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Day 33 of BB11 Feeds


Updated: Sep 24, 2023

August 11

Jordan sitting on Jeff’s lap


Jordan has been sleeping, it's ultra late...

Jordan is sitting on the kitchen counter, gets off and goes over to where Jeff is sitting at the kitchen table and sits on his lap. He squeezes her and gives her a kiss on her back :) Jeff says she smells like coffee kinda, lol, Jordan says she hasn't showered, it's from laying out today. Jeff tells her she's never going to go to bed tonight...Jordan says she will.

Chatter about talking loudly at night...Jordan says she's loud at night...Jeff says she gets louder as the night goes on. Chatter about the playdoh creations...Jeff says he loves his little stuff...Jordan says she knows, he's so proud of it. Jordan tells Jeff she wants to go lay down...Jeff is surprised, he says he'll go lay down, Jordan says she's going to go get ready. Jeff squeezes her once more for good measure before she gets up

JeJo late night talk - Dream, Bees & Farts


Another one of Jeff & Jordan's late night/early morning talks amongst lots of hugging and cuddling and giggling...

Jeff and Jordan go to bed..they both complain about their backs...Jordan mentions that when the lights went off earlier in the room, the window (where they can see into behind the scenes) looked creepy, thinking someone was walking by, it was scary...Jordan says my bad, she didn't work out tonight but she'll do it tomorrow morning...Jeff says he did...Jordan asks if he feels better?...Jeff says he does actually, he didn't know that Jordan went to sleep (earlier that night), he didn't know where she was...Jordan says "so you had to come find me?"...

Jeff says "yeah, I'm lost" awww ♥️

Jeff touches Jordan and says "am I cold?"...Jordan mmm, hmm's...Jeff says he wanted to wake Jordan up because it was 9, he didn't know or think she was going to sleep through the night...Jordan says she was trying to but here you can't...Jeff says the naps he take after 5, he sleeps like a rock...Jordan says she was going to wake him up but she didn't...Jeff says he only slept 2 hours...Jordan says she had just started cooking 30 mins before Jeff woke up and she thought she better wake him up because he'd oversleep...Jeff says it was the best nap especially when you're in the HN room and then you get a real bed, then it's like boom.

Jeff says even when he comes into the SS room in the morning, he's right out...Jordan giggles saying Jeff always has his hood on saying scoot over...Jeff says he doesn't want her getting pissed...Jordan says she doesn't get mad...Jeff says to expect it tomorrow morning too...Jordan knows and says her and Laura did the same going immediately into the GR to sleep.

Cute moment when Jordan says that Laura was in her dream, does Jeff want to hear about it?...Jeff says "of course" :) Jordan says normally she dreams about outside the BB house but lately dreams she's inside the house, is that weird? does Jeff do that?...Jeff says it's because that's her world right now, he knows what she means though...

Jordan recounts the dream, she says that Laura came back to the BB house and everyone was mad, she came back with a vengeance, she was evil...Jeff laughs saying "with a vengeance" ;) Jordan says she thought, oh no, she's back, what's she going to do? she knew she had to get rid of Laura and on top of that she was evil and devious, her and Jeff were talking to Laura and Laura says she was close to Jessie, telling him she always liked him and Jordan was like what??...Jeff asks if they did it? LOL

Jordan says Laura and Jessie were close, they were dating, like a couple and noms came, Laura was HOH and she put Jordan up and Jordan said "you bitch!"...they giggle...Laura was mad at Jordan for not helping her last time and she told Jordan that she had to go before her, she was sitting in the green chair and that's all she remembered of the dream...Jeff says at least Jordan wasn't evicted...

Jordan says it's weird, she asks Jeff to guess what Laura was wearing when she came back?...Jeff says "a red dress"...Jordan says "yes, how did you know?"...Jeff says "because the devil wears red"...Jordan giggles...Russell (who is in the room) poots and Jordan calls him out LOL

Jordan says that she told Jeff about the times she was up on the block she had dreams where Julie Chen says "you are evicted from the BB house" and it freaked her out...Jeff says that's where her mind was at, she can't think like that...Jordan knows but she was on the block...funny interaction here...Jeff, who is imitating how Julie talks to them on the live shows, says "Jordan?"...Jordan says "what?"...Jeff says "you are evicted"...they giggle...Jeff laughs about her saying "what?" and says what if Julie Chen says "Jordan?" and she's like "what?"... Jeff laughs...Jordan says that's what Braden would do...Jeff says "the votes are in...Jordan?...what?"...they laugh.

Jordan wonders if where they sit has anything to do with eviction or votes?...Jeff says no, not at all...Jeff says that's what he's going to do if he's evicted, they'll say "Jeff?" and he'll say "what?"...they laugh...Jeff says for sure, go out with one final joke and then bust a window open...feeds go to fish...

They return with Jordan talking about something being crooked and her wearing them for 9 months (?)...Jordan says they need to capture all the bugs they can find, put them in a jar and throw them into the spiderweb, they'd be so happy...Jeff says he saved a dead bee today...Jordan says "you saved it? how did you save it?"...Jeff says he put it on the ledge...Jordan laughs...Jeff asks if she thought he was going to make a memorial for it?...Jordan realizes what Jeff meant...Jeff says no, what did she think he was catching bees outside?...Jordan laughs saying it was already dead...Jeff says he said he saved a dead bee...Jordan didn't hear that part...Jeff says "I resuscitated it?"...they laugh...Jeff says he brought it back to life, he squeezed it's little body, he did CPR LOL 🐝

Jordan brings up the night she got the bee stinger in her toe...Jeff asks if it was Braden who took it out?...Jordan says yes! aww, he doctored her...and Jeff just sat there!...Jeff says no, he didn't (yeah he did lol)...Jordan says she's just kidding...Jeff grabs/pinches Jordan somewhere which makes her laugh/hurt...they rustle around...she ow's...Jeff says "Jayeff"...Jordan says her sister used to pinch her like that...Jeff says that the back of your arm or leg really hurts (when pinched)...Jordan agrees but asks Jeff not to do that...Jeff won't...Jordan asks why it hurts?...Jeff doesn't know...he cuddles Jordan and pinches her saying "how about that?" LOL

Jeff says it fu**ing kills back there, they'll do it tomorrow...Jordan say no then ow's...Jordan says Jeff's on a pinching spree...Jeff giggles.

Jordan says she shouldn't have eaten that cookie, it was so good though, she's been better not eating cookie dough...Jeff says it's the same as eating cookies...Jordan disagrees and reminds Jeff to not talk about that...Jordan is about to fart, she warns Jeff...Jeff tells her to do it "over there" away from him...Jordan farts a semi-silent one ...Jeff eww's and Jordan giggles...Jeff says it was a little gasser, it's gonna reek, eww gross!...Jeff who is still under cover asks if it reeks?...Jordan giggles saying she doesn't smell it...Jeff says he doesn't want to smell it...Jordan asks why? (umm is she serious? lol)...Jeff says he gets grossed out...Jordan laughs saying Jeff poots all the time...Jeff says he's a guy (umm that's a lame reason Jeff lol)...Jordan asks if he gets grossed out when girls poot?...Jeff says yeah if it fu**ing makes him want to throw up, it's pretty gross...they keep laughing...

Jeff doesn't care if she farts but he doesn't want it reeking up for 10 minutes...Jordan keeps laughing...Jordan says he'll get grossed out?...Jeff says that if his girlfriend 😉 farted like Russell, he'd fu**ing break up with her ...Jordan asks why?...Jeff says he's just kidding...

Jordan says "I remember the first time I heard you fart"...Jeff says "you do? that's romantic"...Jordan laughs and says she thought eww, she thought it was weird but not now...Jeff says he does it 50x a day...Jordan says guys are gassier though...Jeff says nobody cares while cuddling up closer to Jordan...feeds go to fish…

JeJo late night talk - Jordan’s home life


(I think during this conversation Jeff fell for Jordan even a little harder than he already had...)

Feeds return to JeJo with Jeff and Jordan talking about popping zits in the mirror and being scared by people behind the mirror LOL...they get quiet and then Jeff asks Jordan to tell him another story...Jordan tries to think of one...Jeff is thinking of a game they can play...Jordan mentions how it would be scary if BB did a Hallowe'en theme...Jeff mistakenly thinks they will be in the house for Hallowe'en...Jordan says they won't be...Jeff snaps out it and says yeah, yeah, they're not, nevermind...Jordan says BB told them the latest they would be there was Sept. 25th...

Jordan says her dad's bday is Sept. 20...Jeff says if Jordan is there long enough BB will probably fly her dad out...Jordan says what if her mom comes too? her parents hate each other...Jeff asks if they can't even get along for them?...Jordan hums no...Jeff says "oh really?"...Jordan hums no, says she hates him...Jeff says "oh f**k, I didn't know that, I thought they were good for you guys"...Jordan says no, they'd start fighting, they haven't seen each other in 2 years... the feeds go to fish...

