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Day 31 of BB11 Feeds


August 9

JeJo late night talk - Smell/deodorant/farting


Jeff lays down with Jordan in the SS room to wind down before he has to go into the HN room...

The feeds switch to JeJo with Jordan, as per usual, asking Jeff if she stinks? she tells him to not touch, just smell because it tickles...Jeff smells and says "kinda...a little bit"...Jordan asks what it smells like?...Jeff says she's a little ripe...Jordan laughs, Jeff giggles...Jeff says to fire some anti-perspirant under there...they laugh...Jordan says she keeps smelling something, she wants Jeff to explain what it smells like? B.O?...Jeff says "a little bit"...Jordan cracks up...

Russell who is laying in the room also asks what did he get himself into?...Jeff says "did you wash your butt today Johrdan?"...Jordan says yes, can he smell that too?...Jeff says he doesn't want to smell her butt, she's probably got a little butt crack sweat going LOL

Jeff sniffs and Jordan asks if he's smelling her from there?...Jeff says no, he was smelling himself...Jordan laughs...Jeff says "he's good"...Jeff wonders if smelly people know they smell? he doesn't think they do, when you're next to someone on the subway and in your head you're thinking "dude, you reek, you don't even know you're going to work and you reek" they? he doesn't know...Jordan is laughing...Jordan thinks she can normally tell if she smells, she can't get to the part he's smelling, you know?...Jeff wants to know if she wants him to fan it?...Jordan laughs...Jeff says why doesn't she stick her fingers in there, rub it and smell it...Jordan cracks up, even Russell can be heard giggling...

Jeff says Jordan is going to have to go wash...Jordan says it's not really the best smell...Jeff says it's not bad but he doesn't know if he'd eat that fruit :)...Jeff says he's just playing with her...Jeff doesn't care if she smells, it's only Jeff (so that explains why she was always worried about smelling, asking him to smell her LOL)...Jordan reaches back with her hand, they hold hands...Jeff asks if it's the finger she put in her armpit? for her to lick it...Jordan says ewww...

Jordan asks if they provide them with deodorant?...Jeff says they do...Jordan says she's running out of Dove...Jeff says they give that Tom's bullshit...Jordan says she has to keep switching because the Secret makes her wet, the Dove works half the time, Mitchum doesn't work, she went to the doctor and got a prescription and that worked...Jeff says "prescription deodorant? whoa! for what?"...

Jordan says if she gets nervous, flustered or stressed out she sweats...Jordan asks if Jeff hasn't heard of anyone having that?...Jeff says he hasn't...Jordan says she got a physical and mentioned she sweats a lot lately, the doctor told her to try it and tell them what she thinks, omg you don't sweat at all, you don't smell, you barely have to wear any...Jeff wonders if that's good for you?...Jordan doesn't have any more...Jeff could see if you have a certain occasion where you don't want to sweat...Jordan has tried different ones and they don't work, she switches back and forth, sometimes she wonders if she should wear men's deodorant like Jeff wears women's...feeds cut out for a few minutes...

They return with all three laughing about fungus feet LOL...Jeff says something about 6 toes...Jordan says she has to poot and starts laughing...Jeff says to blow it under the cover...Jordan farts loudly...Jeff says "whoa! holy f**k" and Russell cracks up and says "Jordan"...she does it again loudly ...Russell keeps laughing while Jeff says "Jesus Jordan! f**k!"...Jeff sits up and says "Jordan's a scumbag"

Jordan is cracking up!! Jordan says it was Jeff that pooted...Jeff says she's a liar...Jordan says it was her the first time, then it was Jeff the second time...Jeff says they're re*****d, not literally but...Jordan says she's going to have to dip in the shower tomorrow...Russell says how about tonight?...Jordan doesn't feel like it tonight...Jeff says she has to clean her drawers...

