August 9
JeJo hammock time continues
12 - 12:27 AM
Jeff & Jordan continue talking in the hammock about Shelly...Jordan says she's so nice, she's like the mom away from home type...Jeff says she's good...Jordan mentions that the cushions (from the outside couch) get moist at night and then they're smelly, she feels gross sitting on them because they make her pants smell like it, Jeff says they stink...Jordan can't wait to get her bed back...Jeff wants it to be dark...Jordan says on Thursday it will be 14 days for her (being a HN) but they still have to sleep in there the extra night...Jeff asks "what if we win HOH?"...Jordan says "oh, well I guess then it doesn't matter"...
Jordan thinks she's getting irritable because she didn't sleep well last night...Jeff says he didn't sleep good at all yesterday...Jordan says "you" (as in people in general) get irritable when you don't really sleep...Jeff assumes she's talking about him lol and says "who?"...Jordan ignores and says she's getting her period in less than a week she thinks...
A plane flies overhead and Jordan says she bet she flew over this way...Jeff says no, it's to Burbank (airport)...Jeff says it would be cool to fly overhead and see but he doesn't think they keep the lights on when there's no one in the house...Jordan agrees and says it would be cool if they transformed the BY into a haunted house, it would be creepy, scary...
Jeff says "I can't believe we're back here again"
Jordan says she knows, it's so weird...Jordan asks if there has been anybody that has come back a 3rd time?...Jeff doesn't think so cuz there's only been all-stars...Jordan says she couldn't do a 3rd time, she'd be so stressed out, it just takes so much out of you, the game...palm trees...Jeff says they have to do good, they both agree that they're doing good so far...Jeff says it's hard but if they can get Daniele out they'll feel so much better...Jordan agrees...Jeff rants a little about Porsche saying that he knows "that loser" wants to put them up and that she's going to get in his way Jordan says that Julie said the twists are far from over so it should get exciting... Jeff says that side just lost a vote...Jordan says she asked Rachel if she made a deal with Kalia to put up Lawon (of all people), why didn't she put up her or Adam...Jeff says it doesn't make any sense...Jordan says Kalia should've just put up Rachel & a floater the first time, she doesn't understand why she did that...
Jordan asks what's wrong with Jeff, he's gassy Jeff says he doesn't know, he didn't eat anything spicy, just fish and coffee LOL gross Jordan gets grossed out thinking about the food comp, that drink...Jeff says his was fine, it tasted really salty...Jordan says he & Rachel did good, she should've just said sauerkraut...they discuss the food comp and the confusion over the sauerkraut situation during the comp, Jeff says he wasn't pissed at Jordan at all (they sure seem to have these issues during food comps, flashback to BB11 LOL) Jordan says she thought for sure Daniele would give her liver but she didn't...Jeff laughs about the fact Jordan gave her the liver...
Jeff thinks "the fu**ing loser" is listening and then she'll run and tell everything...Jordan keeps talking about the food comp and they continue discussing...Jeff says that "she" (Porsche) is guaranteed to go upstairs and tell them that they are in the hammock now talking...Jordan changes the subject, she asks Jeff if he knows what would be good right now?...Jeff says "crab legs" duh lol...Jordan says for him yes, with butter sauce...Jeff says he needs a little butter, he's losing weight...Jordan says she can tell by his bathing suit...Jeff asks if it's cuz it's falling off?...Jordan says no, he's just more cut, she can see his abs...Jeff says "yay! they're coming back", he always loses weight in there...Jordan says "yeah you do"...Jordan says he looks good, he looks real good...Jeff says he's also not drinking beer like he does normally...Jordan says beer will do that to you...Jeff says it's all empty calories...Jeff says it's the slop too, he got real skinny (last time)...Jordan says he was too skinny though...