They return with Jordan talking about her dad dressing like Tommy Bahama...Jeff says his brother loves that, he loves the Hawaiian look...Jordan continues describing her dad's style, she says that when he was skinnier he looks like Alec Baldwin, she could see that before, not now though, her dad got excited one time when two girls told him he looked like Alec Baldwin, she heard that story so many times...Jeff giggles about that...Jeff asks if Jordan was mad at him at any point?...Jordan says oh yeah, she was pissed!

Jeff asks about Peyton and her dad...Jordan says he hates their dad and hasn’t talked to him in 2 years...Jeff says "come on!"...Jordan swears to God...Jeff asks about her sister?...Jordan says her sister does, she's the closest to their dad and she's sensitive about him...Jordan says she's in the middle...Jeff says Jordan is the closest to her mom?...Jordan says omg, yeah but her mom and brother are BFF too, her sister and dad are more BFF but she's close to her mom too...Jordan goes on to describe their family dynamic and what happened to cause the break up of her mom and dad's marriage...Jeff cuddles into Jordan listening to her opening up to him, he takes it all in...

Feeds come back to Jordan continuing talking about the breakdown in her parent's marriage...Just after 2am Jeff gets up to get the glass of water he left outside on the dresser...he settles back into bed and keeps listening to Jordan talk about her dad's change in behavior...Jordan talks about how her dad lost his job, she doesn't know the real reason, he's a mystery, after that her dad changed...Jordan says on her 21st birthday they found out they were being kicked out of their house, her dad hadn't been paying the mortgage 😟

Jordan keeps explaining their home/financial situation...Jeff is in disbelief hearing all of this...Jordan says the house went into foreclosure...Jeff says wtf?...Jordan says they lost everything...Jordan voices her suspicions about her dad being on drugs...Jeff says he was thinking the same thing...Jordan says she hopes they don't show all of this, her dad would kill her...brief fish LOL...Jordan starts talking about lawyers and FISH again...

Jordan says she had to work extra jobs plus she knew she wanted her boobs done so bad, she was set on getting it, she told her dad she was doing it and he didn't believe she could afford it...Jeff says "you saved up all yourself and did it? that's awesome"...Jordan says she worked 7 days a week, she says she knew she wanted them so bad and it made her so determined to get them, she's like that...Jordan says she helped her mom out but now since her boobs are done, she can really help her out even more...Jeff says that's good...Jordan says she caught her mom crying and tried to pep talk her, everything happens for a reason...

Jordan goes on to say that right before Jordan was recruited for the show, her mom was so down, Jordan knew she had to get done with school, her brother won't be able to go to school because of his learning disability, he needs to find his niche...FISH...

Jordan says her mom was crying about everything and shortly after someone came up to Jordan and asked her about BB, she didn't take the offer serious from day one, she thought yeah right, even after she came out to LA the first time she thought there were so many people she'd never make it but she did! 😊

Jordan says everything does happen for a reason and she tries to stay positive even after the times in the house where things looked bleak because the person who wins isn't always the most athletic or the smartest, it's luck too, it depends on things, there's strategy too but you never know...Jeff says she's right, you don't...Jordan puts up a scenario, who knows they might make it to the final 2? she tries to see herself making it...Jeff says he always tells her positive things.

Jordan gets a little tongue tied...Jeff says "that's nice, I'm glad you told me all this" :) ...Jordan says "that was an earful wasn't it?"...Jeff says "no! it's nice that you told me"...Jeff hugs Jordan putting his face near her armpit and Jordan giggles saying she's a little stinky...

Super cute moment when Jordan says that she doesn't want her dad being mad at her...Jeff is hugging Jordan and asks why she's doing something with her stomach? (hard to hear)...Jordan says "nothing, I feel fat"...Jeff squeezes her saying "stop"....he reaches over her face to try to kiss her but Jordan denies him :(

Jordan is worried what they will show...Jeff thinks they won't show anything, he hopes not...Jordan says her dad will be mad at her...Jeff says it would take a whole episode...Jordan doesn't want her dad being mad, she's starting to get along with him more now...Jeff asks if they talked before she came out there?...Jordan says the day she found out, she never talked to him but he texted her "good luck honey".

Jeff says her grandparents bailed them out, she sounds forgiving of her dad now, she's had talks with him but she used to have a lot of anger towards him, that's why she rebelled years ago, she didn't care about anything, she was being so irresponsible, she cringes when thinking of the things she did, she doesn't do those things now, she doesn't have an addictive personality.

Jordan says it definitely wakes you up and makes you realize things, it makes you a better person going through all of that, some of her friends have had an easy life compared to her and she would get so mad...Jeff says it makes you better...Jordan keeps talking about her family situation now...FISH...

Jeff and Jordan talk about people doing drugs...Jordan says she knows people that do them and maintain a "normal" life...Jeff doesn't think anything good comes of it, he knows a ton of people that do them, "everyone" he knows does them...Jordan tells her mom that, she'd be surprised how many people do it and how easy it is to get it, it's expensive...Jeff says yet another reason (to not do them)...they get quiet...then Jordan says her mom has been dating someone...Jeff says "really?"...Jordan says she loves him...Jeff asks how they met?...Jordan explains...FISH...

When they come back Jeff cuddles into Jordan again...Jeff asks if it's weird seeing her mom with someone else?...Jordan says no, she's just happy for her, her sister doesn't like it but Jordan told her she can't be like that...Jeff says "that's cute Jordan, you're a good person"...Jordan says "thanks"...Jordan asks if Jeff has any good stories? she just old him an hour's worth...Jeff says "mmmm, that's nice, well not nice but you know what I mean"...Jordan says it's basically her life story in 2 years...they spoon and cuddle getting ready for more stories...

 JJLNT - Best friends, technology & the internet


Jordan starts talking about her BFF she's had since 3rd grade, she's so funny, they do everything together but she started dating this...FISH...Jordan says her mom is the one from Louisiana, she cooks all that great food, there are 3 sisters, they went to Mardi Gras and everyone kept saying she looked like Kate Hudson...Jeff says "really? your friend? I like Kate Hudson, she's cute"...Jordan says she's cute and funny, she can't say her name...FISH...

Jordan has another BFF that she calls Beezay, she's like a big ball of energy, she's been her friend since 9th grade, they met in SS and cheated off each other all the time, she's so dumb, she told her mom that she was relying on Jordan to get her through school...Jeff giggles over the irony saying good luck...Jordan knows, they giggle...Jordan says her friend (Megan) was so excited she was going to be on BB saying they could get their range rovers! was she going to buy her one?...Jeff says "Jesus" 😋 LOL

Jordan says she has another friend Jesse that's really funny and sweet, she's a ball of energy too, she's works with her at the salon and she has another one, Brooke, who is the mother of the group, she's smart and funny, she's a good person, so laid back, they have never fought, she's dating a guy they call Officer Grosse...Jeff says "Officer Gross? is he gross?" 🤣

Jordan says no, his last name is Grosse, he's from New York, she thinks they'll end up getting married, she starts talking about how Brooke dated another guy for 4 years and now she just started dating this guy and they are already talking about getting married, isn't that funny? how that can happen...Jeff says you just know it's not going to work...Jordan says isn't that weird?...Jeff yawns saying when you find the person you want, that's all...Jordan says Brooke just knows, isn't that good?...Jeff says yeah, he hopes he does.

Jordan asks if Jeff won what would he do, travel?...Jeff says yeah...Jordan asks what else?...Jeff says he doesn't like thinking about it too much, it's a bad omen but he would travel and then set up his life, it's life changing money...Jordan talks about Dan, how he invested it and has an easy job now...Jeff says you still have to work...Jordan agrees...

Jeff starts singing "I wanna get freaky with you" Jordan says he's going to get in trouble...Jordan says she wished she had a CD burner...Jeff says he has a burner in his eye, it's killing him, what's going on? LOL Jeff asks if she doesn't have one in her laptop?...Jordan says she doesn't have one, she has a computer but not the internet...Jeff says he's buying Jordan an iPod and sending it to her house right away...Jordan asks if you can't get a cheap, small, dinky one?...Jeff says he's going to get her a good one and fill it with all his jams...Jordan laughs and doesn't understand how all that works.

