with him.

Jordan says "wouldn't you rather have a girl go with you to Hawaii? yes! me!"..

Jeff says "I'll tell you one thing, if I'm there for 7 nights, I'm not just making out in Hawaii" Jeff laughs...Jordan turns beet red and is clearly thinking about a comeback for that one LOL...Michele says he has a valid point...Jeff says he had to slip in one stone, it's Hawaii, ykwim?...Jeff says if he took Michele he'd be sorry Tim, it's Hawaii  ...they laugh...Michele says "you can't take me sorry"

Jordan finally thinks of what to say..."you can can take me but you can't get booger, you'd have to go find it from a Hawaiian chick"...Jeff says "oh you can stay home"...Michele says Jordan is a tease...Jordan says she isn't a tease, she just doesn't, she just waits, you have to wait for the right moment...Jeff says "wait for what, a Hawaiian trip?"...Jordan says "no! you have to wait for the right moment"...Jeff says "I think fu**ing Hawaii is a pretty good moment"...(he's got a point LOL)

Jordan says you can't just do it, just to do it, because you're horny at that time...Jeff says if someone brought him to Hawaii he would do'em 😛 Jordan gets redder again and says "you would?"...Jeff says "yeah"...Jordan asks if Jeff would just sit there and be like alright let me bang you cuz you took me on this nice trip? (isn't that how it usually works haha)...Michele says Jeff is a guy...Jeff says he'd end the trip on a bang, he's get all liquored up on Hawaiian drinks...Jeff laughs and Jordan says OMG...Jeff says "oh be quiet, you're not going anywhere so relax"...Jordan says where? she's not going anywhere so he's not going to take her?...

Jeff giggles and says she wouldn't take him if she won...Jordan says she would...Jeff says it's bullshit, she's a liar...Jordan doesn't sound too convincing LOL...Michele says Jordan would take her mom...Jeff agrees saying she's a liar and says she has a sister and a brother...Jordan says her sister wouldn't go but her brother would...Jeff says who wouldn't go to Hawaii if they could get the time off? he's glad he took the trip because if he took the 5 grand which would actually be 3, he'd take it to Vegas and piss it all away...

Jordan asks if you win a trip, do they set the date for you?...Jeff says no you set the date but he's not sure what the trip includes, he's not going to complain but what if they put you up in a motel in the center of the island?...they start talking about the HOH comp, the various prizes and then Jeff goes inside...

Jordan gets her HOH room 


Jordan's HOH letter reveal was not heard on the feeds due to a technical mishap, only the last line of the letter is heard when the feeds come back on. Luckily Jordan reads parts of the letter again throughout the evening.

Kevin's expression at the 8:47pm mark is's obviously when Jordan starts crying...

The audio comes back on @ the 8:48:16 mark and you hear Jordan finish up her letter and Jeff say awww...Jordan keeps crying and Jeff busts out another classic one-liner "go wash your makeup off Tammy Faye" 🤣 Jeff would always use laughter to break tension...Jeff giggles at how Kevin reacted to Jordan crying and both admit they were shocked she did cry...Jeff says he gets emotional when he sees people cry.

They then talk about the various pictures Jordan got in her room...Jeff can't believe that the girl in the picture with Megan is indeed Jordan...Jordan is confused about the house situation back home...

Jeff gets called to the DR and immediately Jordan offers her HOH room to all, come up there, shower up there, come sleep up there... (Michele sure took advantage...) Jordan is worried about how she has come off on TV and what is making her mom & grandpa so upset...she knows her grandpa wouldn't like seeing her laying down in bed with Jeff at night LOL...this was obviously weighing on her during her HOH reign but eventually she couldn't resist Jeff...

