August 14
Jeff fooled Jordan/Blue & Green eyes
Feeds return from fish...Jeff and Jordan are laying down in the SS room...Jordan is saying "when I saw you standing up I was like, no way!"...Jeff giggles...Jordan says "I can't get over it, you had me fooled, majorly"...Jeff says "that was the point"...Jordan says that it was like a birthday surprise or when you get something on Christmas you're not thinking you're going to get and you get it...Jeff says "did you think anyone was standing up?"...Jordan says she saw Jeff and seriously wanted to hit his hip and say Jeff, sit down, she thought he was joking and when he actually stood up and looked at her and smiled, she thought no! holy shit!
Jeff says the other side is already talking like they're gone, that's true though :) ...Jordan says if everything sticks to the plan...Jeff says there are so many different things that could happen, they just have to worry about week to week because as soon as they get the power he's gone but he had to make this move...Jordan says look what Dan did...Jeff says they have to win next week to put one of them up...Jordan says then they'll be good...Jeff says then they'll have the votes...
Jordan says "I feel bad for being mean today then"...Jeff smiles...Jordan says she gets moody...Jeff says he knows, he knew she was going to be happy otherwise he would have given her the brush off (hand signal)...Jordan asks Jeff to do the thing with his hand...Jeff says he can't, it's situational😉
Jordan says it was comical seeing them all crying around the table about Jessie, that was ridiculous...Jeff says he has no words for it...they whisper inaudibly then Jordan says she feels like she can't just talk to him one on one...Jeff gives her a knowing look...Jordan says "it's over"...Jeff laughs saying "we lost, it hurts"...Jordan giggles about Jeff saying "it's over" using his hands...Jeff says he does that a lot...Jordan agrees...
Jordan shows Jeff the bracelet she made...Jeff says if Jordan wins HOH next week, he'll make her one...Jordan laughs about how people will say she sucks...Jeff says people will say (about him), that guy made a good move but is he ever gonna win anything?...Jordan laughs saying "no they're not, obviously America likes you"...Jeff says now they do, he hopes they do, it makes him feel good he won obviously...Jordan says me too, they're a package deal...Jeff says "package deal"...
Jordan says she can see it now and she holds up 2 fingers (final 2)...Jeff says that's good...Jordan says they have to get everybody out of the way so Jeff doesn't get put up or if he does, win POV and take Jeff off...Jeff says it's going to be a battle every week now, he has to come up with a big win, just next week win, it would be cool if he could win, he could do it...
Jordan says "what color are my eyes"...Jeff looks and says blue-green...Jordan says Jeff's are green...Jeff says "yeah?"...she sings "Green Eyes"...Jeff looks at his shirt, which is blue, and says "that's weird" (I thought he was going to say that he thought he had blue eyes because doesn't he? lol)...Jordan says "what?"...Jeff says Jordan's eyes look like his...Jordan says her dad has pretty eyes, they're blue, baby blue...Jeff mumbles something, Jordan says to not worry about it and Jeff says he's not...feeds switch out....
Whispers & Smiles under the turquoise blanket
Jeff has just spent his last night in the HN room and immediately goes into the SS room to lay down. Jordan returns to the room from having slept upstairs, she lays down with Jeff. Jeff says "hey Jordo" and Jordan says "what's up?" Jordan asks if Jeff slept good...he didn't, he was up all night, he was tossing and turning all night. Jeff gets up to find the red pillow but Jordan gives him hers saying she's not going to sleep. Jeff gets in his cocoon...
Jordan says she talked to Michele last night and she's putting up Chima & Natalie. Jeff tells Jordan that he told Michele goodnight last night before she went in the DR and Michele came up to him, gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek and he was like yes! Jordan says she likes you. Jeff says he was like "good" and he could go to sleep but then he was wide-eyed awake. Jeff points out that Jordan has the black stuff in her eye...Jordan knows.
Jordan whispers that Michele said when she wins, it's like they're a team and that she really likes Jeff...Jeff says he's glad Jordan slept with Michele last night...some Inaudible whispers and then Jeff reaches over and silently kisses Jordan's neck/cheek. (blocked from view by that damn dresser! lol)
Jeff says he was thinking about everything last night (when he couldn't sleep)...Jeff says he hopes he's not a have not again...Jordan says he won't be...Jordan says they (the other side) are going to feel like shit today because they got drunk...Jeff says they are, their minds are shot, they're done.
Jordan whispers and Jeff gets in position to listen, she whispers in his ear, impossible to hear...BB tells them to put on their mics...Jeff says he's going to sleep so why bother. They both turn to the opposite sides. Jeff wants to get a couple of z's in. Jeff reaches back and pats her butt and says we'll talk later...Jordan reaches back and holds his hand. (presumably)...Jeff says he doesn't agree with that last comment but they'll talk about it later...BB tells them to put on their mics again and they do this time...they get comfy and say godnight. Camera focuses in on Jordan and she starts secret smiling. 😊 They are quiet for awhile...