Jordan says they were way tanner last time...Jeff agrees...Jordan says all they did was lay out all day...Jeff says they do that here too but not really, he does it for an hour, he doesn't want to get too much sun plus with skin cancer...Jordan repeats that Jeff got real skinny, in one picture she saw, she could really tell, he had his hat on backwards, it was taken by the red room, near the light fixture and Jeff looked so skinny and her face was (puffy face imitation)...Jeff giggles...Jeff says she's getting small, she's losing weight in there...Jordan asks if he can tell?...Jeff says yes, if her boobs weren't jumbo she'd look tiny ...Jordan asks if she doesn't look tiny?...Jeff says her waist is small...Jordan says her boobs are too big (I disagree)...Jeff says she can't lose her boobs...Jordan says the pocket can get smaller...Jeff says Jordan's sister will be like "mmm, she's losing weight" Jordan says it's better to lose weight than get big...Jeff nods yes...Jordan says "like last time"...Jeff says her butt got big, he sings a little butt diddy
Jordan says with sarcasm "thanks love"...Jeff says "oh shut up, what, did I leave you or something?"...Jordan says "no, you didn't so obviously you like..."...Jeff says "so whateva, I can say it...if my butt gets big would you tell me I have a big butt?"...Jordan says she would...Jeff asks what she's talking about then...Jordan says "you got a cute butt"...Jeff says "I got no butt"...Jordan says "even though you really don't have a butt, it's cute"...Jeff smiles big 😁
Jeff says that right now in the normal world he'd go to sleep LOL Jordan says "watch a good movie"...Jeff says when he got evicted last time, he watched movies, he watched movies with the cop (that Jordan knew), that was the guy he watched with, there were actually two guys...palm trees...Jordan asks if Jeff at that point was happy, well not happy but kind of (relieved)...Jeff says no, he thought he made one wrong move otherwise he thought he would've won, anything could've happened though, nothing was guaranteed but he just thought in the jury house that if he got that veto(he might've won)...Jordan says if it had been Russell & Michele vs her & Jeff they would've been in tough, she didn't think he made a mistake (getting out Russell)...Jeff says that everyone thinks he got tricked, he didn't, he didn't want Russell there, he should've won that veto, he goes into scenarios but whatever it's over, Jordan won and it worked out perfect.
J&J think about making it to F2, Jordan says even if they make it to F4 it would be wow...brief palm trees...Jordan asks if Jeff thinks people hate them this year? do they look crabby?...Jeff says no, no one else is doing anything...Jordan feels she bashes a lot...Jeff feels that he does that all the time, even last time but maybe it's worse this year...Jordan says she's embarassed how she acted the other day, she was so mad...Jeff says during noms?...Jordan explains why she says what she said...Jeff says she wasn't the replacement though and that normally people don't say anything then...Jordan says she had to say something, it was on the tip of her tongue...Jeff doesn't care she said it, it's good she did...Jeff farts Jordan says he needs a butt plug...Jeff says he was farting every 5 minutes over there...Jordan wonders what her mom is thinking...they discuss how her mom, Jana & her grandpa will react...Jeff says they'll say he is rubbing off on the sweet little country girl...
Jordan says she was having a breakdown that day...Jeff says they all were except him and he was the nominee...Jeff says he kinda did, he snapped on Kalia...Jordan says Jeff was sweet, he talked to her and made her feel a lot better Jeff doesn't care he's on slop...Jordan says it's the principal of the thing, he & Rachel tied the comp and she lost it for their team...they wonder what next week's food comp will be...Jordan says if she's on slop one more week she'll die...Jeff agrees but says he'll take it for her...Jordan says no, she's just being a baby and complaining...Jeff just doesn't want the room, he hates it...Jordan giggles about Jeff being sweet and laying with her in the room to wake up and find out he was gone LOL
Jeff says it's because he didn't want to take the chance he'd be in there the next week, he did leave her the good blanket though lol they banter a little about this with Jeff throwing out a Rapunzel analogy ..they talk about the taking 2 weeks of slop situation that happened during the veto...they talk about Porsche and how sometimes at certain angles she looks like Jordan especially with her hair in a ponytail...Jeff says she has a big booty, she eats cookies too like Jordan did last time...Jordan says "Jayeffff"...
Jeff says "what? why is that bad?" (men! lol)
Jeff says "she does"...Jordan says she knows...Jeff wants to know who Jordan is saying "Jeff" about, making fun of her or Jordan?...Jordan lets it go...Jordan says she only ate cookie dough one time...Jeff has too...Jordan says she stress eats...they talk about food LOL...Jeff says that Porsche just left to go talk shit about them...Jordan starts talking about BB11 and how she was happy that Jeff and her were buddies (ugh I dislike that term..), even though she didn't know Jeff outside the house, she always knew 100% that Jeff was never going to lie to her, use her, turn his back on her and in this house the newbies don't have that, they have that little bit of doubt in people, at least that was something good they had, they were BFF's and could talk about anything...Jeff says he wishes they could trust people there, he can't believe how far they went last time, they were by themselves, they only had each other, they never kissed ass or switched sides...they agree it was weird...they discuss BB11 a little and say they can do it again, last time there were stronger personalities in the house...Jeff says this season people are mellow, last time people would attack everybody, they weren't scared to cut throats...they talk about Adam a little...brief palm trees...they talk about Rachel...feeds switch…
JeJo hammock time - watching their seasons together
12:39 - 12:47 AM
Jeff & Jordan continue talking in the hammock about Shelly...Jordan says she's so nice, she's like the mom away from home type...Jeff says she's good...Jordan mentions that the cushions (from the outside couch) get moist at night and then they're smelly, she feels gross sitting on them because they make her pants smell like it, Jeff says they stink...Jordan can't wait to get her bed back...Jeff wants it to be dark...Jordan says on Thursday it will be 14 days for her (being a HN) but they still have to sleep in there the extra night...Jeff asks "what if we win HOH?"...Jordan says "oh, well I guess then it doesn't matter"...