Funny moment when Jeff comes back from the DR and scares the shit out of Russell who is leaving the room to go to the DR himself...Jeff asks if he was interrupting a serious conversation? he walks by Jordan to go to the washroom he squeezes Jordan's neck in support. :)

Jeff goes to listen to music, Jordan's Def Leppard CD, on the HOH bed...Russell comes back and they laugh about what happened when Jeff scared him...Jordan starts sniffling but manages to tell the sand spur story again LOL 

Then Jordan says grandpa probably has the whole church watching (her & Jeff) and Jeff says "oh, relax"...Jordan says her grandpa probably had a heart attack because she & Jeff a bed! Jeff pretends he isn't hearing what she's saying because of the headphones LOL 

At one point Kevin mentions the whole church congregation watching Jordan on TV which makes Russell give Jeff a look, he does the cutting your throat motion implying Jeff's in big trouble, he saw what Jeff and Jordan did...Jeff shrugs it off saying "dude no way, we didn't do nothing...I wish" LOL He knocks on wood...

Kevin & Natalie leave, the others start recounting how Jordan was crying and it made them want to cry and then Jordan starts to cry again...Jeff asks if they should leave her alone and Jordan says they're fine up there...Jordan doesn't want to talk about this in the DR...Jeff assures her it's real, it's good...Jeff tries to lighten the mood again by imitating how Kevin jumped up when Jordan started crying...things get quiet and Jordan cries some more…

Jeff would do it over 100x 


Jeff & Russell are chatting outside. Russell tells Jeff he would be genuinely happy if Jeff, Jordan or Michele won this game. Russell tells Jeff if he wins HOH next week he has nothing to worry about.

Jeff says things get to you here, he had a little blowout earlier, he can't bite his tongue forever, he can only take so much himself. Jeff says he feels better about things today.

Jeff says he's happy, he's really really happy that Jordan got HOH. Russell says she earned it, she beat Jeff fair and square with a hole in one, she shouldn't feel like Jeff handed it to her. Jeff says handed it her or not, he doesn't care, he's happy she got it. Russell says that he told Jordan that yes, he's a gentleman but you earned it. Russell says it's ballsy what Jeff did.

Jeff says it wasn't ballsy, he would do it a hundred times over if he could.

Russell says he knows but he's seen past seasons...(she's different)

Jeff says "yeah but for a genuine person like that...he would do it a hundred times again" 🥰

Jeff knows it’s nice having Jordan around


Jordan & Michele are in the SS room gathering stuff to bring up to Jordan's new HOH room. Both of them are still sniffling...Jordan from crying upstairs and Michele who starts crying in the room...Jeff comes in the room bringing some more clean laundry for Jordan...he asks her if she wants to keep some shorts (that got ruined in the pig comp). Jordan holds her bra and says she's going to try and pick off the stuff that's stuck on it, Jeff says good luck, she'll have something to do all night...Jeff notices Michele crying and says "you crying too Michele?"...Michele says no and she laughs...Jeff says "geez you guys"...Jordan laughs...Michele says it's a lovefest...Jeff says thank God he got out of there or he would have cried...Michele says it's ok to let his feelings out...Jeff says he doesn't care (meaning he does that too).

Jordan continues sniffling, she asks Jeff if he can carry her stuff up?...Jeff says yeahhh, you got it Jordo...Jeff sees the Hawaii card he got in the comp in his drawer and says "what's up?...I'm going to put this in a's unreal right? I'm going to Hawaii sometime..." Michele says he can send them postcards...Jeff says he'll make them claymation figures.

Jeff moves over closer to where Jordan is, smiles and says "I can't believe you're crying too, you guys man"...Michele says it's really nice having Jordan around, she's so sweet ...Jeff smiles at Jordan…

Jordan does the same and Jeff says "it is...I know". Jordan asks Jeff if she can leave some of her stuff down here, will it be ok...Jeff says yes...Michele is tearing up again...Jordan says they are having a moment...Jeff says that's good, have it, he will leave them alone...Jordan hands her suitcase over to Jeff and they laugh about how ridiculously heavy it is...Jeff says she's going to need another suitcase, he says this isn't even half her stuff. lol They leave to go upstairs...


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