Just after the 10:38am mark Jordan turns to face Jeff and puts her arm around his waist. :) Cam finally goes off them…
Hey! I’m over here! This ones fish
When the feeds come back from the food comp, Jeff is taking a shower in the HOH bathroom. Jordan comes in and takes a peek at Jeff through the frosted glass 🧐😁😍

They then start bickering over the food comp, Jordan says Jeff wouldn't listen to her, he says he was listening but he had the matches...Jordan continues trying to make her point...Jeff who has gotten out of the shower, is in his undies, he smiles and goes over to her at the bathtub and gives her a hug. Cute!
Then he puts his shorts on facing her...Jordan keeps talking to him and looking downwards and he points to his eyes/face and says "hey, I'm over here!" 🤣
They continue bantering about the food comp, pretty classic JeJo banter...Jordan arguing that Jeff wouldn't listen to her and lost his focus on her as his partner, Jeff arguing that Jordan had tunnel vision when it came to the dish that tasted like fish and lost focus on finding other dish matches...Jeff readily apologizes to Jordan...Jordan otoh doesn't apologize for her stubbornness…(pretty typical of them tbh)
Jeff weighs himself and says he weighs 179lbs, he was 177lbs, how did that happen? he says he can't even remember the last time he was in the 170's, it's skinny for him...Jordan says she wants something to eat and then says "Jeff you still can't eat can you?"...Jeff says no, he can't...Jordan says aww man, that sucks…
JeJo in the HOH cozy chair Part1
Jeff, Jordan, Michele & Russell are up in the HOH room...Jordan joins Jeff who is sitting on the round chair....Jordan throws the squeeze ball around with Michele, they notice Jordan is throwing with her right, isn't she a lefty? Jordan explains how she writes, throws and plays sports in various ways...they agree she's a lefty but is a little ambidextrous...Michele, of course, is totally ambidextrous🙄
Russell does one thing with his left hand and Jeff says he does everything right handed, he's a total righty...Jordan says it's going to be weird to write stuff...Jeff says it's weird anyhow, these days people don't write much anymore, he does at work though...Russell says it's going to be weird to read...Jordan says it'll be so exciting to listen to music in your car, she loves the radio stations out in LA, the radio stations in Charlotte aren't good.
Jordan starts playing with Jeff's leg...she says she wants to go sightseeing in Cali...Jordan sings a little and says she wants BB to play Disco Stick...feeds cut out...they return with Jordan telling a story about smashing her face into a pole at Six Flags, she was walking and someone got her attention, she went Boom! LOL
Jordan says it was so embarrassing...of course Michele says she's had many of those types of stories, she has to outdo Jordan's story and more...Jordan can only say "that's awful" and this is Jeff's reaction to her...zzzzzzzzzzz LOL
They laugh about how Michele ended up exposing herself during the graduation comp and then Jeff brings up how Jordan would have looked even funnier naked with her raccoon eyes...Jordan says her makeup was all smeared...Jeff says if that had happened to Jordan she would have said (in Jordan accent) "my junk is all out"...Jordan says that would have been so embarrassing...
Jeff says at the time they were all just so wet and tired, it didn't matter...Michele then talks about how a couple of days before her bikini top busted and flew off...Jeff says he missed it but noticed something had happened...Jordan says how about when you're in the ocean, you get knocked over and your top or bottom come undone?...Jeff says that's funny in general, that's happened to him when he's been wiped out...Michele tells another story about her top coming off 🙄 , this time when she would boogie board...Jeff says "Jesus!" 😅...Jeff and Jordan adjust positions on the chair to get comfier, Jeff puts his leg over Jordan...
Russell asks Jordan what her most embarrassing story is? oh wait, she has the prickle story...Jordan says it's not the most embarrassing...Jeff says he's trying to think of one...annnddd Michele has yet another story to tell...Michele tells her boring story about Tim's comedy show where he dedicated and read a filthy, dirty poem to her...Jeff & Jordan look thrilled with this story /sarcasm...Jeff says "you have plenty of stories"...Russell says she'll be all over youtube with all her falls during BB...Jeff wants a montage of them...
Russell says Jordan always has the wide open mouthed look on her face when she's shocked/surprised...Jordan says she has a picture like that for when she won homecoming queen in 8th grade, middle school, she was friends with everybody...Jeff smiles saying "you're so popular"...