Jordan thinks she's getting irritable because she didn't sleep well last night...Jeff says he didn't sleep good at all yesterday...Jordan says "you" (as in people in general) get irritable when you don't really sleep...Jeff assumes she's talking about him lol and says "who?"...Jordan ignores and says she's getting her period in less than a week she thinks...
A plane flies overhead and Jordan says she bet she flew over this way...Jeff says no, it's to Burbank (airport)...Jeff says it would be cool to fly overhead and see but he doesn't think they keep the lights on when there's no one in the house...Jordan agrees and says it would be cool if they transformed the BY into a haunted house, it would be creepy, scary...
Jeff says "I can't believe we're back here again"
Jordan says she knows, it's so weird...Jordan asks if there has been anybody that has come back a 3rd time?...Jeff doesn't think so cuz there's only been all-stars...Jordan says she couldn't do a 3rd time, she'd be so stressed out, it just takes so much out of you, the game...palm trees...Jeff says they have to do good, they both agree that they're doing good so far...Jeff says it's hard but if they can get Daniele out they'll feel so much better...Jordan agrees...Jeff rants a little about Porsche saying that he knows "that loser" wants to put them up and that she's going to get in his way Jordan says that Julie said the twists are far from over so it should get exciting... Jeff says that side just lost a vote...Jordan says she asked Rachel if she made a deal with Kalia to put up Lawon (of all people), why didn't she put up her or Adam...Jeff says it doesn't make any sense...Jordan says Kalia should've just put up Rachel & a floater the first time, she doesn't understand why she did that...
Jordan asks what's wrong with Jeff, he's gassy Jeff says he doesn't know, he didn't eat anything spicy, just fish and coffee LOL gross Jordan gets grossed out thinking about the food comp, that drink...Jeff says his was fine, it tasted really salty...Jordan says he & Rachel did good, she should've just said sauerkraut...they discuss the food comp and the confusion over the sauerkraut situation during the comp, Jeff says he wasn't pissed at Jordan at all (they sure seem to have these issues during food comps, flashback to BB11 LOL) Jordan says she thought for sure Daniele would give her liver but she didn't...Jeff laughs about the fact Jordan gave her the liver...
JeJo hammock time - living together compromises
12:53 - 1:01 AM
The feeds switch to JeJo on the hammock...they are talking about how things would have to be when they live together...
Jeff says "we'd have to have two, like separate"...Jordan says "laundry"..."we'd have to have two separate televisions"...Jordan says "no, you know what we'd have to do? get the one where you can record it and then after you're done I can watch mine or while mine's watching then you can watch yours"...
Jeff says "cuz we have like two, I can't even watch your shows, Bethany take New York or whatever the f**k you watch, I can't stand that shit" LOL...umm, that's not the impression you gave in the BB11 house, you had watched ALL the same shows!
Jordan giggles and says the one where he watches the alligators and them chopping down the wood, ok? ...Jeff says "yeah! I know, see, I can see where you don't like that though, that's fine"...Ax Men & Swamp People...Jordan says now, Storage Wars, she would watch with Jeff, she thinks it's funny...
Jeff says "listen, you would like my shows if you got to watch them"...Jordan says the same for him, he'd like some of hers...Jeff says Bethany takes New York?...Jordan says she doesn't watch that but she does watch Bravo Jeff says Jordan loves Bravo, if she could get only one channel it'd be Bravo, it's always on, it's their only channel (in Charlotte), every time he works out, Bravo's on, he goes home, Peyton is watching Bravo, Jordan comes home and puts on Bravo LOL Jeff says when it's just him and Peyton he asks him what he wants to watch and he doesn't care and really he doesn't care, but he'll watch for two minutes and then he'll leave, Jeff will come back later and Peyton is watching the Smurfs or something really weird.
Jordan, returns to the living together convo, saying it would be television and laundry because that one time she was at Jeff's house and he got aggravated at her because she put the clothes in first and then the water..there were hardly any clothes and she didn't run it the way he runs it or something...Jeff says she puts the soap in first...Jordan says Jeff got aggravated about that...Jeff says she washed two t-shirts!...Jordan knows but Jeff was more about how you have to get it soapy and then put your clothes in...Jeff says "you do"...Jordan says that's one thing they'd have to compromise...
Jeff yells out to the others asking how they do their laundry, clothes first or water & detergent first? (I do it Jeff style)...the others besides Rachel, who does it Jordan style, say water & detergent first and then clothes...