Jeff farts loudly and Jordan says "oh man"...Jeff cracks up! saying "ah, dude, I don't even care"...Jordan asks how downloading works?...Jeff explains how iTunes works with your iPod, he gets the music for free but you can buy it...Jordan giggles...Jeff continues explaining...FISH...Jeff says he has 500 songs...Jordan is shocked...Jeff says there are bigger ones, his is 500, he shuffles them all the time...Jeff says it's so easy...Jordan says the reason she doesn't have the internet is she doesn't like sitting there trying to figure it out...Jeff say it's easy if someone showed her...Jordan says if she had the internet, facebook or myspace she'd probably be on the internet a lot more and like it...Jeff says yeah, she should try to learn a little bit because it's now and the future 😉

Jordan admits that she had to get her friend to help her with email for the show, she didn't know how to send and respond..Jeff says it's because she never did it before...Jordan says she had internet back in middle school when it was popular (LOL) and in community college she never really sent emails, so she called her friend to help her, she wasn't doing it right, she is computer illiterate...Jeff says if someone was there for a week helping her she'd get it, she has to know how to do it...Jordan says what she wants to do when she's older has nothing to do with computers.

Jeff says but in the future she'll need it, like paying her bills online...Jordan says heck no, she'll never do that, she's too scared...Jeff tries to talk some sense into her...Jordan says her mom works for a bank, she'll get her to do it...Jeff says "Jordan, you've got to learn to use it at some point, ykwim?"...Jordan says "I guess"...Jeff says everything revolves around the internet now...Jordan says people are trying to make everything too high tech when you don't need to use it...Jeff says you don't have to but it makes things easier...Jordan thinks people are so lazy..Jeff agrees but...Jordan says people are so lazy, she asks Jeff if it's true you can place your grocery order on the internet and then just go pick up your groceries?...Jeff says yeah...Jordan says how ridiculous is that? that's the dumbest thing ever. (Looking back on this convo is hilarious, Jordan had no clue how she’d change)

Jordan says she can see it for the elderly but if you're young, no...Jeff says what if you are busy at work and have to pick up your kids, you have to drop them off at soccer, you’ve emailed your order in and then picked it up to save time...Jordan says you can shop when the kids are at soccer then...Jeff knows what she's saying, he agrees with her but...Jordan says she thinks people take advantage of those things...Jordan repeats she thinks people are lazy and it's dumb (totally disagree, it's called managing your time & having time for things you really love to do)...Jeff sees her point about people being lazy though, they're staying indoors so much but people do have to work more now...

JJLNT - Being a kid, jellyfish & being cute


Jeff and Jordan continue chatting about how the world is now...Jordan says she has relatives that have lived long lives, they worked hard, they still drive, if they can get out there and do things for themselves why can't young able bodied people do that?...Jeff gets her point and thinks she's right, he said that the other day, that kids don't play outside...Jordan says she was always outside...Jeff too, he'd get in trouble for staying outside too long, now you can't get kids to go outside because they're always inside playing games on the computer, playstation...

Jordan says another thing that isn't good, she heard Ronnie say his marriage almost broke up because he spent too much time playing video games, she thinks people get addicted to those games, it's ok to let your kids have it but restrict their playing time...Jordan says in the neighborhood she lived in, there were so many kids, it was so much fun, there was always something to do, they'd make forts in the woods, play in the creek, play football in the field of a church...Jeff says that's cool...Jordan says she wishes she could be little again, you don't realize how much fun it is, just playing all day...

Jeff snuggles into Jordan again...Jordan says her and her best friend played something called Inventions, they'd make up things to play with or do, they'd get hurt sometimes...Jordan turns to spoon with Jeff...she continues talking about how her one friend got banged up flying off a bike...Jeff says that's how he got the scar he has on his foot, he was on a scooter flying at what seemed like 100 miles an hour, he flipped over and wiped out big time...Jordan says she did that on her bike once, she flipped over it, it fell on her, her head was pounding, this fat girl who lived 2 doors down from her picked her up and carried her home 😜

Jordan is about to tell another story but Jeff wants to pee so he tells her to hold it, he gets up to leave saying she is motoring 100 miles an hour and he's getting tired, it's good...he leaves...

Jeff comes back & Jordan asks what time it is?...Jeff says 2:45...Jordan says that's it? it feels later...Jeff throws in some game talk saying that if Jessie left, Lydia would evict herself (he would leave 2 days later )...Jordan giggles and says probably...Jeff says "she loves that fu**ing guy"...they talk about where they are in the house and then get quiet...Jeff asks what Jordan was saying?...

Jordan tells the story about falling on a swing set, she fell on her neck, had a rope burn...she also tells about a piece of wood shoved up her knee, she flipped over her bike, she broke her arm and told Jeff that, she got stung by jellyfishes and a Portuguese man of war...Jeff says really? she didn't tell him that story...Jordan swears she did...Jeff says she didn't, he would have remembered.

Jordan explains that she was on vacay with her fam, her sister and her were in the water, she jumped in front of her sister and jumped in a school of jellyfish, they all attacked...Jeff asks if they were at Myrtle Beach?...Jordan says no, Hilton Head, the man of war got on the back of her leg and it's tentacles wrapped around her leg...Jeff says no!...they wrapped tight around her leg, her leg was raised and red, she cried for an hour straight, it was circular shape and she had purple slashes...Jeff says "holy f**k! just from playing in the shallow water?"...Jordan says no they were going out and trying to ride waves, they were in a group...Jeff asks how old she was?...Jordan thinks 11 or 12...Jordan says they were in a wave...Jeff asks why Jordan doesn't jump a couple of feet?...Jordan says she didn't see them...Jeff says "no in the bed" 😂

Jeff asks Jordan to move over a little, he has no room, he's going to fall off...Jordan says it felt like a sharp rope brushing up against her leg and she jumped, then it started clinging and wrapping around her leg really fast, she started crying...Jeff says "holy f**k" again, he asks if she grabbed it?...Jordan says heck no, she was kicking and screaming in the ocean...Jeff says people probably thought it was a shark attack...Jordan says her brother went running the other way...Jeff cracks up!...Jordan says her sister kept yelling what!? what!?...Jordan says she felt 2 on her knee, a few on her ankle, she had 5 marks on her leg, omg, it was so painful...Jeff tells her to talk softer :)

Jordan says her sister carried her out of the water and they were pouring salt water, vinegar on her...Jeff asks if anyone peed on her?...Jordan says yeah they had her brother pee...Jeff says he just fired it out and peed on you? Jordan says no, they had him pee in a cup...Jordan says they say to never go in the pool after a jellyfish bite, it makes it 10x worse...Jeff asks if they stuck to her...Jordan says she kicked hard to get them off...Jeff can't believe she didn't run out with them on her...Jordan says she was in shock and scared, her instinct was just to kick in the water...Jeff says he saw a guy on TV who got stung on purpose so he could find out the best cure, the guy was in sooo much pain...

Jordan says she went back to where they were staying and she cried for an hour straight...Jeff says he's heard it's really bad...Jordan says she had to go to the doctor for it, she had to take antibiotics, it hurt so bad...

They hold hands under the cover...Jordans says for awhile she was scared to go back into the ocean, she will stay on a raft or jump on someone's back, she gets scared when something brushes up against her leg, she even gets scared with seaweed...Jordan says a guy she worked with was a surfer and he came so close to being next to a shark...Jeff says Braden said that too...they giggle about Braden's story...Jordan says the only time she saw Braden serious was when he had to give his speech...Jeff says he was nervous...Jordan says well duh! it's nerve wracking...

Cute moment when Jordan asks if she looks nervous when she's talking to Julie?...Jeff says yeah...Jordan says "do I?"...Jeff says "yeah"...Jordan asks why?...Jeff, being goofy, says that Jordan's teeth stick out more...Jordan huhhhh's...Jeff cracks up laughing and says he's joking, he's just joking...Jordan says "yes they do"...Jeff in a cute voice says "no they don't, I swear to God"...he explains he was just doing that with his teeth, he was thinking of a shark, he relates it to a movie Jordan hasn't seen, nevermind.

Jordan asks again if Jeff can tell?...Jeff says about the teeth thing, no, LOL "but you can tell, you can tell you're a little nervous but it's cute"...Jordan says "why?"...Jeff says "it's cute"...Jordan says "is it a bad nervous?"...Jeff says "what did I just say?"...Jordan just wants confirmation...Jeff says "it's cute, you look cute"

Jeff complains a little that Jordan is always so nervous before live shows and won't talk to him, he tries to get her attention but she brushes him of...Jordan admits she does that...Jeff says he tries to joke around with her and she won't have it...Jordan knows but does she twitch?...Jeff says no, she's not that bad but she's super nervous, that's why he tries to relax her...Jordan says she doesn't want to answer questions wrong...Jeff says you just have to answer them normal...Jordan says she does, normal for her...Jeff says he knows but others don't, they try to hard...Jordan says you feel like you're at a pageant...Jeff says he knows people get nervous...Jordan didn't like her answer last time...Jeff says she did fine, she didn't look bad...