Jordan tells a story that made her feel so good, 2 years ago when her dad went to Blockbuster and a girl there asked him if he was Jeff Lloyd...feeds cut out briefly, they come back with Jordan saying that the girl told her dad that Jordan was so nice to her in middle school and other kids (were mean)...feeds cut out again...they return with Jordan saying the girl said that Jordan never made fun of her, she talked to her, Jordan's dad told the girl she would be sure to tell her and he did and Jordan was awww, it made her feel so good... Jeff pats Jordan and then pinches Jordan's cheek. Cute!! 🥰 Jordan says she got excited…
Jejo HOH cozy chair Part 2
They continue chatting...Jordan says "now, I can get mean when I want to"...Jeff says "like in the mornings?" LOL Jordan says no, she can get really mean if she wants to, she prefers not to, she's said stuff to some girls, being immature, kind of like the others down there, she's said some stupid things to girls...Jeff starts getting sleepy...Russell starts talking about the love triangle in the BB house, they start talking game and the people in the game.
Jordan says she wants to hang out with Dan, she wants to meet him, he seems cool...Jeff agrees...Jordan says she'd like to meet Renny...Jeff asks Jordan what she said?...twice...because he wants Jordan to do her Renny impersonation 😊...Jordan does never gets old for Jeff, he laughs, he says the two of them together would be a crack up...Jordan explains the Renny sleepwalking story to Russell and Michele...feeds cut out...
Jordan is telling them she liked all the HG's from season 10 (except for Jessie), Renny was from New Orleans, they should go to Mardi Gras, they'd have the best time ever, it's so much fun...she tells them what it’s like there, Jordan says she’s so much fun when she’s drunk, at least she thinks so, especially when she’s with her girlfriends...Jordan then tells them about one specific crazy Mardi Gras story with feeds cutting in and out...Jeff seems to be napping...Jordan continues with some more Mardi Gras experiences and then talk changes to the fact they’re still on lockdown, the veto comp tomorrow and who might play...
Jordan keeps rubbing and squeezing Jeff's leg...Russell asks what she's doing to Jeff?...Jordan says she's squeezing his fat...Jeff mumbles that he likes it, just play with him and he’s good...Jordan says that men's upper legs are weird looking, maybe it's because you never see them? do they agree?...Jordan lifts up Jeff's short’s leg and says that Jeff's are kind of tanned...Jordan playfully asks if Jeff's wearing a Speedo out there?...Jeff says he pulls them up when he lays out...
Jordan says she feels like her implants are moving down...Michele says she needs to work on them...Jordan says yeah, she feels like they’re drooping, they feel heavy...Russell wonders if Jordan shouldn’t be wearing a bra all the time to stop them from drooping?...Jordan says no, they said to just do her exercises...Jordan says they’re heavy, she thinks they’re 3 lbs apiece...Russell thinks they’re a lot of weight for her back...Jordan says she used to be a 32A and now she’s a 36C, before her surgery she weighed 128 and then after she was 134.5...
Michele and Russell tell Jordan that you have factor in water retention from the surgery so they figure the implants weren’t actually that heavy...Jordan explains that she got to try on the implants in her bra before and she thought they were heavy, how were they going to fit? she brought her mom with her to give her opinion, the best part was right before surgery when they put you out...
Jordan says she could never get her nose done because of how they break it...Michele says Jordan has a cute nose, why would she think of getting her nose done?...Jordan stays silent...Russell says “don’t get your nose done”...Michele says no, that’ll hurt...the mood gets awkward...Jordan says she wouldn’t do it because it does hurt...they get quiet and then randomly chat about the lockdown, how much they sleep, how the last 2 days have gone by slowly...silence...Michele asks Jordan if she’s sleepy? Jordan says a little, is Michele?...Michele says she might zonk out...
Russell dozes off and more silence...after a bit Jordan says she’s not sure she wants to go to sleep or go downstairs and make something...Michele tucks herself in to nap...Jordan slips herself out of the chair...Jeff stirs and says “Jordo?” :)...Jordan walks towards the door and says she’s going downstairs ok?...Jeff says “where?”...Jordan says “in the kitchen”...Jeff says he thought she was going to lay down, he would go with her...Jordan says if Jeff wants to they can go lay down...Jeff says “you wanna? cuz I wanna stretch my shit out”...Jeff gets up and says he’s going to take a pee...Jordan leaves saying she’ll be down there...Jeff says alright…
JeJo’s clothes are messed with
Jeff & Jordan come down from the HOH to discover that someone has taken all of Jeff's clothes and dumped them on the SS bed where they sleep. Jeff is PISSED 🤬 Jordan lays down in complete stunned silence...Jeff's feelings are written all over his face, he tells Natalie not to ever touch his shit again.