Jordan ignores the others advice and continues on "and then, clothes, laundry, tv...." Jeff adds "food"...Jordan says she knows one, Jeff can't stand that she doesn't put the lid back on the toothpaste (umm is it me or does this seem like trivial stuff?)...Jeff says "yeah it'd be a lot to learn"...Jordan giggles and says they'd have to have two separate rooms...Jeff says yeah, his and hers everything...
Jordan goes on to talk about an aunt of hers who married young that almost got a divorce after a year of marriage because of things that they did that bothered and irritated each other (again trivial)...Jeff says everybody is like that, if you even live with a roommate, he wanted to kill his roommates and vice versa because they had different personalities...Jordan says right, they just had to compromise and quit complaining about it but they almost got divorced...Jeff says yeah, it's serious business, as long as you have your own space it's better, ykwim? you have to have a 2 bedroom apt so there's another room or office so you can watch tv in there, you need your own space, sometimes he needs Jeff time...
Jordan says what if Jeff & Tony lived together?...Jeff says there would be a crime scene, one of them would be a chalk outline...Jordan says she could see them fighting...Jordan says she's never lived with girls before and Jeff has only lived with roommates in college right?...Jeff says "and out here"...Jordan says that's right...Jordan says Jana and John...palm trees...Jeff says he's sure John just does whatever the f**k he wants and Jana just says ok...Jordan says they end up fighting...Jeff likes their place...Jordan says for how nice it is, they only pay 9 something and they split it...Jeff says that's ridiculous...Jordan says it's real nice...Jeff says imagine if you paid 2G's out there what you would get?...Jordan says real, real nice...Jeff says out here you get 2 bed, 1 bath if you're lucky...
They start talking about Jordan's boss Eric...Jeff still feels bad about the time Eric said something to him, real excited and he just kind of blew him off, he told Jordan to tell him but she didn't, he probably thinks Jeff is a huge dick, he must think "dude, that guys get free haircuts and I almost died
and he just fu**ing blew me off"...Jordan says Eric is so nice, he wouldn't think that...palm trees...Jeff says he's going to get a hot tea, they should go over there and not be anti-social...Jordan says she's going to put her feet in the hot tub...
Jordan the human kazoo
1:02 - 1:04 AM
Jordan is sitting with her feet in the hot tub, Porsche, Rachel, Adam & Lawon are sitting on the couches in the BY...Jordan starts tooting a little ditty and they laugh...Lawon asks if she was drinking coffee (she seems hyper)...Jordan says she did, she needs to try and go to bed...Adam asks how she made that noise?...Jordan says which one?...Adam says the one that sounds like a human trumpet...Jordan does it and says this one? she then goes on to do a hilarious trumpet/kazoo rendition of When the Saints Go Marching in...the others crack up funny!!
Jordan tries to teach Adam and then does it again to show him how...they're all impressed...she then gives For He's a Jolly Good Fellow a go and it's just as cute!
2 kisses in the BR
2:11 - 2:14 AM
Jeff, Jordan & Rachel are getting ready for bed in the bathroom....Jeff is flossing his teeth, Rachel is prepping her face and brushing her teeth, Jordan is brushing her teeth...they're talking game, Rachel is convincing J/J that she's totally on their side...Jeff says they're good...
Jeff says "dude Porsche's always looking at me through fu**ing mirrors"...Jordan says she guesses she wants his body Jeff says he thinks she's a loser that goes up there and tells everyone false information...Jordan says "Jeffrey, Jeffrey"...they talk about what the HOH comp might be...Jeff uses mouthwash and tries to signal to her True/False with his hands but she doesn't get it...Rachel leaves, Jeff spits out his mouthwash and yells out to her "true false"...Rachel says ohhh...
Jeff approaches Jordan with swagger lol and they kiss twice...

Jordan says goodnight...Jeff says he'll be right there...Jordan leaves...Jeff says "oh yeah"...Jordan says "big booty big booty"
HN room - JeJo & Rachel game talk
2:19 - 2:25 AM
Jordan and Rachel have been talking game for awhile in the HN room...Jeff walks in and says "are you guys talking about me?" They say yeah, of course...Rachel wants Jeff to know that she just told Jordan that him and Jordan are the only two people she trusts, she would never go against that and she hopes they feel the same way considering her and Brendon were working with them the whole game...Jeff says they totally feel the same way...they start talking game until Jeff leaves to go to the bathroom…
HN room - yammahamma, fright night
2:40 - 2:42 AM
Jeff has returned to the HN room where Jordan, Rachel and Shelly are laying down chatting about various things...feeds freeze around the 2:38am mark so go to the 2:40am mark...Jordan is telling the story about Brooke's boyfriend (at the time) who was a cop and how her and her friends would go to his place and get him to give them all sobriety tests (for fun)...Shelly explains that the test they do with your eyes is fool proof, if you're drunk your eye(s) will shake and there's no way to mask that...Jeff is fascinated, he's never heard of that before...Shelly says she knows about this because they did this test in a study group in college...