JeJo late night banter :)


Jeff and Jordan have just finished up talking about being nervous during the live show...Jordan straddles Jeff's body with her leg...she hasn't shaved...Jeff says "geez Jordan"...Jordan giggles...Jeff says "f**k, I feel like I'm hanging out with Bob"...Jordan sits up saying she's going to shave them tomorrow...Jeff says her and him feel the same...Jordan laughs and lays back down saying that she has nasty hair that's dirty, she hasn't even washed her body...Jeff grabs Jordan around the chest and says "mmm, come here baby" 🥰

Jeff has his hand on her boobs...Jordan says "I'm waiting for your hand to move"...Jeff says mmm, mmm...Jordan says it's uncomfortable...Jeff says it's perfect...Jordan makes the excuse that it's not, his arm is going to hurt and go numb...Jeff moves it...Jordan doesn't want Jeff to go to bed because she needs someone to talk to...Jeff says he's talking to her but if she scratches his back he'll stay longer...Jordan says hmmm?...Jeff repeats...Jordan whines "fine"...Jeff gets all agitated saying when was the last time she scratched his back? for real?...Jordan asks why he gets so mad? just turn over...Jeff says she makes it such a fu**ing big deal...Jordan says "don't cuss at me"...Jeff says he wasn't, he was cussing in general, he didn't say "fu**ing Jordan"

Jordan turns to get in position to scratch and says "no, but listen, just learn this, whenever you say something and you raise your tone of voice like that and you say the F word in it and you raise your tone, it makes it seem like you're yelling and you're being meaner, so just remember that"

Jeff starts to talk and Jordan is already laughing, he says "on that note, scratch my fu**ing back right now" 😂 Jeff gets in position to be scratched...Jordan says she hates when people raise their voice at her and use the F word...Jeff says he's not raising his voice at her...Jordan says he said "effing"...Jeff says "shut up"...Jeff asks "you can't scratch my back?"...Jordan says she is! and she does LOL...Jeff says "Jesus, fu**ing pulling teeth"...Jeff says he thought they were supposed to be cool? now he's not even enjoying it...Jordan hmm's?...Jeff repeats he's not enjoying it...Jordan says why? does he want her to stop?...Jeff says no...Jordan says to quit complaining...Jeff says ok...Jeff suddenly grabs Jordan's hand and puts it on his butt and then farts 🤪

They crack up! especially Jeff...Jordan says "why did you fart on my hand? gross!!"...Jordan says what if that was a hot one and he did that? she would have been mad at him!...Jeff keeps laughing and says he can't believe they just fu**ing rip them in front of each other...Jordan doesn't care, she thinks it's funny...Jeff says obviously :)

JJLNT - Kids, high school & sports


JeJo continue talking...Jordan tells Jeff she's never met anyone that likes to be rubbed as much as him...Jeff says she tells him that all the time...Jordan says "you do, did your mom rub you all the time?"...Jeff says they've had this discussion 5 times...Jordan knows...Jeff says he told her that he was hyper (as a kid) and she would scratch him to calm him down...Jordan asks if his mom rubbed him until he fell asleep?...Jeff says yeah...Jordan says she heard that before from other people...Jeff says yeah, he kinda got used to it, you know?...Jordan doesn't respond...Jeff says "you know?"...Jordan says right...Jeff gets a little agitated saying that he hopes she's listening so they don't have this conversation in two days...

Jordan says she thinks it's exciting too though when you have a little kid and you're putting them to bed, rubbing their arm and they're about to fall asleep, they're cute and it's yours, you made it...Jeff mmm, hmm's but says not if it's your third one (like him) and he's climbing the walls, it's probably not that cute then...Jordan thinks they're all cute, she says there's a lady that comes in the salon that has 4 or 5 kids and they all kind of look alike, they're so cute and all blond.

Jeff says "I know, I can't wait to have kids" 😊...Jordan asks if it's bad for a woman to have kids later in life, the baby is prone to more disorders...Jeff says yeah, that's what he's heard, you're not supposed to...Jordan says some women do and they're fine...Jordan says it's better to for guys to have kids later...Jeff says then you're an old dad...Jordan says she just means it's better to wait until your 30's as opposed to your 20's which is too early to be a dad...Jeff mmm, hmm's...Jordan keeps scratching in silence...

Jordan says her aunt had her first baby around 30, 31 or maybe late 20's, her kids look like the dad not her...Jordan says she'll be mad if her kids don't look like her...Jeff giggles...she'll be mad just because LOL...Jeff says the kid will have something from Jordan...Jordan says her mom said she was an ugly baby...Jeff says some babies are ugly, what are you going to do?...

Jordan says when she popped out everybody was like ughhh, everybody was saying she sure didn't look like them, she looked like a hoot owl with big 'ole eyes, she was skinny, she wasn't the cutest baby...Jeff says (what about) everyone who think they have the cutest baby in the world...Jordan says her mom didn't...Jeff says that's good, your mom is real...Jordan says that her mom said she got cuter when she got older and fatter...Jeff just keeps giggling.

Jordan says her sister was "real" fat, she had white hair...Jeff says "real" fat, how fat is "real" fat LOL...Jordan says she had to go on a diet...Jeff asks "as a baby?"...Jordan says yeah, her mom would squeeze her sister but when her mom would squeeze Jordan, she would give her mom a dirty look...Jeff says "I know that look" they giggle...

Jordan keeps scratching in silence again...Jeff thinks she is done and then directs her to scratch a real itch...Jordan asks if Jeff was an athlete in high school? (LOL! as Jeff would say, what show have you been on for the last month?😂 ) Jeff says yeah...Jordan asks if Jeff was actually like the clique he was in?...Jeff says yeah...Jordan asks if he was popular or a dork?...Jeff says he wasn't the most popular but he was alright, he didn't give a f**k in high school, he was an athlete but didn't give a f**k about anybody...Jordan asks why?...Jeff says he doesn't know, he just didn't, he just wore the same clothes to school everyday, he didn't care...Jordan asks if he was grungy?...Jeff says no, he wore a sweatpants and a v-neck t-shirt everyday, he didn't care, he was just kind of a dick...Jordan asks if he looked different?...Jeff says no, he looks pretty much the same, exactly the same...Jordan says she looks exactly the same too.

Jordan says that some people get better looking, there was this one guy who was so dorky in freshman and sophomore year and then jr & sr year he got so hot and everybody wanted him...Jeff says oh yeah?...Jordan says he got better looking...Jeff sarcastically says "lucky guy" (JMO but Jeff never liked it when people would base their opinion of a person on their looks, how hot they were)

Jordan says he made some changes, got rid of his glasses, etc, he grew up, some guys in the earlier grades looked they hadn't gone through puberty, they were little...Jeff giggles and asks "do you love him?"...Jordan says she liked him as a friend...Jeff says "I'm just joking...I'm just joking Jordan"

Jeff asks "you miss your friends huh?...Jordan says she misses her girlfriends because they're all so happy and fun, they're not negative, they put her in a good mood...Jeff says "I wanna go there one day" :) ...Jordan says "where?"...Jeff says "by you" 😊 Jordan says oh yeah, you can...Jeff says he wants to fu**ing crack up...

Jordan talks about how her friends all knew the code to her house and they would all crash at her house whenever they needed to...Jeff says that would be fun, he'd come if the Bears were in town, that'd be perfect...Jordan says maybe her dad could get tickets or maybe she could get tickets if she wanted to, although getting tickets is harder when the teams are good, she asks if the Bears are good?...Jeff says no, they're not the best...Jordan says they'd be easier then...they compare the Bears and the Panthers...Jeff turns back and thanks Jordan for the backscratch saying she did a good job. :)

Jordan asks what's more popular? football or baseball? Jeff says Chicago is a football city but if the Cubs were to ever win the World Series, Chicago would go bananas...Jordan asks who normally wins? the Yankees?...Jeff says yeah but the White Sox won a couple years back...Jordan asks where they are from?...Jeff says Chicago...Jordan didn't know there were 2 teams in Chicago...Jordan asks why? because it's so big?...Jeff doesn't know...Jordan asks why she doesn't have a baseball team?...Jeff doesn't know but they just got a basketball team (Charlotte)...

Jordan says there's some controversy over a baseball field they built and some Nascar thing...Jeff says they're probably trying to establish the city, get more teams...Jordan says Charlotte is definitely growing like crazy...

Jordan says they have the football stadium that is huge and the Nascar Hall of Fame, Jordan worked at Dale Earnheardt's bar...Jeff says people from Chicago don't like Nascar, he shouldn't say everybody but he thinks it's so stupid, he doesn't get it, they drive around in a circle fu**ing 500 times...Jordan giggles...Jeff says how do you watch it? what lap are you on? 300? ok call me in fu**ing 4 hours when they're done driving, he doesn't understand it...Jordan says you can camp out and get drunk...Jeff says he means on TV?...Jordan says it's fun when it's live, it's loud, you need earmuffs, she talks about how a racer spun out and luckily the fence stopped him from hitting anyone...they talk about how instant death would be if that car hit you...Jeff has never understood racing, he knows people love it but he doesn't get it...