Russell says the guys in the audio room must be wondering what they're doing...Jeff says Jordan always rips them...Jordan says it's ok though, it's just them, she thinks it's funny when people fart...Russell does too, he always laughs...Jeff says it's a good bit...Jordan says the day Russell walked out of the DR and he farted...Jeff says it was the worse one...Jordan says omg, it followed him, it was stuck to his butt, when he walked by she got a whiff and she eww'ed...Jeff says it smelled so bad he was pissed at it, he was mad, it was punching him in the face...Jordan says it was a fart just like her brother's, they're awful...Jeff says he doesn't think he has that much gas but those pills he took gave him gas...Jordan says slop makes you poop...Russell says the pills make you fart...Jordan asks why he takes them?...Jeff says for the vitamins, he stopped but started today again because he wants all his vitamins...

(Feeds go off them for about 30 mins in the 2am hour but return to them playing games to pass the time...word association mostly then a number guessing game. Jeff leaves after the 3am hour with a kiss)

BB Space theme & fav holidays


The feeds return with Jeff and Jordan talking about having a space themed room...Jeff saying he'd like the room to have planet and stars...Jordan says that would be cool...Jordan says that last year the room they're in was the hippie room...Jeff doesn't remember...Jeff says that BB should have a space theme...Jordan thinks that would be cool...Jeff says the challenges would be all space themed (Hmm I wonder if Jeff saying this put an idea in TPTB heads?...ironically Jeff sealed his fate in the game by losing in a space themed POV comp 😢)..Jordan says the beds could be all like that, one could be a rocket ship, a star, a world (lol)...Jeff wants the rocket ship...Jeff wants the star one...Jeff says that would be awesome...

Jordan talks a little about something her and a friend did when they were younger, they threw gasoline on some firecrackers and lit the whole thing ablaze...Jeff wonders if they went shooting off in all directions?...Jordan says they didn't, she then starts saying that one year on the 4th of July, her dad was drunk but the feeds go to fish & come back with Jeff saying "sounds like fun"...Jordan says that she wishes they were still members there but they had to quit because they couldn't afford it since her dad refused to pay after the divorce...FISH...they return with Jordan saying she spent 4th of July in the BB house, can he believe it?...Jeff says she'll remember it, he says he's had good 4th of July's too...

Jordan says she loves it, it's her favorite, that and Christmas, she gets so excited...Jeff agrees saying he gets into it...Jordan says "like a kid?"...Jeff says he likes Halloween too, he always has good Halloweens, really fun, really good, it's just fun and goofy...Jordan says she never has fun on Halloween, nobody does anything, she did when she was younger, not anymore...Jeff says that a lot of people don't, he dresses up, he gets a couple people who do and they have fun with it...Jordan asks if he gives out candy?...Jeff says no, he goes out...Jordan laughs...Jeff says he dresses up like a scarecrow for when the kids come out, like he's some statue LOL

Jordan continues laughing...Jeff says he said that because someone did that to him when he was a kid and he was like "dude! I thought you were stuffed", the guy just sat out there all day...Jeff says "like I said, it's just fun when you get older"...Jordan says yeah...

Jordan changes the subject talking about the three towels hanging on the wall, they remind her of the 3 evil spirits in the movie Ghost...Jeff pops his head up to look and says "you should take...Oooh"...Jordan cracks up at Jeff getting momentarily scared by the towels :)...Jeff laughs about Braden ripping off the towels near him...FISH...brief convo about being poor/homeless, a homeless guy was killed by someone pouring gasoline on him and catching him on fire 😨 ...FISH…

JeJo late night talk - Beaches/Travel & Drugs/Johnny Depp


Feeds return with JeJo talking about beaches in LA...Jeff says "in Venice"...Jordan asks where it's at, is it far?...Jeff says "from Santa Monica? no, not too far"...Jordan asks if Jeff knew where he was at?...Jeff says yeah...Jordan asks if Jeff called friends to come meet him?...Jeff says no, he wanted to so bad...Jordan asks why couldn't he?...Jeff says he was with "these people" (talking about finals/casting for the show)...Jordan says why couldn't he have just met up with them?...Jeff says he thought about it but didn't do it...Jordan says they separated...Jeff says them too but he didn't want to get in trouble...FISH...