BB calls Rachel to the DR...Rachel says "damn", she's not happy since she has no makeup, her acne cream on, ready for bed...Jordan and Shelly giggle and Jeff razzes her saying "whoa! yammahamma"...Rachel says "serious yammahamma"...Jeff says "it's gonna be fright night in there" Jeff laughs and Jordan slaps Jeff!
Rachel says "JEFFFF!"...Jordan gives Jeff a look! LOL Rachel says "gaww, you never had sisters did you?"...Jeff says "no"...Rachel says "man, fright night?"...Jordan feels bad and says "you look good without makeup Rachel, he's just kidding"...
Rachel says Jordan has to blow her up for the rest of the year after that one...Jeff says "oh shut up, you know you look good with no makeup"...Rachel says "yeah but I have acne cream on"...Jeff says "that's what I'm talking about"...Jordan slaps Jeff again and Rachel leaves...Jeff then slaps Jordan hard...she ow's,she wasn't ready for that one! Jeff says "what are you talking about? I can't crack jokes?"...Shelly continues her story…
Jordan can smell it or use it/gn kiss
3:48 - 4 AM
The feeds follow Rachel & Porsche who are walking from the bathroom to the HN room where Jeff and Jordan are hanging out with Adam...Jeff bugs Porsche about what she had been babbling about before, that didn't make any sense & when she still can't explain what she was talking about, Jeff looks at Jordan...
Jeff comments that it's chilly in the room...Adam is bouncing a ball around the room...Rachel comes in and they giggle at her lisp (from her retainer)...Jeff gets up and leaves the room...he comes back in with his hoody for Jordan and she says "aww thanks"...Jeff lays it on her pillow very neatly and says "now you can smell me or you can use it"
Jeff then changes his mind about something, picks up the hoody, smells it and walks out again...FISH...when the feeds return Jeff's hoody is back on Jordan's pillow and they are all laughing about the movie Billy talk...FISH...more movie talk...FISH...Triumph the Insult Dog talk...Adam gets in trouble from BB for propping the door open, he shuts it...FISH...they talk about the Elf costume and more goofy movie and Chris Farley talk...FISH...
Jeff squeezes Jordan's leg...Jordan says "you going to bed?"...Jeff says "I'm thinking about it"...Jordan sits up and says "ok goodnight"...they giggle about Brendon's gross to and then Jordan pulls on Jeff's arm to let him know that she wants to kiss him...they kiss goodnight.

Adam says goodnight...they start discussing Brendon's toe and then the feeds reset...
Hug, ear rub & dance off
1:57 PM
Jeff, Jordan and Adam are in the kitchen...Jeff is salivating over Adam's food...Jordan asks why are they all making good food and she's on slop, she doesn't think she can eat catfish today...Jordan sidles up to Jeff and gives him a hug...

and then rubs his ear...not much of a reaction from Jeff...Lawon mentions that they're having another dance off at 10:30...Jordan says "Rachellll"...Jordan says that was crazy and then she imitates Rachel during the dance off, she says she's nuts…
Yeah, good job love
3:54 PM
Jeff, Kalia and Adam are sitting on the couches in the BY...they're chit chatting about board games and then writing out their names on the lawn with shoes...a plane flies overhead...Jeff says "I'm gonna write help so one of these planes get me outta here"
Jordan, off camera finishes, working out...Kalia says "good job Jordan"...Jeff turns and says "yeah, good job love ♥ "...Jordan asks "huh?"...they both say good job…
Jordan is a machine
3:58 PM
Jeff is sitting on the couches in the BY with Kalia...they are pretty quiet...Jordan has been working out off camera, she puts on a long sleeved shirt and heads over to the elliptical...Jeff says "you are a machine"...Jordan says "I know" and she starts…
Butt slap on the elliptical
4:01 PM
Jeff is still sitting on the couches in the BY chatting with Kalia and Adam...Jordan is on the elliptical...Kalia gets called to the DR and Jeff gets up to check his laundry, he walks by Jordan and slaps her butt
JeJo BR time - gross but funny convo
5:06 - 5:11 PM
Feeds switch from Shelly outside to Jeff and Jordan in the bathroom...Jordan has finished taking a shower and Jeff is laying on the lounger eating a popsicle...Jeff farts and they giggle...Jordan is putting on makeup and asks Jeff if he's bohred?...Jeff mmm, hmm's...Jordan asks if Rachel is in the DR?...Jeff says he thinks so...Jordan asks what Rachel did with the catfish that made Jeff so mad?...Jeff explains he thawed out a bunch of catfish and marinated it all without asking who wanted what and now he's left with frozen catfish...