Jordan says when you're in the crowd and drunk, it's fun but people can get out of control, it's just a bunch of rednecks yelling, it's fun, people grill out...Jeff asks if you can bet on it?...Jordan thinks so, she talks about Speedstreet in May, how they block off roads downtown, they have concert stages, there's food and beer, everyone and their mother is there, it's fun...Jeff sarcastically says "sounds like a blast" LOL Jordan says it's crowded, so crowded…

JJLNT - Cute stories & whispering


Jeff says when he comes visit (to Charlotte) they'll have to hit up "beatstreet"...Jordan says beatstreet?...Jeff says Speedstreet, whatever the f**k it is LOL Jordan says that's in May, he'd have to wait ...Jeff says "oh you lost"...Jordan says she missed it this year because she came out to LA for finals, she was gone for a week...Jordan says when they were filming Talladega Nights, Molly Shannon was filming a scene in a restaurant near where her parents were...Jeff sarcastically says "exxxciting"...Jordan mmm, hmm's...Jeff says "no for real, that is pretty cool"...

Jordan tells a story about a lady on the top floor of a restaurant who kept trying to scoop her cake and it fell onto the floor below and cake went everywhere, it was so funny...Jeff says "you're funny Jordan" 😊...Jordan says "not really"...Jeff says "you got good stories, I like how you get all excited about little things, it's cute" Jordan says "thanks"

Jordan can't take a compliment so she starts talking about her hair, asking if it stinks?...Jeff says no...Jordan says she keeps playing with her bangs, she can't wait to get a haircut...Jeff says him too, he cut it today and fu**ed it up a little bit...Jordan says her friend Char gives the best haircuts, all the men go to her...Jeff says Char?...Jordan says Charlotte...Jeff says Charlotte from Charlotte?...Jordan says no, she's from Buffalo NY...

They return with JeJo talking about Maine, about New Jersey being a dirty state...Jordan says she doesn't think she'd like it up north, is where Jeff is from the north?...Jeff mmm, hmm's...Jordan starts babbling something about heathers? heathens? (not quite sure what that is about LOL)...they then talk about northerners vs. southerners...

Jordan says you can tell a northerner because they are louder and have more of a stronger presence...Jordan talks about a lady from New Jersey who goes to her salon, she was surprised that people talk to you in grocery stores in Charlotte, in NJ they don't even look at you...Jeff says that makes sense...Jordan asks if they do that in Chicago?...Jeff says pretty much...Jordan asks if they don't greet you nicely?...Jeff says no, they're not super friendly, they just do their job, they're nice but they're not all country LOL

Jordan says when she goes to the store they start conversation and she talks back...Jeff says there are too many people, how are you going to talk to 10 thousand people every shift?...Jordan says she'll talk to them saying "hi, how's your day going?"...Jeff says "awww" :) Jordan says they tell her good...Jeff says people just leave each other alone...they talk about how it's cute and sweet that grocery stores will hire people with disabilities to work there, they're so nice...Jordan says she hates it when people are rude.

Jordan tells the story of when she was at a hotel and the maid asked her if she wanted more trash bags, Jordan didn't hear, asked her what she said, then the lady mumbled it so Jordan asked her again nicely what she was asking and the lady said "trasssshhh baaaagggs" it was so funny...Jeff asks if Jordan laughed?...Jordan says her and Peyton laughed, of course because the lady had attitude...Jordan wants Outback when she gets home (random!) ...FISH...

Jeff is now talking about paying his bills by cheque while he's gone and his parents are taking care of his mail...Jeff tells Jordan to move her bush (hair)...Jordan says sorry and giggles...Jeff says he's getting cranky...Jordan says "well go to bed then"...Jeff says she's motoring and he's trying to wind down...

Jordan says he'll have so much mail...Jeff says email, f**k, it's going to be so weird getting into the swing of things...Jordan says yep...Jeff says with work, he doesn't even want to go back...Jordan asks if he's serious?...Jeff says no, he's just going to be so fu**ed up going back, he won't even know what he's doing...Jordan says she leaves work a week and she feels rusty...Jeff gets more water and then lays back down and snuggles into Jordan saying he wants to go to sleep right now :)

Jordan says he only has 2 more days, didn't that baked ziti look good?...(thanks for rubbing it in Jordan!)...Jeff says yeah!...(I think Jeff pinches her because she ow's lol)...Jordan says she'll fix him some when he's off of slop...Jeff says forget it, he's not fixing her nothing no more...Jordan asks why?...Jeff says "I'm joking, it'd be nice if you did that Jordan"...Jordan says if Jeff cooks he has to cook for her and vice versa

Jeff says yeah, the first time she cooked he was on slop...Jordan says she was craving it, she had to eat something good...Jeff says it did look good, he wanted to eat it...Jordan says the sauce was so good 🤨...Jeff says he's making pasta first thing...Jordan asks if he knows how to make Alfredo?...Jeff doesn't know how from scratch, there's no Alfredo sauce...Jordan says she cut up celery, she likes it with ranch...Jeff says he'll make good pasta on Thursday, put a lot of meat in it...

Jordan asks why Jeff rattles his feet? how does it make him fall asleep?...Jeff doesn't know...Jordan says she tried it but it just disturbs her...Jeff cracks up laughing...Jeff doesn't even know he does it...Jordan says it was so funny that Kevin thought he was...Jeff says "jerking off?" LOL

Jordan asks what year Jeff graduated?...Jeff says 96...Jordan says reeeeallly?...Jeff says "let me guess, you graduated in 2005?" just as Jordan says 2005 LOL Jordan starts counting the 9 year difference Jordan says she graduated 9 years later...Jeff says cuz he's 9 years older...

Jordan says she's getting kind of sleepy...Jeff too...Jordan says she was motoring, she gets going...Jeff reaches over her, mmm's and gives her a few silent kisses, then sniffs her...Jordan says for him not to sniff her, she probably stinks...Jeff gives up 😒and says "ahhh, fu**k", he turns on his back...Jordan wonders what time it is?...Jeff says 4, 3:45...

Jordan turns towards Jeff and asks where his ear is? she wants to tell Jeff something...she starts whispering in Jeff's ear...they talk and giggle about what they're whispering about and then Jeff whispers in Jordan's ear and Jordan giggles...Jordan whispers in Jeff's ear and Jeff takes the opportunity to hug Jordan closer...more giggling amidst whispers...Jordan wants to talk more but Jeff needs to whisper ...Jeff wants to know where Jordan's face is at...Jordan says it tickles...more whispers...Jeff loses his train of thought because I think he's just happy to be surrounding Jordan 🥰..Jeff whispers about the wizard...more game whispering...Jeff cuddles Jordan more and mmm's...he says he got a hair in his tooth and Jordans giggles...Jeff mmm's again and whispers "that's all...we'll talk more later" LOL

Jordan deflecting again says she's going to lay out tomorrow, she needs to...Jordan says Jeff needs to quit rattling...Jeff stops and she thanks him...Jordan needs to go pee but is lazy to go now but doesn't want to go in the middle of the night...Jeff doesn't want to go to the other room...FISH...

Goodnight - leaning on Jordan


Jordan comes back from the bathroom and settles into bed again...Jordan says it's almost 4 and the others are about to go to bed...Jeff says he needs to go too...Jeff asks if Jordan is tired?...Jordan says she's getting there...Jeff sighs...Jordan says as soon as Jeff goes to bed, she'll be able to go to sleep...Jeff whines/moans and says he could he'd fall asleep right there...Jordan asks if Jeff is staying or going?...Jeff says he can't stay...Jordan goes to grab her mic...Jeff tells her not to bother, he asks if she still wants to stay up?...Jordan says no, go!...they laugh...Jordan says Jeff needs his sleep...Jeff agrees but says he's not going to sleep in there (HN room)...Jordan says if he can't sleep, he can come back in there and they'll talk...Jeff says ok Jordan...Jordan says goodnight...Jeff says goodnight, curses and sits up to put his shirts on...Jordan says "you sleep tight"...Jeff says "you too, good dreams"...Jeff says he has to tip toe to go in there but when he does that he wakes her (Michele) up and she starts moaning...Jordan giggles...Jeff says then he'll get pissed off and he won't be able to sleep..

Jeff leans back onto Jordan one last time, he clearly doesn't want to go...

Jeff says "I'll see you in the morning anyway"...Jordan says "k, goodnight" and Jeff leaves...