They return with Jordan describing her experience with finals/casting...she says she was across the street from the beach but she didn't think she had enough time to go to it, she went shopping and got lost, she backtracked on the street and then couldn't figure out the street she was on so she just stopped to take a break (and watched the beach from afar)...

Jeff says he went swimming at the beach, got some fruit...Jordan says she didn't even bring a bathing suit...they cuddle...Jeff says he went and got some margaritas...Jordan says "really?"...Jeff says he had sushi by himself like a loser...Jordan says she ate at Yankees, a sports bar, it was big, she ate a burger and fries, it was good...Jeff says he ate a bowl of fruit, then sushi, then 2 margaritas on the beach...

Jordan asks how many different beaches there are here?...Jeff says a lot, the whole coast is beach...Jordan says she knows but there's Santa Monica, Venice...Jeff says the big ones? Malibu, Zuma...Jordan asks where that is?...Jeff says past Santa Monica...Jordan asks if any of the water is clear?...Jeff says no because they're on the Pacific, the wind comes from the west to the east so all the debris comes in, on the Gulf/Florida side it's nicer...Jordan asks if where Casey lives it's clear?...Jeff says yes because you're in the Gulf...Jordan says Casey lives near there and says he never goes...

Jeff says Jordan is thinking about white sand, the Caribbean, it's not that clear, it's pretty clear like Miami...Jordan says her family went to the Bahamas...Jeff says that water is awesome, like Mexico...Jordan says it's like pool water...Jeff says the inside of the gulf near Mexico is clear water...

Jordan says she'd be scared to go to other places now, wouldn't he?...Jeff says where?...Jordan says be scared to travel to other places...Jeff says no, why?...Jordan says she would be afraid of kidnapping, you have to be careful in Mexico...

Jeff says there was a drug war but if you stay in your resort you're fine...Jordan asks if a lot of drugs are smuggled in Mexico...Jeff says yeah through Mexico into the US...Jordan asks why?...Jeff says it's their income, a lot comes through there because they have the land to do it and they're not governed like the US...Jordan asks if it's legal to smoke pot there?...Jeff says no...Jordan asks what's the most popular drug there, coke?...Jeff doesn't know exactly, he knows a lot come from Colombia...FISH...

When they return Jordan is talking about watching Blow on a couple of different channels at home, she got so excited...Jeff says that's one of his top 5 favorite movies...Jordan says it's because of Johnny Depp, he's so awesome...Jeff says he's his favorite actor...Jordan says he's awesome...Jeff says "aww, that's awesome you like that"...Jeff says "I think Johnny Depp's the best actor"...Jordan says he's different, he's so hot, does Jeff remember a movie called Crybaby?...Jeff doesn't...Jordan says he was so young, so hot, she liked him in Pirates of the Caribbean, how he says Jack Sparrow...

Jeff asks if she ever saw What's Eating Gilbert Grape?...Jordan says "yessss"...Jordan says "say where's Arnie!"...they laugh...Jordan says remember that?...Jeff says yeah...Jeff says it had Leonardo DiCaprio, he loves him too...Jordan repeats the line...Jeff asks why she keeps saying "say where's Arnie"...Jordan says isn't that what it is?"...Jeff says it's "where's Arnie"...Jordan disagrees, she's almost positive he says that...Jeff says oh maybe, as soon as they get on the same page on that feeds go to fish...

JeJo late night talk - poop stories...again


Feeds return to JeJo talking about farting (AGAIN! 😵‍💫 LOL)...Jordan says the one she did was a hot one, normally the hot ones smell...they laugh...Jeff says "oh, that's fu**ing gross"...Jordan says "you know what I had the other day?"...Jeff must be like "oh here we go" he says "a hot fart?"...Jordan says a ghost poopy...Jeff says "it slid under there?"...Jordan said she went to wipe, she knew she pooped but where did it go? you're looking around and all you see the water in the toilet...Jeff says "ahhh, you're fu**ing..."