Shelly comes by and Jordan asks Jeff if she's heard why Shelly is so mad?...Shelly says she's not mad, she's disgusted...Jordan asks Shelly what exactly happened...Shelly says Rachel gave her 2 pairs of shorts that were too small for her and put them on the dresser for her, Shelly says they matched the top she's wearing so she put them on to clean the house, she went to put them on and....they were "dirty" no underwear dirty...
Jeff is LOST ... he says "poo poo"? LOL!
Jordan says nooo...Jeff says pee?...Shelly says Jordan can explain it...Jordan says "discharge...when girls get discharge"...Jeff's face, he's still LOST LOL
Jeff says "whaddya mean? like period?" OMG! LOL
Jordan explains..."discharge, when girls get discharge and don't wear their underwear somtimes you get discharge on shorts so she gave Shelly a pair of shorts that were discharged and Shelly's pissed cuz she's like how you know what that is?"
Jeff says kinda, it's fu**ing really gross...Jordan says normally every girl gets it...Jeff is grossed out and doesn't want his popsicle anymore (how convenient he's finished it! LOL) Jordan says when girls don't wear...Jeff asks if she didn't wash them, are they stained or what?...Jordan says no, you just have to wash them but Shelly got grossed out because she went to put them on...Jeff asks if she told her...Jordan says no, maybe Rachel didn't know so Shelly's mad...Jeff says OMG, that girl cannot do anything right huh? oh man...Jordan says at least if you're going to do that make sure if you give it to that they're person clean, it's kinda nasty...Jeff says that's real nasty...Jordan giggles at Jeff saying "period"...Jeff says oh my goodness
BR - Jeff watches Jordan - BB11 deja vu
5:11 - 5:32 PM
Jordan continues putting on her makeup in the bathroom while Jeff lays on the lounger...Jeff is looking through her makeup bag and says "Bobbi Brown"...Jordan mmm, hmm's, not the singer...Jeff says they took a risk with that name...Jordan says Bobbi Brown has been around for a long time...Jeff says "longer than Bobby Brown?" LOL! Jordan says umm, she doesn't know, it's a long time...
Rachel walks in and says "hey guys!"...Jeff says "hey Bobbi Brown"...Rachel asks how they are doing?...Jeff says terrific...Rachel goes into the bathroom stall and Jeff asks if she was in the DR? that was a long one...Jordan sings Bobby Brown and palm trees...
Rachel comes out and her and Jeff start talking about Rachel's DR...they get warned not to by BB...Rachel calls them troublemakers...Jeff says to just put some Bobby Brown makeup and forget about it LOL
Rachel asks Jordan to help her put some refresher in her hair...Jordan says ok...Rachel was hoping for a halfway party today...Jeff says they didn't even tell them they were in jury...they talk about it more and get called out by BB...Jeff wonders why BB is keeping them in the dark about jury...Jordan doesn't remember the halfway party...Jeff remembers, they had pizza and cake and people put cake in the freezer because it had their name on it...Jordan wonders if they're not in jury...Rachel says maybe the twist is that America gets a jury vote?...Jeff and Jordan says America did have one because of Chima...Rachel asks if they voted on Jordan for that and they voted on America's favorite HG?...Jordan says yeah...
Jordan wonders where her hair brush is? she finds it...Rachel asks who voted for Natalie?...Jordan says Russell and Kevin...Rachel is surprised Russell voted for her...Jordan is ripping through her hair with the brush and Jeff comments how rough it sounds...Jordan says she has conditioner in it...Jeff asks if that's her special brush and it's not the same without it?...Jordan says "yeah I guess"...Rachel says she's the same way with her brush...
Jeff starts talking about jury again...BB calls them out talking about production...Jeff says "holy smokes who's on that button?"...they all says it must be a big deal that they're talking about it...Jordan starts blowdrying her hair...
Jeff says "see Jordan looks good with bangs"
Jordan says "what?"...Jeff asks if they can talk about Jordan's bangs?
Kalia gets called out by BB for production talk so they think that it wasn't them that BB was warning so they start talking about jury again while Jordan continues drying her hair...
Rachel asks if Jordan took a shower out there?...Jordan says yeah, she has her bathing suit bottoms on so she doesn't show her hoo-ha and a bra on in case her towel comes off...Jeff looks at Jordan very sweetly, it's very reminiscent of how he looked at her in the same way in the same place in the same circumstances as on BB11
Jordan keeps drying and Jeff keeps watching...he's getting a little sleepy...Jordan asks "aren't you glad you're a guy?"...Jeff says yeah...Rachel asks Jordan if she's done working out?...Jordan says yes...Rachel asks how long she did on the elliptical?...Jordan says 45 minutes...Rachel says Jeff, look at her! she's a machine...
