The Original JeJo Fansite.

Sadly after 14 years we had to bid adieu to our beloved Original JeJo Fansite. The site was home to an ever growing devoted fan base of two wonderful people who met and fell in love on a reality show.
The fans on that site spent years sharing tributes, photos, videos and countless discussions in celebration on this adorable couple. It was our love letter to JeJo.
The Fansite hosted chats with Jeff and Jordan, sponsored Meet and Greets and even sent Jordan to Italy to visit Jeff during his time on Around The World For Free.
Many comments and loving sentiments were shared on that site but ultimately the most amazing result to come from the original JeJo Fansite was the community that grew into a family. Friendships were formed and continue
a decade and a half later.
The Fansite meant a lot to everyone involved and while this new site isn't the same, hopefully the family we established can come back together to enjoy a new and improved (and hopefully more stable lol) website with
our new web host.
This page will be it's own tribute to "what once was" as the rest of this site will look towards the future and to the wonderful road ahead for our favorite couple Jeff Schroeder and Jordan Lloyd Schroeder (Aka JeJo).
The JeJo Feed Calendar
Guestbook from Original JeJofansite.com