Jordan says she used to have a pen that every time you clicked it, it would have the different types of poops (of course she would! )...Jeff says she told him that a long time ago...Jordan says she would laugh every time she read it...Jeff says "you like poops huh?"...Jordan says when she poops, she feels better :)...Jeff says no, she likes to talk about them...Jordan says she likes hearing people's stories, she knows some people are weird about it but she's not, her grandpa has some good ones...

Jordan starts describing them...Jeff says "oh Jesus" ...the sloppy kind where you wipe and feel like it never ends, you're never going to get done...Jeff says "like you gotta take a shower?"...Jordan says you poop and it takes 15 wipes to get it off, you know?...Jeff knows LOL...Jordan says the worst is when you're out in public and you have the kind with the squirts and the farts, that's awful...they laugh...Jeff says you hope nobody is in the bathroom...Jordan says that you wait until they leave...Jeff says yeah, yeah, until the door closes and you fire it...

Jordan says her and her mom were in the mall one time, she had to go so bad, the kind where you have the cold chills...Jeff says "wow" ...Jordan told her mom she had to go so bad, find a bathroom, the bathroom was one stall, she made her mom go in with her just so they couldn't figure out which one did it, she was letting it go, right after they left 2 teenage girls were walking in and she heard one say "Golly!"...they laugh...Jordan says it stunk so bad, her mom says "Geez Jordan that smells"...

Jordan says one time she was in the mountains and had to go bad, what about when you're on a trip with your date's family?...Jeff says she told him that too...Jordan says she had to sneak and hide somewhere, she's pooped in the ocean before...Jeff says he heard that too...Jordan says well, has she told him everything?...Jeff says not everything, the poop ones, she really gets excited about and she tells him multiple times...Jordan wants Jeff to tell her about his poops...they laugh and Jeff says "you're fu**ed"...Jeff says he's going to take a dump in a box and send it to her for Christmas...Jordan says "light it on fire"...Jeff says what if he sent her that?...Jordan says if she could, if someone made her really mad, she would poop in their pillowcase...they go into detail about how the person would smell it, lay down in it, etc. 🤢

Feeds go off and return with Jordan rubbing Jeff's arm, she's asking if Jeff has ever done something like that? a Dutch oven?...Jeff says yeah...Jordan says or driving the car and locking the doors, so everyone is dying...Jeff says farts are funny, Jordan loves them though...Jordan says she just thinks it's funny but she doesn't like the smell...Jeff says your own farts don't bother her...Jordan says she does have some really smelly ones.

Jordan asks what else are they going to talk about?...Jeff says "whatever you want Jordan, if you scratch my arm you can talk about anything" :) ...Jeff asks about Jordan's brother? he sounds funny...Jordan says he is funny, he's kind of shy around people...FISH...

Jordan says she wishes he could be there right now so Jeff could listen to him, the stuff he says...Jordan talks about how they live in townhouses, they have a little concrete patio, they have two dinky chairs that came from her brother's work, lawn type chairs, a little dinky radio with a stand and a little dinky Weber grill, that's what they have.

Jordan cracked up because her mom and brother are out there drinking Coronas, her brother is smoking, they had just cooked hamburgers, Jordan says it looked so ghetto, she told them it was ghetto fabulous, someone stole their bigger grill...Jeff says no one touches this one?...Jordan says they can carry it inside, she says it was only out there for a couple of hours and was stolen…

Late night games - Nonna Silvia’s


The feeds return to JeJo with Jeff getting into bed, he snuggles into only returns to them a minute later...Jordan says "oh wait, I thought you said something is for grandma?"...Jeff says "nonna is grandma"...Jordan asks "that's the name of it?"...Jeff says "Nonna Silvia's" :) ...Jeff says he wanted her to say a woman's name and then he said it, she said (something else)...Jordan asks "where would I get Silvia's from?"...Jeff says "or just Silvia" he doesn't know, he was wondering if she would just guess it, he was being stupid...Jordan giggles and says "oh man"...