Jordan keeps drying, Jeff keeps watching and getting sleepier with the noise of the dryer...she finally finishes and Jeff says "Bret Michaels would like your hair" LOL! Jordan asks if it's because she has straight hair?...Jeff means that it's because his hair is long and blonde...they start talking about Bret Michaels and Rock of Love and the crazy girls on the show, how Jess was a bartender in Chicago (flashback to BB11 again ) they talk about some girl that lives in Vegas now and some that are strippers now...OBVI!
They then talk about the show I Love New York and other trashy reality people and Jeff says "people that do reality shows are fu**ing stupid" Rachel says they are, including her, including them but this reality show is different...Jeff agrees...they talk about the show The Bachelor...Jordan says she couldn't do it because she wouldn't be able to handle seeing the guy she was with saying the same things to other girls...Rachel agrees and leaves...
Are we gonna do it
5:32 PM
Jeff and Jordan are in the bathroom...Jeff is laying on the lounger, Jordan is finishing up getting ready after a shower...Jeff asks Jordan "where you going?"...Jordan says to get some clothes...Jordan says "do you want to go with me to the room?"...
Jeff says "yes...are we gonna do it?"
Jordan says nooo...she smiles and says c'mon...they leave to go the HN room and Jeff says he might close up shop for 45 minutes...
Jordan wants to talk & Jeff wants to sleep
5:33 - 5:37 PM
Jeff and Jordan head to the HN room to "talk"...they walk by Lawon in the metal room, they exchange pleasantries, Lawon says he likes Jordan's hair, later Boo and all that...they go inside the HN room...Jordan says "Jeffreeee"...Jeff says "yes love" ♥ Jordan says she has to find something to wear (in the other room), is Jeff going to sleep?...Jeff has snuggled into bed and says no, is she?...Jordan says no, don't fall asleep...
Jordan gets some clothes and comes back to a sleepy Jeff...she sees he's almost sleeping and says "you going to sleep?"...Jeff says "mmm, mmm, why? do you wanna talk?"...Jordan snappily says "I did, but not anymore since you're sleeping"...Jeff asks what she wants to talk about?...Jordan says "just talk"...Jeff says he has to workout in an hour...Jordan says "well go to sleep then"...Jeff says "are you mad at me?"...Jordan unconvincingly says "nope!"...Jeff says "Jesus sorry"...Jordan after deciding to go the bathroom and changing...she leaves..
Who’s sleepy now
6:34 PM
Jeff is bench pressing weights in the BY, it's now Adam's turn...Jordan is off camera...Jeff asks her "you sleepy?"...Jordan says "kinda now...putting my feet in here"...Jeff says "can I yell at you for being sleepy?"...Jordan says she didn't yell at him, she just walked out...(Jordan had wanted to talk earlier in the HN room and Jeff wanted to sleep lol)
Jordan’s cute skirt
6:48 PM
Jeff and Adam are still working out...Jeff rips a huge weird fart...Jordan comes out and says "hey" to someone off camera...palm trees...Jeff says "love ♥ did you change your cute skirt?"...Jordan says huh?...Jeff asks again...Jordan says that she needs to be able to move and sit and she's cold...Jordan wants more kosher pickles LOL Jeff, Shelly and Adam tell her where they are...she leaves to get one…
JeJo handshake
6:57 PM
Jordan is sitting by Shelly who is in the hammock, they're talking game...Jeff is still working out...he saunters over to where Jordan is and they shake hands Jeff joins in on the game talk...
I’ll love you forever/dimples/Jeff is skinnier
7:36 - 7:40 PM
Cam 1 (terrible camera work AGAIN!! instead of doing a close up angle of Jeff and Jordan since the convo centers around them they keep it on the far away angle GRRR it's been awful this whole season with cams constantly on Adam of all people!!!)
Jordan, Rachel & Shelly are in the hammock...Jeff is nearby doing ab work...Adam and Rachel have been talking about grilling the chicken and catfish...feeds return from palm trees...
Jeff is saying when they get off slop he's going to make that chicken parmesan with bread and everything...Jordan, smiling, says "I'll love you forever" ♥
Jeff says he will, with pasta and saucePFFFFTTTSSSSSSSS hand motion
Jordan, who looks like a love sick puppy says "I like your dimples"
Jeff asks if they're coming in more because he's getting skinnier?...Jordan says "grin"...Jeff says "no?"...Jordan says "moreso on the left side"...Jeff asks if his face looks skinnier?...Jordan says she can tell in his stomach...Shelly says his face looks a lot skinnier, she noticed that this morning (who asked you? 🙄)
Jordan tells Jeff to stand up and show Shelly his stomach...Jeff says no!...Shelly says Jeff's neck is skinnier too...Jeff says "I look like a turtle"
Jordan says can't they tell his muscles are more defined?...Shelly says you can tell, she noticed it Jeff says he can tell his body has thinned out a little...Rachel says from slop?...Jeff doesn't know...