Sleepy hammock lockdown


The HG's are locked down outside. Jeff has been laying on the hammock resting/sleeping...Jordan joins, she tells Jeff she's burning up over where she was. They lay down opposite each other...Jeff continues lightly sleeping and Jordan closes her eyes too, she secret smiles occasionally. Jordan is a bit restless but Jeff just keeps trying to half sleep...

About 8 or 9 minutes go by before they speak...Jeff says "Johrrdan"...they hold hands...Jeff wants a thumb war, they have a thumb war, Jeff wins...Jordan says "you got me"...Jeff says "I beat you half asleep"...Jordan says "you've got a long thumb"...Jeff takes his foot and taps Jordan's face with it and they giggle...Jordan says that Jeff has that funny thumb that looks like Jabba the Hut...Jeff asks her where she got that from?...Jordan says she made it up...Jeff says just from looking at it right then? that's a lie...Jordan says yeah...Jeff asks if she ever told anybody that before?...Jordan says why would she tell people that?...Jeff says because it's kind of a good one.😀 Jordan says "you think so?"...Jeff says it's funny...Jordan says to look at his thumb...Jeff says every time he looks at it, he's going to think that...Jordan says her friend has a hammerhead thumb.

Jeff looks over at Jordan's hairy legs and gets grossed out, he says "dude, look at your legs, oh gawd Jordan!"...Jordan laughs and says she knows she has to shave...Jeff says she needs to go to a barber, not a razor. Jordan explains that she likes to shave in the bath...Jeff says he's going to throw up...Jordan says "do you think I care? no"...Jeff says to leave it for another week if she doesn't care...Jordan says then they'd be real long, she's going to shave today...Jeff says she better, she's going to be tripping over it...they laugh.

Jordan says she's tired...Jeff says he wants to go back to bed...Jordan says she thinks they will be outside for awhile...Jeff wonders why?...Jordan says because they were sleeping in too long...Jeff says so they can come outside and sleep?...Jordan says no, to get them up...Jeff says he can't sleep in that room...Jordan says Jeff felt like a popsicle earlier...Jeff says "you felt me?"...Jordan says yeah, his body was cold, the HN room sucks to sleep in...Jeff says he keeps putting on layers in there...Jordan says she told him it was cold.

They quiet down and then Jordan says all of them are more awake at night then during the day...Jeff says all of them are on a fu**ed up schedule...Jordan hugs Jeff's leg and then Jeff says for him to hug Jordan's and he makes a sandpaper sound rubbing up against her leg. LOL They quiet down again and then BB tells them the lockdown is over and they head inside...

Jeff giggles at Jordan the gardener


The HG's are on outside lockdown. Jeff is sitting with Kevin on the patio. Jordan is out by the end of the BY shaving her legs. When she is done, she asks Jeff if the garden needs to be watered. Jeff says "no, go ahead" Jordan, while sitting, points the hose in the direction of the garden and fires water at it, mostly hitting the windows.

Jeff looks at her and says he'll do it later to not worry. Jeff smiles, looks at Kevin and looks back at Jordan...

Jordan is struggling with water pressure and Jeff says "Jordan, just leave it, I'll do it later" Jordan laughs and says she'll do it. Jeff says she's going to get the windows all wet.

Jordan gets up to water properly, she struggles with the hose but manages to start watering but with a lot of force practically destroying the plants, lol. Jeff starts laughing...smiles, laughs again at Jordan who is done after about 20 seconds, dropping the hose and getting her towel. She then recoils the hose and her short stint as gardener is over 😂

Jeff won’t let Jordan cut his hair...or will he?


Jeff, Jordan, Michele & Natalie are by the pool. Jordan is on the blue raft.

Jeff says he thinks he's going to cut his hair...Jordan says she wants to cut it, she says let me cut it...Jeff says he doesn't know about that...Jordan says why? she won't mess it up, she promises...Natalie thinks Jordan does hair...Jordan says no, she's a receptionist, she watches them...Jeff laughs and says "yeah, what the hell" LOL

Jordan says "Jeffff, I'm serious, I won't mess it up, I promise" :) Jeff says no because he knows her, she will f**k it up and then say she didn't know and then she will think it's cute and he won't and he's already kind of pissed...Jordan says she's serious because she would get mad if someone messed up her hair, she really will try, she promises, she will take little bits and pieces...Jeff says he knows exactly to a tee what's going to happen...Jordan says listen...Jeff says he will let her do it...Jordan says ok, she says she watches them at work...Jeff says Jordan will say (after wrecking it) that it's going to grow back, it's no big deal, gawd!

Jordan again says she watches them at work do it...Jeff says she's so cranky...Jordan promises she won't mess it up...Jeff says he's going to do it...Jordan says she wants to do the top...Jeff says he's not doing the top, he just cut the top and fu**ed it up himself...Jordan says to let her fix it, she cut her friend's sister's hair, you know Jeff sometimes you have to have faith...

Jeff says we'll do it later...I'll let you...wash it. Jordan says she will take little bits off where you can't even tell...Jeff says it's still a no but he'll let her...Jordan says what do you mean it's a no?...Jeff says because if she f**ks it up he's going to get pissed off, if he f**ks it up he's mad at himself...Jordan says she won't mess it up, she promises...Jeff says he knows and then when she does it's no big deal...Jordan says she will be serious about it...Jordan says to just have a little fun...Jeff says exactly why no, it's not fun and it's not funny when you screw it up...Jordan asks why would she screw it up on purpose?...Jeff says he's already predicting what's happening...Jordan says Jeff needs to go back to bed...Jeff says exactly and then after he bitches about it, he's the asshole with the patch in his hair...Jordan says what if she cuts his hair and he freakin' loves it...Jeff says then he apologizes and he'll make her some slop.😁

Jordan says he better start because he's going to love it and anyways he already messed it up himself...Jeff says that's true, he will let her do it a little bit...Jordan says fine...Jeff says she will be fine...Jordan says she knows she'll do fine, she watches them all day...Jeff says he watches people paint, doesn't mean he's a painter.

Natalie says she cut Jessie's hair good, it was her first time ever, she just listened to what he told her...Jordan says "see Jeff"...Jeff says Natalie's a listener, Jordan is going to take it as a jokey...Jordan says no, I'm not...Jeff yells "I KNOW IT!"

Jeff says see, she's already laughing...Jordan says she's just laughing because Jeff is getting so pissed, lighten up...Jeff says he's angry because he got an extra day of slop...Jordan asks why does he have the extra day?...Jeff explains about the Gatorade thing...Jordan says "oh shit!"...Natalie says they would have never known (if not for Lydia)...Jeff says Lydia called him out...Jordan had no idea...Natalie says it sucks he got called out for one sip...Jeff says it's his fault, not her fault...Jeff says he is just more pissed if he goes on slop next week, he won't get that break...Jeff says he can't control the future so, actually he can if he wins, he says "I'm over it, it's done, let's go f**k up my hair so I have something to really complain about" LOL

JeJo play badminton


Jeff & Jordan play badminton in the BY...Jordan wishes it was tennis instead, she says it's harder than it looks. Jordan gets frustrated easily (and they say she isn't competitive! lol)...Jeff says she is doing good, she has got it...Jordan is getting pissed and she's going to quit...Jeff says no, she has got it.

They keep playing but at one point Jordan gets so mad that she smashes her racquet on the weight bench. Jordan then says "fu**in A!" and Jeff says "Jordan!"...Jordan misses again, smashes her racquet on the grass, she says she hates this game and she's not playing anymore, she stomps off, repeats that she hates that game, she's going inside, she is pissed!...Jeff just smiles and pats her butt with the racquet as she leaves...

Jordan cuts Jeff’s hair


Jeff, Jordan & Michele are in the bathroom...Jeff is prepping to cut his hair, just before he starts he gives Jordan a little smile through the mirror :) Jeff starts using the clippers to cut the side of his hair...Jeff tells Jordan to come over there, he shows her how he's doing it, he doesn't want it to high, he will let her do the back, she can't mess it up (LOL oh yeah?)...Jordan looks at him through the mirror and smirks a little...Jeff asks what she's doing?...Jordan says "looking"...

Jeff continues clipping the sides...Jeff asks if Jordan is nervous?...Jordan says no, she asks Jeff if he knows what he is doing?...Jeff says yeah, he'll fix it later...Jeff tells Jordan to take over...she asks exactly what to do, she doesn't want to get yelled at...Jeff says to do it just like he was doing...Jordan asks Jeff to sit down...they share a little laugh and Jeff says "oh f**k"...Jeff is confident saying that Jordan can't really f**k it up so...😉😂

Jeff hands her the newly oiled clippers and she tries to start...she grabs it in an awkward looking manner and Jeff gets a little freaked out saying "what are you doing with that thing?"...Jeff grabs the clippers and repositions them...he tells Jordan to hold on, he's gotta see, he tries to open Jordan's mirror compact...Jordan starts giggling, Jeff can't get it open, Jordan opens it with one hand and says "it's really not that hard Jeff" LOL!