Late night games & laughs - Part 1


Jeff and Jordan continue the word association game...Jeff says if he said black what would she say?...Jordan says white...Jeff says alright now I'll try to think of something...Jordan says this will be fun...Jeff says he'll say the first word, she'll say the second...

Jeff says "brass"...Jordan says "knuckle"...Jeff says he was thinking "monkey"...they crack up laughing...Jeff says this is never going to work but he's going to keep trying 😄...they crack up some more...Jeff says this just popped in his head "iron"...he laughs saying he doesn't know how Jordan is going to get it...Jordan pauses and says "Ironman?"...Jeff says "skillet", it was just in his head, he was thinking of restaurants...Jordan says omg, that was too hard, something else...Jeff says "China"...Jordan says "town"...Jeff says "panda"...Jordan says "China Panda?"...Jeff says it's another restaurant...Jordan laughs...Jeff says he'll get one for her, he says "grass"...Jordan says "grass, gimme a hint"...Jeff says "jump" (the feeds switch to the BY but audio remains on JeJo)...they laugh...Jordan says "grass...", Jeff says omg...Jordan says "hopper!" and they both laugh, Jeff says "congratulations" :) and the audio cuts out…

Late night L&G - Part 2


Jeff and Jordan are playing a fill in the blanks game...Jeff says "don't eat (blank) snow"...Jordan says "dirty"...Jeff says it's yellow, she doesn't live by snow but in the wintertime it's a stupid joke they use, like for eg. if someone says aren't you going to leave a tip? and the person says I'll give you a tip "don't eat yellow snow" because a dog peed in there, it's a dumb joke...

Jeff says "I (blank) the sheriff"...Jordan says "I pissed off the sheriff?" LOL Jeff says "mmm, you ever listen to Bob Marley?"...Jordan says sometimes, yeah...Jeff asks if she's ever heard the song...Jordan sings "I shot the sheriff...but I did not __ the deputy"...feeds go off briefly...

Jordan says "Lilo"...Jeff says "Stitch"...Jordan says "butt"...Jeff says "crack"...Jordan says yes LOL

Jordan says "water"...Jeff says "fall"...she says yeah...Jeff says "yeah? that was a good one"...they continue...

Jor - shark, Jeff - tail, Jor - attack

Jor - light, Jeff - switch, Jor - bulb

Jor - race, Jeff - car

Jor - run, Jeff - fast, Jor - jump

Jor - living, Jeff - large, Jordan - room

Jor - dining, Jeff - room...they laugh...

Jeff bends his legs and crosses them...Jordan reaches for and rubs Jeff's foot with hers...

Jor - pool, Jeff - table

Jeff - good, Jor - bad, Jeff - night

Jordan says oh...Jeff says he's kidding, he rolls over and cuddles Jordan...Jordan tells Jeff not to smell her armpit, shesmells...he keeps snuggled into her...Jordan says it's opposites now...

Jor - good, Jeff - bad...Jordan & Jeff have a little miscommunication over the like/dislike combination, they laugh...Jeff omg's ...

Jor - jump, Jeff - sit?, Jordan was thinking duck...they giggle again...they go through up, down, left, right, black, white, high, low...

Jeff - Johnny, Jor - Depp, Jeff was thinking Carson

Jor - Johnny, Jeff - pneumonic....Jordan asks "who's that?", she was thinking Johnny Walker

They do actors...

Jordan's turn...Orlando Bloom, Cindy Crawford, Charlie Sheen, Denise Richards, Marilyn Monroe...

Jordan says "Bon"...Jeff says "James?"...Jordan says "Jovi" LOL more giggles then Bret Michaels, Tom Cruise, Kate Winslet/Hudson, Julia Roberts, Oprah Winfrey, Ellen Degeneres (Jordan loves her), Sean Penn, Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie, Billy Bob Thornton, Britney Spears, Nick Carter/Lachey, Leonardo DiCaprio, Robert Redford/DeNiro...