Shelly gets a little creepy, very Michele-esque here saying "I try not to notice his muscles because I'm waiting to get back home"...they half laugh...Rachel says Brendon gets more defined to slop too...Jeff stands up and says his muscles are going away...
More creepiness (wth?)...Shelly says "let's see!"...Jeff and Adam lift up their shirts LOL...
Rachel is very sweet saying that Adam looks more defined too...Jeff says it's almost there...Shelly says "you're ugly, you're ugly...Jeff don't ever take your shirt off again, you nasty boy"
Jordan says she likes when Jeff eats a lot and has a pooch...Shelly says Jeff is skinny...Jordan tells Jeff to not get too skinny...Jeff jokes around with Adam who's right there, saying he's trying not to but some asshole put them on slop, they pick the most innocent girl in the house and make her cry and put her on slop...Adam says stop that!...Jordan says to not do that, he won fair and square...Jeff says he's playing, they all know they're going to be on slop coming here...they banter about that...
Jeff says "you did good love" ♥
Jordan says she tried, she's sorry the others are on slop...they get mad at her for apologizing...Jordan says she was upset...they talk about the HN comp and the veto comp and they wonder what the TV shows are showing right now...they then talk Shelly giving Jordan her camo hoody (that she ended up wearing later this night)...they get up and leave the area shortly after...
Jeff - HN shower
7:50 PM
Just a cute Jeff moment...
Jeff is in the bathroom talking to Adam, he gets in the HN shower stall...Adam says to turn the hot water on the other side...Jeff says "ehh, I don't like to fu**ing cheat, that doesn't do anything anyway, you stick your foot in there one second, big deal...I like to take my punishment"...Adam in his metal voice says "like the man you are"...Jeff turns the water on and says in a girly voice "oh man! OMG it's freezing" LOL
“Ohhh, she is a ball of laughs”
8:14 PM
Jeff and Adam are in the kitchen prepping food...Jeff notices a big pot on the stove, giggles and asks Adam "this was Jordan's pot that she wanted to put..."
Adam says "no, that's the second pot"
Jeff says "I know but she wanted the small one?"...Adam says she put it (slop) in the small one...Jeff laughs...Adam says that was how much she made, he said he'd help her put it in a bigger pot...Adam points to the small pot and says that was the pot Jordan used...Jeff says usually she uses an even smaller one...Adam says that when Jordan put the slop in there it was already up to the top before it started boiling...Jeff smiles and says "holy Jesus...ohhh, she is a ball of laughs"
JeJo & Rachel figure out the twist
9:16 - 9:22 PM
Jeff, Jordan & Rachel are outside talking on the couches in the BY...they talk about possibly not being in jury and they figure out the twist! Rachel essentially figures out the former HG twist, they shoot her down but then agree and Jeff adds onto it and says wouldn't be funny if Brendon and Lawon had to battle it out and Brendon would say "dude, I just had to arm wrestle Lawon"...Jordan even mentions that wouldn't it be funny if they were in the hotel the whole time...they think this twist would be cool...LOL!! Oh if they only knew how right they are! Pretty funny stuff...
Kitchen kiss
9:46 PM
Jeff is cooking at the stove...Jordan comes in saying she's going in the hot tub, she walks over to Jeff and kisses him on the cheek.

Jeff, stop being so mean
10:36 PM
Shelly & Lawon, Rachel is in the hot tub, Adam in the hammock...Jordan notices that Shelly is missing an earring...Jeff says his guess is that it's in the house...Jordan says it would have to be because she had it on earier near the hot tub... Jeff sarcastically says that he meant in the BB house...Jordan says she thought he meant inside (the house)...Adam yells over "Jeff, stop being so mean!"...Jeff says that's not mean, it's a joke saying she didn't leave it at the office...Jordan says "I know, isn't he mean"...Jeff adds "or in the car"...Jeff says "that wasn't mean"...Jeff says Adam is a dictator over there and he's pawning it off on him...a little Jeff/Adam banter...
Jeff Ree Schroeder
10:43 PM
Jordan is on the couches in the BY...Jeff is getting ready to play pool with Adam...Jordan says Jeff-ree Schroeder...Adam says "your middle name is Ree?"
Jeff says yeah...Jordan says guess his middle name and she'll give him a hint, it starts with an E...LOL
Adam says "Edward!"..Jordan says "yeah, Edward" (in a British accent)...Jordan says "Edward sounds so umm"...Adam finishes "royal"...Adam says "Lord Jeffrey Edward of the Schoeders" Jordan says "Mr. Schroeder"
Pool table kiss
11:14 PM
Jeff and Adam are playing pool...Jordan is over by the couches, as soon as Porsche comes out and comes outside asking who wants to play the match game, Jordan walks away and goes over to where Jeff is...Jeff reaches out to her and says "what's up love? ♥ "...they kiss..

Jordan says she's going to go lay down, she goes inside…