Jordan confirms that she goes from the bottom up, she doesn't want to hear Jeff yell later...Jordan is about to start when Jeff tells her it still looks weird...Jordan says it's more comfortable that way but she changes the way she's holding it to appease Jeff and she starts clipping...she is tentative and slow...Jeff says just to not go too high, she's doing good...he tells her to push against his head, she does and then says that it's taking off a lot of hair, is he sure he wanted that much off?...Jeff says it's over now...Michele tells Jordan it's fine...Jordan keeps going...Jeff keeps coaching her on what to do and she tries to follow...she works on the cowlicks on the back of his hair...they debate whether to go higher or cut more and then Jordan continues clipping...Jeff keeps giving his ideas and Jordan tells him to quit being so nervous.😊

Now Jordan says she won't mess it up...Jeff says Jordan's getting the hang of it...she keeps clipping and then Jeff gets testy thinking Jordan doesn't know what they're doing next...Jeff asks her if she understands?...Jordan does, she says "ok, you want all this even because you're going to go shorter with the shorter gauge with the no. 4 (ha! )

Jeff shuts up LOL...Jeff says that was good, he takes the clippers, stands up and continues doing the sides...he asks Jordan if it's pretty good?...Jordan sits down, she says yep...Jeff holds the compact mirror up to see what he's doing in the back, he says the line has to be fixed...Jordan asks what line? she didn't do it even?...Jeff asks Jordan if she's ready for the next part?...Jordan says yeah...Jeff says "that was a lot of hair"...Jeff keeps clipping with Jordan watching...

Jeff asks if Jordan saw how what he's doing evened it a little?...Jordan mmm, hmm's and Jeff says "let's dance"...Jordan tells Jeff she needs to move the chair, she rotates it to face away from the mirror so Jeff can hold the compact mirror and watch her...Jeff says he trusts her, she needs to do the back so he moves the chair back...Jordan almost gives up saying "why don't you just do it"...Jeff says "you can't do that?"...Jordan asks again for instruction, Jeff explains and she starts clipping...they share a little giggle...Jordan says they need scissors to blend it...a little banter when they look at the haircut...Jeff says it's not going to get any better, he doesn't know what he's doing either.

Jordan says she likes Jeff's hair shorter...she turns off the clippers, uses the blowdryer to blow the hair off Jeff...Jeff says "ahh, professional" :)...Jordan leaves to get the scissors, she comes back and she looks for a brush or comb...Jordan tells Jeff to sit down...Jeff says this is the danger zone...Jordan knows...she starts cutting...pretty hilarious to watch since she a) has no comb to help guide her b) is a lefty using right handed scissors and c) is so nervous to cut because Jeff keeps making things worse! LOL...they laugh...Jordan says she's concentrating...Jeff instructs her again...more laughs...Jeff says to watch her fingers...omg she cuts like 1/8th of an inch at a time!!

Jordan says she doesn't want to mess up her sections...Jeff says she knows something about it, why doesn't she go to school to become a stylist?...Jordan says she doesn't want to work weekends...they agree they make good money...Jordan comments on Jeff's cowlick...she says that she barely cut any off...they move the chair back so she has a better angle, she continues cutting but is still tentative even though Jeff tells her she can cut more off...

Jeff finally says "what are you cutting, a millimeter off of there?" (hmm, since when did Jeff become Canadian with his metric reference? lol)...Jordan says she'll cut a little then he can tell her to cut more...Jeff says he wants more cut LOL...Jordan says she doesn't want him to yell at her...Jeff says she did a good job, now how is the back blending?...(It isn't!!) 😛

Jordan lies and says it is...Jeff says ok...Jordan then admits that it's not too good because he cut it too short (LOL she cut it!)....Jeff says she did that line!...Jordan says he told her to go up that far. hmm lol

Jessie has entered the building 😎 and says that it's fine, she just didn't blend it yet...Jordan tries to explain it away but the fact remains it isn't blended...Jordan says he can just wear it all forward...Jeff says there are too many fu**ing cooks in the kitchen...Natalie has come in and says it looks good though...they leave...they agree that it doesn't matter, in a couple of days it will grow in...Jeff says again "you're doing good though Jordan" 😊..Jordan says she told him she wouldn't mess it up...Jordan keeps trimming...Jeff says it's not bad for a ghetto haircut.

Kevin and Lydia walk in and give their opinion, Lydia thinks the back needs to be trimmed, she advises Jordan what to do...Lydia says "you cut with your left hand Jordan?"...Jordan says yeah, she's left handed...Jeff asks if you don't need left-handed scissors?...usually yes, it makes it easier...Jordan smiles and Jeff asks why she's laughing, it's fu**ed up?...Lydia says to trust...Jeff says he is, he's been good...Jordan says she's never cut hair except for once...Jordan feels like she's done so she asks the others how it is?...Kevin still thinks there's a step there...

At this point Lydia takes over and with more assertiveness, she starts blending Jeff's hair and does a really good job 😀...Jordan says "fix this then" and Jeff laughs seeing that Jordan was fibbing LOL...

Jeff says "now those scissors are motoring, she did good though" :) Jordan tells Lydia to cut his bangs a little...Jeff is hesitant, he likes them longer...Lydia blends it all in nicely...Lydia asks Jordan about hair school again...Lydia says everyone does it and it's so competitive.

Jeff sees how it looks and says "oh, this is a good jam haircut"...Lydia continues and starts doing the front...Jeff freaks out a little saying this part he's sensitive about LOL...

Lydia cuts just a little...Jordan wants more cut...Jeff doesn't and they decide that's all...funnily enough Jeff says he doesn't know what they do in "Carolina's" (he would find out wouldn't he? :) ) but over here (that's how it's done)...Jordan says it's a good haircut...Jeff says "great haircut, good job Gucci's"...Jordan says she likes Jeff with his hair shorter, he looks better looking with it shorter, it makes his face look younger, not so old...Lydia says damn Jordan, that's a stone...Jeff says he didn't know they could jam a haircut like that...

Lydia leaves, Jeff goes to high five Jordan, she raises her hand and Jeff falls on top of Jordan, hugging her tight...he says he's all hairy...

Jordan screeches "you smushed my boob!! oww Jeff! I think you popped my implant!" 🤪..Jeff leaves smiling and Jordan leaves saying "oww, my boob"...

Haircut squeezes & hugs


Jordan gets up after getting her boob smashed by Jeff...she walks towards the kitchen holding it and laughing...Jeff is in the kitchen looking at his playdoh little Jeff...

BB tells Jeff to put on his mic...Jeff comments that little Jeff's hair is super grey and heads to the bathroom...Jordan says "Jeff you smushed my boob!", she comes around the counter and stands near the hallway and says to Jeff "I think you popped it" ...Jeff, who has walked back, says "let me feel"...Jordans says "it hurts" while Jeff reaches out squeezing Jordan's boob LOL ...he says "nah it feels good" 😊

Jordan reaches out and touches Jeff's hair saying it looks better...Jeff grabs Jordan saying thank you and they hug...

Jordan squeezes Jeff's butt for good measure ;) and then Jeff points out how much hair Jordan has on her top and he walks off...

Jordan finally shaved


Jeff is sitting on the patio smoking...Jordan comes outside and Natalie tells her that she did a good job (with Jeff's haircut)...Jordan says "thanks, Lydia fixed it"...Jordan approaches Jeff...Jeff says "you look clean"...Jordan says "I shaved"...Jeff says "I know, I saw" and he feels Jordan's smooth legs...

Jordan says "now you don't have to feel like you're kissing a man" LOL

Jeff laughs and Jordan sits down to watch the activity in the BY…

Golf LUV not LOVE


Jeff is outside practicing his golf swing, Jordan is sitting with her feet in the hot tub, she watches him...Jordan asks Jeff if he's good at golf?...Jeff says he's ok, he's not good, he can keep up...Jeff walks to the far end of the BY while Jordan gets ready to get in the hot tub...Jeff says he's going to get the balls right in the hot tub...Jordan let's Jeff know that she has a bathing suit on this time ;) ...Jeff says "wow" :) Jordan says "I know, can you believe it?"...Jeff asks "what's the occasion?" LOL

Jordan reminds Jeff to not hit her...Jeff says he won't...Jeff says they're nerf balls...Jeff hits the first one in...Jordan gets in and says her boob hurts from earlier when Jeff fell on it...Jeff gets the second one in, misses the third and the fourth...Jeff smiles and Jordan giggles...Jeff walks over to the near end of the BY again and Jordan says "so what's new?"...Jeff smiles and says "nothing, how about you?"