Jeff's turn...Marlon Wayans/Brando, Bill Cosby (Jeff's older than her), Bob Saget, Peter Pan/Brady...they giggle.

They now try and guess what number btw 1 & 100 they're thinking of (in 5 or less tries)...they start playing but not before bantering a little about telepathy, picking numbers and Jeff's weird relaying of number method LOL

They play for awhile and are terrible at the game :) but have fun with it...

They start getting sleepy...Jeff rubs Jordan's head and they get one last number/guess in...this reminds Jeff of the time he was in the hotel (sequester), he swears to God he's not joking, he was doing a million things with the cards, you know how they do the dumbest shit in there? well he said he was going to find the 10 of hearts, he cut the deck in half and kept saying the card wasn't in that half, kept halving the deck until he was left with 8 cards, then 4 then 2, he thought he must have fu**ed up but the 10 was the last one left...Jordan says it's so cool...Jeff basically says you had to be there but he was so excited.

Jordan says she knew a really good magic trick but can't remember it, Jeff says he knew one too, he describes it and Jordan knows that one as well...they forgot it...Jordan snuggles into Jeff, she's sleepy...Jeff rubs her hair again and sighs saying that he has to go in the room...Jordan says ok, it's probably late...Jeff says it's 3:30...Jeff uncovers himself and says for Jordan to guess one last time...she does and then Jeff kisses/nuzzles Jordan's neck, says goodnight...Jordan says it was great fun...Jeff leaves to go to his room...

Jordan’s my rock


Jeff & Kevin are out in the BY, Kevin asks Jeff if he is on good terms with Michele? Jeff shrugs then asks him about him & Lydia...Kevin isn't so sure and then jokingly asks him "how about you and Jordan?" lol

Jeff responds "Jordan's my rock" 🥰

Jordan hugs Jeff


Jeff is at standing at the stove cooking (for Jordan, he's on slop) and Jordan comes up from behind and gives him a big hug :)

Quick annoyed by Russell chat in the BY


Jeff and Jordan are outside...Jeff is sitting on the mini fridge smoking, Jordan is sitting on the couches...Russell is in and out, he is drunk, being giggly and generally annoying, he says he is bored...Jordan says where is Casey when you need him?...Russell says his excitement is from drying his laundry, he goes inside...

Jordan who was clearly waiting for Russell to leave says "as I was saying..." and she goes on to say that Russell kept bugging her today about being quiet, he was being paranoid, he was making steaks and when she went into the SS room to nap (Jeff was already there napping), Russell pretended to be looking for something in his dresser, then 10, 15 minutes later did it again and then opened the door to the room, she didn't even look to see who it was, she knew it was him, she was pissed!

Jordan says Russell is just trying to catch people to see if they're scheming, it irritates her so bad...Jeff says "me too" and says that when he went into the SS room he wanted to be left alone to take a nap and Russell opened the door 5 times and he thought "dude, wtf?", he says he almost went outside to sleep on the hammock, he had just been outside and everyone was there (that's why he went in the SS room)...

Jeff says he knows what Jordan means though, he says he can't wait and Jordan better tell him right when it happens, but he swears that if he goes up against Russell, Russell is going to try to get Jordan's vote (AS IF! lol)

Jordan says "what?"...Jeff says "if me and him go up together"...Jordan says "you think so?"...Jeff says "yeah"...Jordan says "I don't believe it that you're going up"...

Jeff says "I don't believe it either but we'll see...who else is it going to be?"...Jordan says "me"...Jeff says "no, I'll go up before you do"...Jordan says "I'll go up against him, I don't care"...Russell comes back out giggling and eating cookie dough, he offers some to Jordan, she doesn't want it...he insists...she says no...Russell says they suck...Jeff says Jordan is disclipined...Russell sits down to eat his cookie dough...

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