He lays down in his bed while Jordan lays down in the other one without saying a word. Jordan tries to engage Jeff but he's not having any of it...eventually they do talk. Btw, Jordan looks so pretty here, she smiles to herself, thinking about the food comp where Jeff totally ignored her 😬 They have some more laughs about that. They then talk about how long of a week it's going to be…
Major tension in the house
It's fascinating to watch the tension building in the this point Chima has already self destructed and has thrown her mic in the pool (which the other side of the house didn't see but may know about?) and she is refusing to put another one on, she is sitting on the dryer/washer probably guarding it to not allow the others to use it or awaiting her whitest whites cycle to finish up.
Jeff, Jordan, Michele & Russell sit on the BY couches and are generally quiet and stunned that the others are being so childish and taking things to this level.
Jeff is seething...Jeff & Jordan finally get to talk alone just before the 11:20 mark when M&J go to practice golf....Jordan tells Jeff to sit on the other side of her so the others can't see what she's saying...
Jeff moves over and they start talking game...Jeff & Jordan are very leery of Michele & Russell still...Russell asks Jeff if he wants to practice golf?...Jeff says he'll play in a little bit...Jordan says that Russell is so paranoid, every time he sees any of them talking he gets like that...Jeff says he's pissed that Russell seems to still be so close to Natalie...
(Jordan keeps banging her cup on the table so it's very irritating to try and hear what they're saying)...Jordan says she wants to vote out Natalie because she can't deal with her another week at all, she drives her crazy...Jeff says him too...
Jordan says they're going to pour hot sauce or something on them tonight when they're sleeping...Jeff says no, they're not...Jordan says Natalie walked around with hot sauce, toilet paper and a lint roller and then didn't bring the hot sauce back into the kitchen...Jeff tells Jordan if they put hot sauce on his stuff he swears he will light their shit on fire ...he's not even joking...Jordan gets a worried look and says he better ask the DR just in case (umm, I'm thinking the DR won't be thrilled Jeff is lighting stuff on fire lol)...Jeff says ask the DR if putting hot sauce on my shit is cool? cuz it's not...Jordan says she means that could get him evicted...Jeff says "then I'll light them on fire" (umm, not better lol)...
Jordan says that's what they want Jeff to do...Jeff says you can't just ruin someone's fu**ing clothes...Jordan says they want to do that with everybody...Jeff says there are 800 million cameras in there, they better stop it...Jordan is just saying...Jeff says he's saying that if they do something, he's going to light this place on fire.
Jordan says they're trying to get Jeff mad so he'll get himself evicted...they start talking game again...
Jordan worries Russell might save Natalie...Jordan says that Michele is sensitive about them saying anything bad about Chima, she tells Jeff not to say girls are bitches, she gets mad...Jordan says they have to get rid of Russell as soon as they can, sorry she's thinking way ahead...Jeff says he does the same, he pictures himself in the finals but no matter what they will vote whoever is on the other side, they'll try and stick it to him...
Jordan says that Russell has all this designer stuff, he's probably well off but doesn't want them to know, he's already got $20,000, Kevin has $15,000, they have to get rid of Kevin before Lydia?...
Jordan says she's going to threaten Lydia with her secret (hanky panky with Jessie)...Jeff says threaten? just say it...Jordan says she doesn't feel like playing, she's in such a bad mood...Jeff too...Jordan says they have all night to play...Jeff says "they make this fu**ing experience a fu**ing nightmare"...Jordan says it's Friday, tomorrow is Saturday, they can lay out on Sunday, Monday is POV, 3 days with them, they can stay outside and ignore them...Jordan says for Jeff to put his stuff up in Michele's room...Jeff says "I'm not going to fu**ing run around like I'm scared of their shit, if they touch my shit, I'm lighting their shit on fire period! they heard me say it 5 times, if they don't think it's going to happen then try me, try it because if they let that fu**ing happen, I'm lighting their shit on fire, burning fire, on fire"
Jordan says she doesn't think they will...Jeff shakes his head, smiling and says he just hopes they don't for his sake...Jordan says they can practice later, she's not motivated right now...Jordan thinks Chima didn't try to practice so that's good...Jeff says she did...Jordan says she didn't do it for long...Jeff says "I know, now she's not wearing her microphone" 🤓
Jordan says "sorry losers"...Jeff says he hasn't seen every season but this is for sure the most miserable cast...Jordan says "oh, yeah definitely"...Jeff says for sure...Jordan says she hates this cast, she hates it...Jeff says it seems like everyone has fun on the past seasons...Jordan says "of course when I'm on it"...Jeff says "we have the most miserable bitch on reality tv on our fu**ing show"...Jordan gets called to the DR...Jeff says “go vent”...Jordan leaves...