Jordan asks if Jeff likes his new haircut?...Jeff says "yeah, I do, why?"...Jordan giggles and says "and you were bitching at me"...Jeff says he was because Jordan jokes around...Jordan says "hey! just cuz I laugh and I think things are funny doesn't mean I'm going to screw your hair up"...Jeff says if he didn't tell her exactly what to do it would have been screwed up, he heard she went too high...Jordan says Jeff told her where to go...Jeff says Jordan did a good job...Jordan says Lydia fixed some of it (more like most of it LOL)...Jordan says she blended it in...Jeff says yeah but Jordan did good though :)

Jeff starts hitting the balls to the far end again...Michele comes outside (big surprise 🙄)...she and Jordan talk briefly...Jordan almost gets hit by one ball, she giggles and says "bullseye"...Michele makes some smart comment about Jeff hitting Jordan in the head, ugh...Jordan says that Jeff wants to drown her...Michele makes another smart comment about Jeff wanting to drown people...Jeff laughs and says that it's a term of endearment, he told Michele he wanted to drown her... (btw Michele, he's just being nice, he only wants to truly drown Jordan) ...Jordan says that Jeff wants to drown her at the bottom of the pool...Jeff looking at Jordan says "it's a good thing, it means I love you"...Michele delusionally says "aww, thanks" 🥴

Jordan who completely ignores Michele continues to talk about her and Jeff by saying he means L U V you...Jeff signs/sings L O V E....Jordan says "no LUV not LOVE"...Jeff asks why Jordan has this giggle grin on her face?...Jordan says she loves how Jeff says "what's up?"...Jeff says she always has something to say...Jordan asks where Jeff got the word stones from?...Jeff doesn't know...Jordan says "you just started saying it?"

Jeff says "yeah"...Michele interrupts saying to Jeff "you have a very cute vocabulary" 🙄 ...Jeff says "me?"...Michele says "yeah"...Jeff looking at Jordan says "thanks Michele"...Jordan asks "what did Michele say?"...Michele repeats that Jeff has a cute vocabulary...Jordan completely changes the subject...

IMO Jordan felt a little embarrassed that she kept making fun of Jeff when Michele would always praise him or she didn't want Michele praising him

Jordan yells that Michele doesn't have to put her clothes in the dryer...Michele doesn't mind...Jordan says that her dark jeans can't go in the dryer, they'll shrink...Jordan pokes fun that Jeff busted her implant...Michele doesn't play along by saying that Jordan needs to see a doctor...Jordan then changes back to the jeans saying if they go in the dryer she won't be able to get them up her ass...Michele condescendingly says that normally jeans don't go up her ass, they go over her ass...Lydia comes outside and Jordan stops talking to Michele and talks to Lydia...

Who loves Jessie more? Not Jordan…


Chima, Lydia, Jessie, Natalie, Jeff and Jordan are in the kitchen...they are debating whether to play the table topics game...some banter goes on about Jessie and the "love" triangle with Lydia and Natalie, who makes him food...

Jeff says "who loves Jessie more?" LOL Jeff points at the game and says "that's a question in the card"'s all around...Jessie says "thanks Jeff"...Chima says "and crickets"...Jeff says "it wasn't me" :)

Natalie says it's Jordan, she left Jeff and went to Jessie...Jeff says "he's got too many fans already...Jordan wouldn't take that chance" ;)

Natalie says she doesn't know, Jordan seems like the gambling type...Jeff says "oh really? a foursome?"...Natalie says no, she wouldn't even do that...Jeff says uh, ha, a threesome?...eww's and ahh's...Jeff says Natalie is travelling down a weird path, is she sure she wants to do that?...Natalie says she has 18 year old ears, remember that...Jeff says he didn't say anything dirty...things get a little awkward and then Jeff says they better read one of those cards to kill the moment. LOL

Table topics game - JeJo cuteness


Jeff & Jordan play the Table Topics game with the other HG's. They end up answering questions back to back...

@ 10:08 Jordan answers the question about her "perfect" day being with her mom, going for a walk, shopping, having dinner, watching TV...Jeff watches her sweetly...

...and then says "aww, cute as hell" 🥰

Jeff rubs Jordan's neck...

They continue answering...@ 10:14 Jordan answers she'd go on a spiritual journey by helping out kids that are starving, in poor countries, by bringing them food...Jeff reaches over and pinches her cheek 🥰...Jordan says if she was like Angelina Jolie and had lots of money she'd adopt one...Jeff says "alright, take it easy"...Jordan says she would...

@ the 10:18:20 mark (Cam 4 but for some reason the audio doesn't work when only on this cam) Jeff reaches over and squeezes Jordan's arm...Jordan smiles flexing her arm...Jeff squeezes again to feel her muscles :)

Jeff pinches Jordan's cheek again, more cuteness!...Jeff pretends to give her a karate chop and then says she looks tan :) Jordan says "do I?"...they continue flirting and then Jordan jumps up to sit on the counter...Jeff almost touches her on the neck and then almost touches her on the leg but holds himself telling...Jordan leans her head into Jeff's shoulder briefly and Jeff squeezes her leg...Jordan then looks around, rubs Jeff's arm a few times and lets go...

@ 10:20 Jordan is asked if she would go on the space shuttle?...the others says yes for sure but she is not so keen...Jeff says she would barf up those noodles again and he would shit his pants LOL then Jeff is asked what name he would like besides his?...Jeff doesn't like his name Jeff and he admits that he uses the name "Lincoln" as his alias when he goes out, it's always been his fake name.

@ 10:44 Jordan is asked what's more important, justice or forgiveness?...Jordan answers forgiveness...Jeff says "aww, that's a Jordan answer" :) Chima says she's all justice and Jeff says "me too, I'm all about eye for an eye"...right after that Jeff is asked if he got a new tattoo what would he get and where would he put it?...Jeff says he'd get one inside his upper arm, then says it would be a mural of all of them...Kevin asks who would be closest to the pit?...Jeff says "Jordan, she loves it in there" and he cracks up laughing.

@10:54 Jordan is asked what she wishes she could say no to?...Jeff says "cookie dough" :) Jessie answers "Jeff's late night kisses" (she had no problem with that for awhile! all she said was "no" LOL) Jeff is then asked what childhood object he lost he wishes he could have back?...Jeff tells the story of how his grandfather gave him and his 2 brothers chains from Italy, he wanted to wear his but his Ma said he was too young to wear it, he insisted against his mom's wishes, got to wear it, then it was stolen at school one day, his brothers still have theirs 😢

@ 10:59 Jeff gets a little salty when Jordan says she'd like to meet Matthew McConaghey in person/in bed, she thinks he'd be good LOL

@ 11:15 Jordan answers that the athlete she'd most like to be for a single game is Tom Brady...Jeff answers the personality trait he'd most like to change is his temper, he's working on it.

11:26-11:32pm Jordan borrows Jeff’s shirt

(This is another of those supersweet exchanges between Jeff and Jordan. I think Jordan is adorable here and Jeff looks like he agrees!)

HG's have just finished playing Table Topics in the kitchen. Jeff is now outside smoking. Jordan and Michele go outside to laundry area. Jordan is wearing Jeff's grey underwear shirt and she tells him she went in his drawer and took it. He tells her he is going to wear it for Thursday show. She tells him she will wash it and he says alright. Jordan and Michele switch laundry around and Michele leaves (YEAH!)

Jeff gets up and comes over to join Jordan who is taking her clothes out of her BB bag and putting them in the washer. She looks and sounds like a little girl saying "Big Brother Bag! Isn't it exciting!?"

Jeff teases her saying "did we just get here?" LOL!

She tells him she is just excited about the bag because it is something from there...something she can keep right? SO CUTE! Jeff says mmm, hmm.

Jordan asks Jeff if he minds that she went in his drawer to take his shirt? He looks at her SO sweet and says 'nope'...

Jordan says she's freezing...they continue talking...Jordan says her hair is getting longer...Jeff says his too...not anymore LOL Jordan says her hair used to be much longer but it looks too stringy...out of the blue Jordan asks Jeff if he's Republican or Democrat?

Jeff says he's Independent Party...Jordan asks if he voted? Jeff says yeah, it's private...Jordan asks why?...Jeff says he voted for Obama...Jordan says she was going for McCain, she just didn't tell him, she doesn't say it too much (big surprise, they are even opposites with this )...Jeff says he doesn't like talking politics...Jordan says it's just her, she's not going to start an argument about it...Jeff says he thinks they need a charismatic leader, a people person, an inspirational leader...Jordan says she never listened to his speeches before...Jeff says he is an awesome speaker...Jeff goes inside while Jordan remains outside for a bit.


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